Tea Party People and weed

Cracker puts up data and responds to "emotional" responses without data to back it up.

I do find that insulting.... what passes for economic knowledge by some is laughable and annoying at the same time.

I always smile as I post though...you just can't see it.

Stay off the political threads if you can't carry the water.
All Cracker does is put down others on here that dont agree with him and when others respond in jest you come running to his rescue. Why do you feel the continued need to mother him?
Because I am his mother.:lol: Does Cracker make some people look dumb? I think some people on here do a fine job of that all by themselves. I don't think I've ever seen CJ call anybody any names either. If he did I'd call him on it. I don't care for name calling and it is against forum rules! You can check some of my posts. Whenever I see someone get bent out of shape and start name calling I speak up. If he'd called you those names and I saw it I would've spoke up just the same. :joint:
Let's suppose you are not some idiot who talks of himself as all knowing when getting owned on these forums more than anyone else....wait, that's not the case.

I will cite examples if you want me to, as the burden of proof would be on me for making such a claim. You, however, seem to think burden of proof works the opposite way.

You are such a pussy ass chickenshit that you refuse to back up your own claims with citations.

Fuck you. Show me the polls already. Stop being an E-thug dick, and support your own statements, fuckface

All Cracker does is put down others on here that dont agree with him and when others respond in jest you come running to his rescue. Why do you feel the continued need to mother him?
You think the names CJ was called is "responding in jest"? Somebody needs to take off the blinders. That is a personal attack plain and simple.:peace:
Try and find ANY of my posts anywhere near that garbage. Baja continues to think he has something to offer in the political threads.... wrong ... again. kind of why baja is so bitter. But he/she needs to look inward...not outward...the problem is self inflicted.
CJ, always being psychoanalytical. Having the ability to use psychoanalysis over the internet is indeed a rare skill. Maybe you should open a healing business, Hey, make it cheap enough and I'd sign up for a couple a sessions, never know what one nut could learn from another, maybe you could turn me into a teabagger, LOL, maybe not.
I'm simply very observant. I actually read the posts I respond to.... poor Baja is one frustrated person. It shows up VERY CLEARLY.

Only Baja can fix baja... no one else.
Many of those folks^ were admittedly very misguided but that is the nature of the American public. You should look for the same type of thing about Bush protesters (not that I'm for Bush, he's still ahead of Obama in ruining the Country points) I'm sure they were just as wrong, also the hippies that spit on Vietnam vets were extremely misguided, so in every faction of protest there are those that don't educate themselves, they simply jump on the band wagon and begin spewing out things they hear[/QUOTE

Ok. Check this out. I am a tea party supporter. Haven't joined the party and don't know how. All I know is that the tea party activists that I know want the following.....
Smaller government....they don't need to be in control ofcar companies...retirement....healthcare. Government in control of everything makes it socialism. And plus, each program costs more money than what it is worth.
They want lower taxes. All we are doing is paying the federal reserve interest when we pay taxes. When the government needs money, they go to the federal reserve. The fed then prints however much money is needed. They loan it to the government with interest. We pay off that debt as the american people.
Most tea party members want more transparent government. They are a gov for the people. Not above the people. Take the health care bill. Congress and the gov is exempt from the healthcare we have to get. They don't even get taxed....WTF??? I guess that is because it is so good for us. Health insurance companies wrote the damn thing. That is why their stock went up. Don't mean to pick on u..just got tired of reading bad shit about something I believe in. Very misinformed. I support cannibis cultivation and believe it to be a personal right. It is all natural...it only makes sense. It also can enlighten you to how things really are in the world...gov....spirituality..all sorts of good things. I don't partake in any of these activities because I am on probation and have a government thumb up my a**. But god willing it wont be forever. I will fight for your right to grow weed...smoke it...or whatever you want with it. You should not be suppressed. I think this is what a true patriot is about....
Insane.... according to the left... you are an enemy of the state.

let me congratulate you. the enemies are in the correct corner this time.

They want you to avert your eyes from the real agenda of destroying the rest of the country and sealing all of YOUR economic fates.

Next comes Cap & tax.... taxing YOU that is (the corps will get exemptions). Then comes Immigration reform. That's always the SMARTEST thing to do once you become an entitlement nation.... Open up the borders and BUST the system further.

But THAT'S THE PLAN!!! To bust the country out.....

Meanwhile ... Iran is nuclear.
Many of those folks^ were admittedly very misguided but that is the nature of the American public. You should look for the same type of thing about Bush protesters (not that I'm for Bush, he's still ahead of Obama in ruining the Country points) I'm sure they were just as wrong, also the hippies that spit on Vietnam vets were extremely misguided, so in every faction of protest there are those that don't educate themselves, they simply jump on the band wagon and begin spewing out things they hear[/QUOTE

Ok. Check this out. I am a tea party supporter. Haven't joined the party and don't know how. All I know is that the tea party activists that I know want the following.....
Smaller government....they don't need to be in control ofcar companies...retirement....healthcare. Government in control of everything makes it socialism. And plus, each program costs more money than what it is worth.
They want lower taxes. All we are doing is paying the federal reserve interest when we pay taxes. When the government needs money, they go to the federal reserve. The fed then prints however much money is needed. They loan it to the government with interest. We pay off that debt as the american people.
Most tea party members want more transparent government. They are a gov for the people. Not above the people. Take the health care bill. Congress and the gov is exempt from the healthcare we have to get. They don't even get taxed....WTF??? I guess that is because it is so good for us. Health insurance companies wrote the damn thing. That is why their stock went up. Don't mean to pick on u..just got tired of reading bad shit about something I believe in. Very misinformed. I support cannibis cultivation and believe it to be a personal right. It is all natural...it only makes sense. It also can enlighten you to how things really are in the world...gov....spirituality..all sorts of good things. I don't partake in any of these activities because I am on probation and have a government thumb up my a**. But god willing it wont be forever. I will fight for your right to grow weed...smoke it...or whatever you want with it. You should not be suppressed. I think this is what a true patriot is about....
First post and its in the political forum ???? Did you just change your name ??? why ???
Don't worry about it. He obviously didn't see that you've been a member since July '09 and just made your first post. Welcome to the lion's den. :fire:

Yeah...I have been interested in this hobby a long time...years now. Just celebrated 18 months sobriety without a drink. Life is getting good. I just am fearful of what is happening to our country. The gov is taking control over everything....the gov meaning federal government. They were never given the power or authority to do most of what they do. Ya see...people see tea party members a racist...conspiracy theorists....rednecks...9/11 truth members. But that is just because the media portrays them this way. And the population seems to buy into it hook line and sinker. The tea party is a movement to enlighten people with info of what our politicians are doing basically behind our backs. But people don't really want to see it. Won't even look at it in some instances. If people would at least look into what other laws were passed with this bill they would probably see some of the shady deals going on. And if you just believe in total control over the american people then you are probably benefiting from it somehow. I was born free and not into any debt. I agreed to nothing...nor signed anything saying I would pay any institution...ie the federal reserve...any amount of money at any time. And that is how I deserve to live. I think that is what the tea parties believe in...at least the ones I know. Any takers?
Easy to deny.... but you went straight into the politics when you joined.... so take ur pick.... troll or aliased.
Some people are just into politics. It's a sickness really.........:spew:

To me it's just more of a train wreck (not the strain). I just can't seem to look away. :shock: