Texas will be humble when it has it's own dollar backed back oil, hash, and water.I've always believed Texans are probably good people... but they could use a lesson in humbleness. That's not an attack.
Where I come from humbleness is a big virtue. So, whatever... its just different. To each their own.
Oh I've been smiling this entire time.Somebody doesn't get texan humor.
It's cool bro. Just don't mess with Texas anymore.
That's right, so don't litter this thread with your BS Bucky. lolyou know that's an anti-litter campaign, right?
of course.......lolyou know that's an anti-litter campaign, right?
You know it's not anymore, right? It's taken on a life of its own, and when Bush was president it went national. So I don't see how you could have missed it.you know that's an anti-litter campaign, right?
That's right, so don't litter this thread with your BS Bucky. lol