Ted cruz birthers

I dont think bengazi was inept. I think it was genius. they skated. Nobody cares about it. She indignantly berated congress for even asking about it and that was fine with americans. She isnt inept by any means. susan rice got a promotion. billary is running for pres and has 2 monies about her coming out.

That bengazi happened at all is also not ineptitude. Its corruption. They knew it wasnt safe. Especially since thats were they were using the CIA to extricate libyan missles. But they corruptly tried to keep away any talk of terror or bad tidings in barrys freedom town.
The law states this, “If only one parent was a US citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16." I do not know anything about his mother and her time in Canada but this is the same angle the birthers tried to use against the black guy. I guess it doesn't matter if you are a white redneck.
so basically anybody whos mother was under the age of 21 couldnt pass her citizenship down to her progeny unless she birthed it inside the dotted lines.
Not so much a change of mind. The two guys running were first timers(for US Senator). It was sucky 1 or sucky 2. They are both lawyers. His name was closer to the next button on the touch screen in the voting booth.
I dont think bengazi was inept. I think it was genius. they skated. Nobody cares about it. She indignantly berated congress for even asking about it and that was fine with americans. She isnt inept by any means. susan rice got a promotion. billary is running for pres and has 2 monies about her coming out.

That bengazi happened at all is also not ineptitude. Its corruption. They knew it wasnt safe. Especially since thats were they were using the CIA to extricate libyan missles. But they corruptly tried to keep away any talk of terror or bad tidings in barrys freedom town.

Don't forget it was the Republicans who voted to reduce the money for embassy security cuts when Clinton requested it. They are just as much to blame as anyone else. Republicans who voted for the cuts also claimed the security was the responsibility of DoD and not State Department.

The far right will always spin things to avoid responsibility. Like I said, mentally fucking ill.
so basically anybody whos mother was under the age of 21 couldnt pass her citizenship down to her progeny unless she birthed it inside the dotted lines.

The way the law reads, yes, You would be correct. They could also be born in protected territories such as Panama like John McCain. There are some shady areas in all law.
didnt some general or some muckity muck say the cuts had nothing to do with security or what happened that night?

The story is this. The republicans believe the Department of Defense protects the embassies and not the State Department....unless of course some people die and they can conveniently blame someone they have hated for decades and is arguably going to be the first female president of the US.
Don't forget it was the Republicans who voted to reduce the money for embassy security cuts when Clinton requested it. They are just as much to blame as anyone else. Republicans who voted for the cuts also claimed the security was the responsibility of DoD and not State Department. The far right will always spin things to avoid responsibility. Like I said, mentally fucking ill.
You're a liar or a victim of media disinformation. The security cuts weren't caused by funding cuts. Clinton never requested more security, she refused it when it was requested. She even instituted reductions to "normalize" operations.
The story is this. The republicans believe the Department of Defense protects the embassies and not the State Department....unless of course some people die and they can conveniently blame someone they have hated for decades and is arguably going to be the first female president of the US.
The Marines and the CIA protect the embassies, tho "officially" they are protected by local authorities. Yeah.
The Marines and the CIA protect the embassies, tho "officially" they are protected by local authorities. Yeah.

Marines are part of DoD and CIA report to the DNI. Neither of these are part of the State Department. Clinton asked on behalf of the State Department for an increase in security funding because the embassies are under State Department. She was ignored. Somehow, the religious right begin spinning that she was responsible for the deaths simply because she is the boss of the State Department. Even an idiot wouldn't believe their spin if they understood the first thing about structure and accountability. Instead, they see (D) and (R) and choose sides blindly. Republicans remind me of the coward down the street who would sucker punch you in the face and then run home and make faces at you through the window once he was safe.
Marines are part of DoD and CIA report to the DNI. Neither of these are part of the State Department. Clinton asked on behalf of the State Department for an increase in security funding because the embassies are under State Department. She was ignored. Somehow, the religious right begin spinning that she was responsible for the deaths simply because she is the boss of the State Department. Even an idiot wouldn't believe their spin if they understood the first thing about structure and accountability. Instead, they see (D) and (R) and choose sides blindly. Republicans remind me of the coward down the street who would sucker punch you in the face and then run home and make faces at you through the window once he was safe.
Clinton never asked for increased security. She not only refused it when asked, she reduced it. Lack of funding was not a factor.
I'm not denying the increased funding ("funding", not "funding for security") she sought was denied. I'm denying it was a factor. State dept. officials have stated that funding was not a factor in the decision to not only not increase security in Libya, but to in fact reduce it. They sought to portray the situation in Libya as a policy success for the Obama administration on the eave of an election. This lie you keep spouting that Republicans are at the root of this disaster is nothing but another attempt to cover up the utter failure of Hilary and Barry to do their fucking jobs. Frankly, you are a fool to believe such an obvious misrepresentation of facts or you are just another partisan hack who thinks his "cause" is so high that it justifies lying to cover up its failures. Since you popped up with that bullshit about retiring at 41, I'm going to go with the lying partisan hack. Now I have just one question. Do you sell used treadmills for a living?
The story is this. The republicans believe the Department of Defense protects the embassies and not the State Department....unless of course some people die and they can conveniently blame someone they have hated for decades and is arguably going to be the first female president of the US.

The story is.... DOD does protect your embassies with a contingency of marines that provide security. While State does "develop and implement" those security policies the execution of said policy is the responsibility of the regional security officer and the marines under his command. http://www.state.gov/m/ds/protection/c8760.htm#msg

DOD is deployed anywhere the CIA are operating and generally provide protection in the field for case officers. Apart from the SAD who do you think acts on the information gatherd by the agency?

Trying to turn this into something purely partisan is a joke and I hope Clintons failure regarding Benghazi becomes her downfall......
The GOP candidate could have 4 eyes and 6 arms and be from Mars and the far right would still vote for him if he were white and said Jesus and God a few times.

Romney lost the last election because the conservatives did not turn out the vote for him...

All a candidate has to do is be half black for 90% of the African American voter turnout to vote for them...

I think you got it backwards.
Show me the "right winger" that ordered the stand down?

If the right wingers are the bad guys here, why is the only survivor who rescued people, David Ubber, and lasted over 20 hours on the roof before getting rescued, not shown on TV getting a congressional medal of honor at the hospital where he's still recovering? Unless the Obama administration fucked up? Obama is such an asshole, he hasn't visited this hero. The only ones to touch this story are the evil conservatives at Fox News.
I didnt know Cruz was canadian. Havent done any research yet. If he was born in canada why is he even being considered? Im no more for canadian presidents than I am for Kenyans.
discuss amongst yourselves.

obama is a kenyan?

gonna need some proof of that, sparky.

i'm just gonna go ahead and remind everyone that you're a simple racist who said that american black males are worthless.

this thread is a race bait, folks.
You're a liar or a victim of media disinformation. The security cuts weren't caused by funding cuts. Clinton never requested more security, she refused it when it was requested. She even instituted reductions to "normalize" operations.

please apologize for lying or i will post the actual requests and votes.
He just now announced he would RENOUNCE his Canadian citizenship to be president. This admission in itself makes him ineligible. Get an education fucktard.

rend paw; has the ted cruz vote cornered.

i would prefer a ted cruz versus christie primary, but it's gonna be rend paw; pushing christie towards unelectability in the primary.