I think the words trust and untrust is a natural human instinct, if we had no tongues and the words 'trust' and 'untrust' didn't exist then how would we feel about someone.
Animals bleed trust and untrust issues, usually bought on by bigger animals and the need to survive but if you get to know an ant from birth then that ant would trust you.
Trust is a huge huge part of life, its probly one of the most blurred subject since jesus.
One of my ex boss's heard that i'd borrowed a $2000 off a loan shark and he said 'we'll i'd thought you'de have asked me for the loan, after all you work for us, i've know u since u was 2 and we trust you' i thought that was cool, and i really should have asked.
So i thought hmmm i'll ask him to lend me the rest i owe the shark so i dont have to pay the $1500 interest, i asked and he said with a shocked confused face and a questioning tone " so you want to borrow money
off me?"
40 years of trust just gone like the wind ....... weird right ?
I could see the cogs in his brain churning away thinking "oo what have i just said"
Wanker can suck my dick !!