Ted cruz birthers

rend paw; has the ted cruz vote cornered.

i would prefer a ted cruz versus christie primary, but it's gonna be rend paw; pushing christie towards unelectability in the primary.

If Christy loses weight, he wins the primary and loses to Clinton. There are no GOP men nor women that can beat her in this moment unless they do something stupid and arrange a car wreck and go to jail for it.
I can't tell any difference between Christie and Clinton other than the initial after the name. There would not be much policy difference. Christie, Romney, McCain were all cut from the same cloth. I'd like for the country to be able to have a stark choice to make. Cruz and Paul would actually offer a choice. I doubt they could win, but it would be nice seeing a difference during the election instead of same ole same ole.
I can't tell any difference between Christie and Clinton other than the initial after the name. There would not be much policy difference. Christie, Romney, McCain were all cut from the same cloth. I'd like for the country to be able to have a stark choice to make. Cruz and Paul would actually offer a choice. I doubt they could win, but it would be nice seeing a difference during the election instead of same ole same ole.

I can give you a HUGE difference. Clinton will not talk about GOD telling her that she should be president.
I can't tell any difference between Christie and Clinton other than the initial after the name.

your IQ is below 70.

I can give you a HUGE difference. Clinton will not talk about GOD telling her that she should be president.

Bill is her God and government is her religion. Not really sure if that's better.

I will make this bet though, if she thought it would help her get elected, she'd find Jesus in a hurry.
I can't tell any difference between Christie and Clinton other than the initial after the name. There would not be much policy difference. Christie, Romney, McCain were all cut from the same cloth. I'd like for the country to be able to have a stark choice to make. Cruz and Paul would actually offer a choice. I doubt they could win, but it would be nice seeing a difference during the election instead of same ole same ole.

Christie is prettier.

If Chelsea gets a chin implant, she will be qualified to work at the Mustang ranch.
If Christy loses weight, he wins the primary and loses to Clinton. There are no GOP men nor women that can beat her in this moment unless they do something stupid and arrange a car wreck and go to jail for it.
A car wreck in Benghazi? Vincent Foster's body in the trunk? Clutching Rose Law Firm billing records?
Clinton never asked for increased security.


She said it was “somewhat frustrating” that the State Department and USAID are often classified as non-security spending when civilian personnel are working so often “side by side” with the military in frontline states. “They clearly are part of the national security efforts in these countries,” Clinton said.

She not only refused it when asked, she reduced it.





Lack of funding was not a factor.

Clinton met with the new GOP Speaker a day before the House begins consideration of a spending bill that would slash the budgets for the State Department and USAID by 16 percent.

“The truth is that cuts of that level will be detrimental to America’s national security.”

Well, its been over a week now, and you haven't posted "the actual requests and votes". You lying piece of shit.

sorry to keep you waiting for a week, hope you didn't take your anger out on any more children in the meantime. ditto wives.

may they rest in peace.
Cruz must be a front runner for the next presidential election. Its so obvious because he is constantly under attack by the left. If Abraham Lincoln were running for president in 2016, he would constantly be under attack right now for simply being republican. Democrats could care less what Cruz believes in, All they know is they want to keep their power, and will do anything to make sure it happens. Truth is liberals are much less careful in public. They think of themselves as gods that everybody should love, leaving themselves vulnerable, and easy to get to. Its just a matter of time before heads start to roll out of the power hungry democrat machine.
Listen to this Joe Camel looking retard. The level of arrogance is so profound, that he believes himself to be untouchable. Like a god that doesn't bleed. Like a god who's "presence is charity. Just who I am."

^^^^^^^^^^^^Freedumbworks has Spittle flying from his mouth at 6:30 in the morning...have you considered yoga???funny as fuck
he's pretty dumb and racist.

dumb for thinking cruz could ever be a front runner for anything (besides being an anchor baby) and racist for the "joe camel looking retard" remark. "arrogance" is the new "uppity", they just can't get away with the latter anymore.

pretty clear to see what's eating his lunch.
I'd love to see a debate with Paul vs Hillary.

Everytime he gets a chance to ask her questions, she basically whines like a little cunt and can't answer anything he asks.

Rand has absolutely RIDICULOUS hair tho, it definately reduces his electability in such a shallow as fuck nation like the US of Gay.
Listen to this Joe Camel looking retard.

He is more successful in life than you. He has more money than you. He has a prettier wife than you. His has a bigger dick than you. His children will be more successful than your own. He is brown. These are facts and you do not like it because you are genetically inferior to him.