Tasty GM crops, or insecticides... you decide

Eugenics. Bill Gates firmly believes in it.

Eugenics: It is a social philosophy advocating the improvement of human hereditary traits through the promotion of higher reproduction of more desired people and traits, and reduced reproduction of less desired people and traits.


Is it a coincidence that gm soy plants are sterilizing mice in lab studies? My guess is no.

Bill Gates once said at the TED conference how vaccines will reduce the world population in poor nations, sound's rather Nazi like to me. But, hey, I'm sure he has his reasons. Also, who gives a fuck as long as it isn't a Jew.

Cigarette companies never plotted to kill their customers. I assure you they dislike the fact that sickness and death are unavoidable consequences of long term use of their products.
Because that's their long term goal. Have your customers kill themselves on your product. Why does Bill Gates own a doomsday seed bank just filled with only heirloom seeds, and no GMO seeds. If those GMO are so great and saving the world, why doesn't he save the perfect GMO seeds in case of a doomsday event? Possibly the GMO are the doomsday event?

You think a corporation's goal is anything but profit? Monsanto wants to sell as much food to as many people as possible.
Cigarette companies never plotted to kill their customers. I assure you they dislike the fact that sickness and death are unavoidable consequences of long term use of their products.

so cigarette companies worked to bury the effects of smoking while innovating new ways to get kids hooked but that is not a roundabout way of killing someone?

i know profit is first and everything else comes after, but there's not much else to say when they actively work to get people hooked on an addictive and deadly product.
You think a corporation's goal is anything but profit? Monsanto wants to sell as much food to as many people as possible.

Money gets you power. What's the good of a owning a bunch of green backs if you can't do something with them. Profit is just a pesky necessity to reach their real goal. Who do you think sets political policy, the people?
so cigarette companies worked to bury the effects of smoking while innovating new ways to get kids hooked but that is not a roundabout way of killing someone?

i know profit is first and everything else comes after, but there's not much else to say when they actively work to get people hooked on an addictive and deadly product.

That's not plotting to kill them. The sickness and death is the unavoidable result of the product; cigarettes companies cannot make "safe" cigarettes. There's no such thing--they sell sickness and death by necessity.
Money gets you power. What's the good of a owning a bunch of green backs if you can't do something with them. Profit is just a pesky necessity to reach their real goal. Who do you think sets political policy, the people?

Money gets you power and power allows you to make more money. Why do you think political policy is manipulated? To make more money.
That's not plotting to kill them. The sickness and death is the unavoidable result of the product; cigarettes companies cannot make "safe" cigarettes. There's no such thing--they sell sickness and death by necessity.

it's a thin distinction between "plotting to kill them" and "plotting something which will end up in their eventual deaths", or however you want to phrase the latter part.

the fact is, until you start calling me thundercunt, you are going to be much too civil for me to debate too much with. i mean that in a good way.

If they don't see the holes then that means they're plain BLIND.

Eugenics. Bill Gates firmly believes in it.

Eugenics: It is a social philosophy advocating the improvement of human hereditary traits through the promotion of higher reproduction of more desired people and traits, and reduced reproduction of less desired people and traits.


Is it a coincidence that gm soy plants are sterilizing hamsters in lab studies? My guess is no.


The reason that is a fucked up idea, is the fact that any person can change in a moments notice. If they are the fattest person on earth, they could lose all of their weight and integrate back into society (literally) and that's it.
People can change. But the idea that more attractive people should only have sex is crazy. I mean, It would be ok for me, but I think that 50% of RIU users wouldn't be alive if that nazi shit was enforced.

it's a thin distinction between "plotting to kill them" and "plotting something which will end up in their eventual deaths", or however you want to phrase the latter part.

the fact is, until you start calling me thundercunt, you are going to be much too civil for me to debate too much with. i mean that in a good way.

Listen to me my BRAINWASHED AMERICAN Friend. You could easily grow the tobacco organically, then harvest it and use hemp paper (the best kind) without bleaching it to produce cigarettes. They would probably be the healthiest because there would be no additives, and the paper made from hemp would probably be ok as well.

Actually fuck that shit, may as well just produce blunts, if you're gonna use hemp paper, right?
Eugenics. Bill Gates firmly believes in it.

Eugenics: It is a social philosophy advocating the improvement of human hereditary traits through the promotion of higher reproduction of more desired people and traits, and reduced reproduction of less desired people and traits.


Is it a coincidence that gm soy plants are sterilizing hamsters in lab studies? My guess is no.


If you're not aware that's what Hitler believed in, and is one of the reasons he started to annihilate the jewish population. I'm sure Bill Gates has alot better things in mind though, right?
Amber, corn causes me extreme cramps. It never did that to me 30 years ago. GM feed has killed lots of livestock. The good out weighs any long term damage it can cause. We have no idea how really safe GM is. Those in power like Bill Gates are so scared, he built a seed bank fortress more heavily guarded than Fort Knox in the artic filled with as many heirlooms he could find. Just say no to GMO!

The bolded ... any corroboration? cn
it's a thin distinction between "plotting to kill them" and "plotting something which will end up in their eventual deaths", or however you want to phrase the latter part.

the fact is, until you start calling me thundercunt, you are going to be much too civil for me to debate too much with. i mean that in a good way.

A dissenting opinion: the distinction isn't thin. it's all in the bailiwick of the actuaries. consider the Ford Motor Co. who determined that the estimated cost of defending the increment in wrongful-death (and injury) lawsuits was going to be less than retooling for a more expensive but known to be much safer fuel tank in the Pinto.
If the tobacco cos can get a long enough run out of a customer before the stats say he/she should stop being able to buy the product (ribbit) ... it could be considered the way to make more money. So the intent isn't outright murder, but a long-enough customer lifetime to skim a nice fat take, a calculation made by most other purveyors of dangerous substances. Fwiw. cn
it's a thin distinction between "plotting to kill them" and "plotting something which will end up in their eventual deaths", or however you want to phrase the latter part.

the fact is, until you start calling me thundercunt, you are going to be much too civil for me to debate too much with. i mean that in a good way.

A tobacco company's business plan is not to kill the customers, only to get them addicted to an unnecessary product that produces stable profits. They don't want the customers to die; indeed, they know that more than half of the customers won't die of smoking-related illness anyway, and the ones that do will live 20-50+ years after they started smoking.

The people in this thread are literally telling us that Monsanto is attempting to engineer the slaughter of people through GM crops. According to their batshit crazy theories, the business plan is literally to kill the customers.

What's the difference between cigarettes and food? Cigarettes inevitably lead to sickness and death and there's no way around it--the tobacco companies need to draw in new customers to keep the money coming. Food is something people need every single day over the entire course of their lifetimes--you don't need much marketing to sell bread to hungry people. A larger population isn't good for cigarette sales if no one is smoking; on the other hand, a large and expanding population is critical to Monsanto's future profits.
Lots of losers on riu trying to miss guide the stoners or noobs. Even if GMO or Monsanto seeds don't cause cancer. They are still evil considering they are developing terminator seeds. That alone makes them the enemy to farmers and citizens alike.

See it is a religion. Demons are Evil. People do evil deeds. Companies are not evil except in the religion of hippies.
Hippies reject religion and then just embraced another.

There are no terminator seeds. You are gullible is what. For the love of Ganja, man. WAKE UP!

Don't be a loser.

Damn~! We debunked this months ago. Fouled study on dry food irritation. Gullible.

Pigs fed a combination of genetically modified soy and corn suffer more frequent severe stomach inflammation and enlargement of the uterus than those who eat a non-GM diet, according to a new peer-reviewed long-term feeding study published Tuesday in the Organic Systems Journal.

We picked that bones of that study. Totally bs.

There is no science and you feel for the fools.
And you didn't read the study. You took their word and now you know they lied.

In the study, no animal died. You can't show a study like that.

This is just hippy bullshit. The hippies that started out so honest are now hiding behind that and lying.

You didn't read the study did you?

Here are the results:
There were no statistically significant differences in food intake, feed conversion ratios, number or nature of illnesses, number or nature of veterinary interventions, veterinary costs or mortality between the non-GM-fed and GM-fed groups of pigs. Mortalities were 13% and 14% for the non-GM-fed and GM-fed groups respectively, which are within expected rates for US commercial piggeries. All dead pigs were autopsied by blinded veterinarians and deaths were assessed as due to usual commercial piggery-related matters and not to their diets. There was also no difference in body weights between the two dietary groups, initially, during, or at the end of the experiment. Initial weights in kg were : non-GM-fed group: 6.71 + 1.05 (mean + standard deviation); GM-fed group: 6.87 + 0.97. Final weights were: non-GM-fed group: 100.42 + 22.84; GM-fed group: 101.75 + 21.92.
The main reason I pay extra for organic foods, isn't because I think organic is healthier, it's because organic=no GMO, which means no Monsanto......BUY ORGANIC!!!!!
I don't know how many of you grow 1200 acres of Corn, but round here we use Monsanto corn AND use pesticides AND chemical Fertilizers. Good thing none of you eat it.
just think about the bees they are dropping from the skys in the hundreds of thousands, if something doesn't change we are going to be fucked in the long run!