The 12-12 From Seed Thread

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
Its not spider mites its a small Black fly with little green eggs. I'll post a pic tomorrow but they are very small bit sure how cleat they'll be


Well-Known Member
Those are aphids, aren't they?

I think that a spray with a weak soap solution might
be a harmless good start.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
You know...I was going by shape and general appearance.

I quick soap spray will do harm....but I too would like to know what they are.

Good luck, and thanks for sharing.



Active Member
My grandad (he's 86) said their aphids and they can be green,white or black, he said soapy water will help, he also said black ones go for more fragrant plants, you can spray soapy water on them but being MJ I don't know what will happen to your bud. It's time for Google but I'd imagine your on it already.

Hope it helps, FTR he doesn't smoke at all but loves his garden like most of the elderly do, good luck mate :)


Well-Known Member
I add something like dawn dish soap to a spray bottle. Only about 4-5 drops of soap.
Beat me to it. :0)

There should be no lasting after effect and zero harm to the plants.

You can always wash them off again after the treatment. (after
the buggers are dead anyway)

Good luck,



Hi friends, I am following this topic for a long time because I do not have to contact language is difficult. I have read hundreds of pages, but I do not understand a type of flowering time of 60 days, how much time is applied to seed 12 12 light hours we are winning? a deadline is not clear what will be my second seeds, harvest flowers are picked first. DrGreen bought seeds white widow. 12 12 days from seed using 21 400 w hps. On average, how much time do you think it takes. sorry am not familiar with the first time I bought feminized seeds.


Well-Known Member
Hi friends, I am following this topic for a long time because I do not have to contact language is difficult. I have read hundreds of pages, but I do not understand a type of flowering time of 60 days, how much time is applied to seed 12 12 light hours we are winning? a deadline is not clear what will be my second seeds, harvest flowers are picked first. DrGreen bought seeds white widow. 12 12 days from seed using 21 400 w hps. On average, how much time do you think it takes. sorry am not familiar with the first time I bought feminized seeds.
Well, welcome to RIU.

I am not certain, but I imagine that going to 12/12 from seed might
save at least two or three week. That is the time that I would probably
let a seed-into-plant Veg before I went to 12/12.

The difference is a smaller yield, but it balances out for some.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
You need to stand in front of mirror turn round 3times whilst repeatedly chanting his name and he will appear before you.
Tried it! Didnt work!

Better come up with a magic potion or sommat..........

(while on the subject)Where the smeg is Scrolodyte ........??????????????????????

Run off With Del?



Active Member
Iv`e only seen del in here once since I joined in January !!!

I`ll be posting an update of the Orange Bud later as its at 8 weeks flower today :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
He usually shows up when somebody ask for him,I have noticed.
Wish he would come by let's see what's new?
He gets big results.

Edit: Good Morning to all! Have a great week.
Hope everyone had a good weekend.