Test for good people .......

It can be gratifying to hate someone. It's a way to redirect ones own self-hatred.

I highly recommend it.
Oh I have some intense dislike for people. Hate is a little strong.

Buuuut, they did more than annoy me on an Internet forum.

Karma will get those fuckers.
How do you test for a good person?

Like to yourself in secret without them knowing, some people test to see if you'll do them a 'favour' to see their reaction and whether they can be bothered to do the favour.

Some people give them tiny small trust jobs like take them to a bar you know no one in to see if they act a dick, then you know not to trust them for real in your own world.

Ask someone their facebook page and some give you a fake 'lets see if he spams dicks allday' test of goodness.

I use small cash loans to see if they pay back or even attempt to pay back, which would give me trust.

how do u test a for a good person ?

I reject your basic premise. There are no 'good' people, now go away
How do you test for a good person?

Like to yourself in secret without them knowing, some people test to see if you'll do them a 'favour' to see their reaction and whether they can be bothered to do the favour.

Some people give them tiny small trust jobs like take them to a bar you know no one in to see if they act a dick, then you know not to trust them for real in your own world.

Ask someone their facebook page and some give you a fake 'lets see if he spams dicks allday' test of goodness.

I use small cash loans to see if they pay back or even attempt to pay back, which would give me trust.

how do u test a for a good person ?
I don't do tests to rate a persons worthiness. That is too manipulative and creepy. I think you just failed your own test for goodness. Creep
What does that even mean ?

My lifes great, i must be a good person, good things happen to good people, brians melt an get all unconscious when untrusting.

such is life.