Many of those folks^ were admittedly very misguided but that is the nature of the American public. You should look for the same type of thing about Bush protesters (not that I'm for Bush, he's still ahead of Obama in ruining the Country points) I'm sure they were just as wrong, also the hippies that spit on Vietnam vets were extremely misguided, so in every faction of protest there are those that don't educate themselves, they simply jump on the band wagon and begin spewing out things they hear[/QUOTE
Ok. Check this out. I am a tea party supporter. Haven't joined the party and don't know how. All I know is that the tea party activists that I know want the following.....
Smaller government....they don't need to be in control ofcar Government in control of everything makes it socialism. And plus, each program costs more money than what it is worth.
They want lower taxes. All we are doing is paying the federal reserve interest when we pay taxes. When the government needs money, they go to the federal reserve. The fed then prints however much money is needed. They loan it to the government with interest. We pay off that debt as the american people.
Most tea party members want more transparent government. They are a gov for the people. Not above the people. Take the health care bill. Congress and the gov is exempt from the healthcare we have to get. They don't even get taxed....WTF??? I guess that is because it is so good for us. Health insurance companies wrote the damn thing. That is why their stock went up. Don't mean to pick on u..just got tired of reading bad shit about something I believe in. Very misinformed. I support cannibis cultivation and believe it to be a personal right. It is all only makes sense. It also can enlighten you to how things really are in the sorts of good things. I don't partake in any of these activities because I am on probation and have a government thumb up my a**. But god willing it wont be forever. I will fight for your right to grow weed...smoke it...or whatever you want with it. You should not be suppressed. I think this is what a true patriot is about....