Tea Party People and weed

I think most ppl who come to the forum completely fresh... go to the grow rooms FIRST.

I sure did..... politics comes later.... unless you don't smoke or grow.

London is an alias..... though I understand his reluctance to admit it.

DoobNva is still here.... as someone else.... JHR as well. They morph after they flame out....
Well I grew up democrat and am still technically a registered democrat, but I turned republican about a year ago when all this health care nonsense began. Im not a TEA party person although I do support their cause and (obviously) I wouldnt turn you in. I think I'm an exception though. Most TEA party people are pretty conservative, so I'm guessing they don't think too highly of marijuana and people who smoke it. The way things are going with govt. spending they are running out of stuff they can tax! If the country keeps electing these radical big government leftists I wouldn't be surprised in 10 years if pot wasnt made legal just so they can tax the hell out of it! Not trying to get too political here but these big government leftists like Obama need big taxes to support their big governments. You can only tax the people so much. That is what TEA party stands for (Taxed Enough Already). I just dont understand how these people in Washington think the way to get out of debt is to spend your way out of it.
I'll never be a republican.... but what is happening now is an abomination to the country and the Constitution.

I understand where the Tea Party ppl are coming from..... they see the financial collapse ahead. They are correct.

One week before those nitwit democrats sealed their own fate and ours Moody's came out and warned that the USA credit rating is in real danger. What does Congress do? They sign a bill into law which practically GUARANTEES our demise.

It is no longer IF our credit rating is shot to pieces... it is WHEN.

Canada is starting to look better and better every day. The funny bit about it is.... instead of when all the reprobates and hippies ran to canada in the 60's ... broke... this time, Canada is about to receive real PRODUCERS and ppl with GREAT ideas and FAT wallets.

Canada will take us in with open arms...and rightfully so. The wealthy Americans moving North will help propel Canada into a top tier position OVER the USA. In your lifetime you are going to see a complete role reversal between the two countries.

I can almost guarantee that. It's practically a done deal. je suis Canadian!! :lol:
Now here is where it sounds funny. I and many people do not want radical teabagger change! Society and governement, thou not perfect, have been operating pretty well, thank you.

Why change things in a radical way? Health refrom is nothing more than a long over due "tweak" in the way things are done.

Why in the fuck do we need or want to radically transform society ala teabag? I love my country just the way it is, thank you.

Bush's Iraq war was an illegitemate war. If our resource were allocated as they should have been, maybe that fucking asshole Bin Laden would be dead.

Our resources are more appropriately focused now.

With respect to Bolsheviks, commies or whoever; just keep your hands off my stack dickwads!

You are not very well informed as to the true state of affairs in this country.

First.. We are HEAVILY taxed, I don't know what you make a year, but I pay out $50K a year in income taxes alone, this does not take in to account property tax, sales tax and the increased cost of goods that I purchase due to corporate taxes that are passed on to the consumer. This high level of taxation equates to slavery.. I guarantee if I add it all up, I am paying over 50% of my income to the government. This is WRONG!!!

On top of that.. Even though the government takes so much of our income in taxes, they do not have a balanced budget. They continually spend in defecit and borrow money or print it to fill the gap. The problem with this is the borrowed money must be paid back with interest and the printed money dilutes the value of our money....

So you think things are alright the way they are? Keep your hands off of my stack? The government is robbing us blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't get caught up in Republicans vs Democrats, that's a distraction.. Both parties are guilty.


Wake the fvck up.
I think most ppl who come to the forum completely fresh... go to the grow rooms FIRST.

I sure did..... politics comes later.... unless you don't smoke or grow.

London is an alias..... though I understand his reluctance to admit it.

DoobNva is still here.... as someone else.... JHR as well. They morph after they flame out....
Just like the Cracker to make $hit up....Londonfog is the only name I use on RIU...Maybe you speaking of yourself...I did see you mention it before...
You are not very well informed as to the true state of affairs in this country.

First.. We are HEAVILY taxed, I don't know what you make a year, but I pay out $50K a year in income taxes alone, this does not take in to account property tax, sales tax and the increased cost of goods that I purchase due to corporate taxes that are passed on to the consumer. This high level of taxation equates to slavery.. I guarantee if I add it all up, I am paying over 50% of my income to the government. This is WRONG!!!

On top of that.. Even though the government takes so much of our income in taxes, they do not have a balanced budget. They continually spend in defecit and borrow money or print it to fill the gap. The problem with this is the borrowed money must be paid back with interest and the printed money dilutes the value of our money....

So you think things are alright the way they are? Keep your hands off of my stack? The government is robbing us blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't get caught up in Republicans vs Democrats, that's a distraction.. Both parties are guilty.


Wake the fvck up.

Right on!! Only thing I can say is that you better just keep prepared and take care of you and your loved ones. Later.
The only one you use AT A TIME.....

straight to the politics U went..... bam bam bam.
Sorry that so many people calling you out on your BS that you now are getting them confuse...I do realize that you are somewhat slow and stuck in what you believe ( not a good combination ). Londonfog is the only name that I use here...I still enjoy watching grows here, but I now only really comment in the political section. I do have another site in which I do participate more in the grow arena with comments. ( They do not have a political forum). Maybe if you stop acting like you know every damn thing people would not be so hard on you, but you are Cracker and we know Cracker thinks that the world is only for a Cracker.
Just you....and I'm used to it.... it's all you ever have.

I'm only affected by ppl that can actually post serious data.

Emotions are wonderful things.... but pol/eco takes data.

Data that is verifiable that is. Like a track record.

All of your eco issues have FAILING track records.

All of mine have been proven to be highly efficient and workable.

I'm quite comfortable with your BS remarks. Mostly air.
Just you....and I'm used to it.... it's all you ever have.

I'm only affected by ppl that can actually post serious data.

Emotions are wonderful things.... but pol/eco takes data.

Data that is verifiable that is. Like a track record.

All of your eco issues have FAILING track records.

All of mine have been proven to be highly efficient and workable.

I'm quite comfortable with your BS remarks. Mostly air.
You played your hand when you thought I used another name...Just lets me know how little the Cracker knows...but you keep your data...I will keep mine, so far mine has been working for me. I think you the one bitchn and cryin..oh yeah again how that "birther" thing working out for ya...Time for me to go post digging:bigjoint: