Test for good people .......

I think a good person understands and withholds judgement.

Take when I expose myself on the bus as an example - I think good and trustworthy people won't rush into any snap judgements or try to 'victimize' themselves and instead afford me some wiggle room (literally). A good person will understand that I only expose myself for my own sexual gratification.

People who accept me for what I do, they're ok in my book.
Everyone's a good person in my book until they show me otherwise..may be as simple as killing a drifter, all the way up to not saying thanks when someone holds the door for them.
I say hello to everyone that occupies the same space as me and makes eye contact. It's a thing.

I often think that they are an unhappy shitty person if they don't say hi back.

I'm working with a 85% success rate with smiles and hellos.

So, only 15% cock faces out there.

I've cast a very wide net with my research. It's valid.
A good person, hmm, form me I think if you/or someone else will go out of their way to help you with out expectations is a good person,, nothing in return other then friendship,,
I always take new friends by the hand and lead them somewhere awkward. Like behind a grocery store. Then I show them my genitals. If they say they're small, they're out. If they say they're big or they want to play with it, they're in.

Ah, the Michael Jackson strategy. Crude, but effective...

As for my take on good people....
I just think everyone is out to screw me, cause everyone is in this game for themselves. So I'm friendly, cordial, and just don't trust people unless they earn it over the course of years. Actions speak louder than words here.
Actions are huge in my book aswell, current actions,, if past actions make a man/women, we're all screw'd