Texas Sends Armed Troops to Defend the Border

I think I would still like it better if Obama really was from Kenya. Biggest LOL ever. African illegally enters America became POTUS and gave everyone healthcare. LOL whilst the racist look on saying WTF
I think I would still like it better if Obama really was from Kenya. Biggest LOL ever. African illegally enters America became POTUS and gave everyone healthcare. LOL whilst the racist look on saying WTF

I actually feel the same way and was hoping for the yeah I'm from Kenya, what the fuck you gonna do about it mic drop. If you feel this way why the butthurt?
ginwilly thinks rawn pawl wrote the racist newsletters yet doesn;t think rawn pawl is against civil rights.

You keep repeated he's against civil rights, you need to back that up and I'll jump on the hate bandwagon with you. Otherwise, you are just being a bucktard repeating what you've heard.

anybody want to buy some seaside property in kansas?
so you're saying rawn pawl knew about his racist newsletters, yet i have a dozen and a half posts from you praising him.

you praise racists often?



This is how grown ups do it. I agree with a lot of his policies, I disagree with some. His ideology of leaving people alone and equality for all would mean his policies would not be Jim Crowe laws even if you think it does. I also used to think his foreign policy was fantasy land but I'm at the point now where his makes more sense than the last two warmongerers.

His racist newsletter pisses me off because for one, it's racist, and for two, it drives the conversation away from his policy.
I actually feel the same way and was hoping for the yeah I'm from Kenya, what the fuck you gonna do about it mic drop. If you feel this way why the butthurt?
I think we can find more things to complain about Obama then a bio that was written by someone else. Yeah I totally believe that you were feeling the same way. FRAUD you are. You would be one of those talking about putting him in Gitmo.
This is how grown ups do it. I agree with a lot of his policies, I disagree with some. His ideology of leaving people alone and equality for all would mean his policies would not be Jim Crowe laws even if you think it does. I also used to think his foreign policy was fantasy land but I'm at the point now where his makes more sense than the last two warmongerers.

His racist newsletter pisses me off because for one, it's racist, and for two, it drives the conversation away from his policy.

nice attempt at reconciling your obvious lies, you still fail.
so many lies from racist righties, so little time.

ginwilly is a fraud.

I have always maintained that we cut the pool short with our natural born clause. Who cares if they moved here at 2 months old if they are the best candidate. You have to make shit up that you attribute to me and then call it a lie. Of course it's a lie, but started by you and never said by me.
I think we can find more things to complain about Obama then a bio that was written by someone else. Yeah I totally believe that you were feeling the same way. FRAUD you are. You would be one of those talking about putting him in Gitmo.

For killing American citizens, not for being from Kenya.

Damn, you are arguing against a stereotype you have me in. You are starting to become THAT guy London.
Lol back to that again. So sad.

I see racistssssss

Ftr, sheskunk posts a lot of racist shit I ignore because she said she was going to post racist shit to troll you.

I'm over it. I got really bored, really fast. I don't know how Buck keeps it going. I used to think he was just trolling, until I tried it myself. There is no way he is pretending. He IS the person he presents himself as. He's the dude at the party that walks up to a group of people and starts in on the conversation. Within 5 minutes everyone has walked away shaking their heads. By the end of the night he is alone. I actually feel sad for the guy.

I will no longer make racist posts. I apologize if I offended anyone. It was never meant to be serious.
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You have to make shit up that you attribute to me and then call it a lie.

no i don't. that's what you do.

remember when i called you out for saying obama is a kenyan and you tried to blame it on ginja?

that was you making shit up and attributing it to other people.

you are a liar and a fraud.