Tasty GM crops, or insecticides... you decide

I forgot to mention that their master'debating 'skills' (barely) swayed 1 out of 6 RIU voters into choosing 'deliverance' :lol:

View Poll Results: Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

Voters281. You may not vote on this poll

  • yes

    41 14.59%
  • no

    219 77.94%
  • undecided

    16 5.69%
  • what is GE cannabis?

    5 1.78%
You got your gay, organic ass handed to you there.

You quoted newspapers and websites, we quoted peer reviewed scientific papers.

So suck it, lady-pants.
I encourage everyone to seek out your local farmers market, and buy local. You will find most of your local farmers grow out outstanding products. Many organic. You'll be helping your local economy & sending a message to BIG FARMING about what you desire. Vote with your wallet.....check craigslist for local meats & dairy products......spend your money with the little guy.......
I encourage everyone to seek out your local farmers market, and buy local. You will find most of your local farmers grow out outstanding products. Many organic. You'll be helping your local economy & sending a message to BIG FARMING about what you desire. Vote with your wallet.....check craigslist for local meats & dairy products......spend your money with the little guy.......
Totally agree, local "old fashioned" grown stuff is better.

Organic is a buzzword, it really means nothing.

But banning GM foods is still wrong.

Labelling is something I'd put forward too, so people have a choice.
Totally agree, local "old fashioned" grown stuff is better.

Organic is a buzzword, it really means nothing.

But banning GM foods is still wrong.

Labelling is something I'd put forward too, so people have a choice.
I ban GMO foods with my $$$. I refuse to purchase them....that's the best "ban" I know......
You got your gay, organic ass handed to you there.

You quoted newspapers and websites, we quoted peer reviewed scientific papers.

So suck it, lady-pants.

Frank if you only knew how I wish your wet dream was actually true...it would be a blessing for us all.
p.s. labeling etc will do little to stop the potentially devastating chain reaction from the genetic pollution.

Yes. Yes it was.

At least I admit when I get it wrong. You, not so much.

I have been 'wrong' a'plenty in life...I like when it happens because its always a chance to learn...please do tell about what your referring to?
I should say though (as I have many times b4) if you are claiming 'I' am wrong because you read something in an article written by someone else that I merely posted, as I have made clear in the past I only post whats out there, I neither hold it up as truth or as untruth, its only there for folks to read/consider and investigate etc...
In this video they talk about Monsanto. Skip to 17 minutes.


That's what states are worried about, they're worried that Monsanto is going to sue them.
And a little state like Kinetikit, they have a good democratic process, they can give the people what they want, but they're not sure that they can
defend it in court, so they put all of these contingencies on it to protect them selves. It's our justice system I guess.

What a sad state of affairs, that a state cannot pass legislation that its constituents want because of fear of a law suit from this
giant corporation (Monsanto).
so you must like Obama now?......you've always liked Monsanto.....
Ahh, you've made the age old mistake of thinking GM=Monsanto.

I support the use of genetic engineering, especially the kind proven safe by peer reviewed journals.

Monsanto are just a company, I'm overwhelmed with apathy when I think of them.

The bill RETARDprotection posted in the other thread however effectively proposed banning ALL genetic engineering without distinction.

That is why I disagree with his retarded logic, also because he admitted he works in the organic industry, so he can't be objective and so just deserves to be called a retard/told to go die until be goes away.
I don't think we should ban GMO's.......All I ask for is labeling of GMO.....and Monsanto opposes it with a vengeance......
I don't think we should ban GMO's.......All I ask for is labeling of GMO.....and Monsanto opposes it with a vengeance......

For our planet, GMO needs banning. Wtf is labeling going to do? How's it fair to those who don't want GMO and their neighbor is growing that shit. How does he magically keep from accidentally pollinating with potentially dangerous GMO genetics my plants? So those who don't want any GMO must grow in a greenhouse? But those who don't care and want to poison us can grow huge amounts outdoors without a greenhouse? Unless you can guarantee my neighbor's violating mother nature won't fuck with my crop, I'm sorry, but the moment your actions destroy my property, you lose your rights.
For our planet, GMO needs banning. Wtf is labeling going to do? How's it fair to those who don't want GMO and their neighbor is growing that shit. How does he magically keep from accidentally pollinating with potentially dangerous GMO genetics my plants? So those who don't want any GMO must grow in a greenhouse? But those who don't care and want to poison us can grow huge amounts outdoors without a greenhouse? Unless you can guarantee my neighbor's violating mother nature won't fuck with my crop, I'm sorry, but the moment your actions destroy my property, you lose your rights.

1)A business that is implied to be harmful will lose business; even if it's wrong. Just as surely as every denial is a confirmation for conspiracy theories.

2) You're abusing "potential" for effect. The Sun could potentially destroy earth: it has yet to happen.

3)"Mother Nature" has killed more people than the Holocaust, Stalin, Kony, Catholicism, and every other crazy person/group combined; so let's not imply that nature has our best intererests in mind. Or we could pretend like Katrina; the tsunami in Haiti; every earthquake; and the fact that a vast majority of the world is deadly to us isn't true. Nature isn't your friend. It's not inherently averse, but it doesn't give a shit. How many elements on the peridic table are poisonus?

You need some facts to back your argument.
For our planet, GMO needs banning. Wtf is labeling going to do? How's it fair to those who don't want GMO and their neighbor is growing that shit. How does he magically keep from accidentally pollinating with potentially dangerous GMO genetics my plants? So those who don't want any GMO must grow in a greenhouse? But those who don't care and want to poison us can grow huge amounts outdoors without a greenhouse? Unless you can guarantee my neighbor's violating mother nature won't fuck with my crop, I'm sorry, but the moment your actions destroy my property, you lose your rights.
Actually, your plants would only be "damaged" if you planned to retain seed for the following year.

Cross breeding only makes changes to the next generation, how do you need this explained to you, arnt you a grower?
when Monsanto doesn't even want you to know there's GMO in your food, I see a problem........

Or maybe it's because people are prone to panic over unsubstabtiated claims? Even if something is false; it still hurts the bottom line; otherwise every honest person would not have to fret about lies told about them. I don't see why avoiding segregation based on genetic modification is a plot in itself; perhaps if you could validate this a bit more? There seem to be legetimate business reasons.