Clever response, I like it! But doesn't Hydro usually yield more anyway given that you basically have unlimited root space?
I'm currently using coco and I've found that growth is faster in coco than in soil. When I grew in soil, it took me 7 weeks to start flowering but in coco, after 3 weeks I was starting to see pistils pop up everywhere.
From everything I've seen and heard from people who have done both hydro grows faster and more vigorous especially in veg. I can't say that people are unilaterally getting bigger harvests in soil per se. I think it would take more veg time in soil to get a plant capable of getting the yield a hydro plant could in a shorter time. So if you are talking about weight per time, I'd say for sure hydro wins. But there are so many ways people grow, and so many reasons people grow. I grow for myself in a small closet. Others grow for profit in warehouses. I grow in my bedroom closet and I work from home/ am home all the damn time. Others see their plants once a week. So many factors to which is better and which will even work for a situation. So it's a complicated issue.
I have no interest in hydro as it seems to much effort checking ph, feeding, air stones etc.
Fuck all that, I haven`t checked my ph for years or changed my feeding schedule the only thing I have actually changed is going from CFL to LED.
Haha... it's funny cuz I always thought hydro was more work. I started hydro and ran that for 3+ years, then went to soil. Honestly I find soil SOOOOO much more work, and needing of attention. I am constantly having to remember to water my plants. Watering is a bit of a pain, and the soil is all over, have to store shit on my deck, blah, blah. I am not trying to complain, just saying to me it's so much more of a hassle soil is.
Hydro, sure you can complicate the shit out of it... but really, what I strived for was a setup that would handle itself. I had things pretty dialed in before I took it down to try soil. I would add water once a week, maybe twice. Nutes every two weeks or so. Only gave them nutes a few times really. Stopped giving them anything after 5 weeks flowering. And I loved the sound of a waterfall in the room. I left my hydro going for either 12 or 14 days (i forget which) completely on it's own and everything was fine, except the plants grew out of control. I didn't check pH or water temps. I kinda figured out a regular pattern and just estimated everything. Low maintinance just the way I like it.
Saying all that, I'm just starting to smoke my first soil harvest the past few days and WOW is the taste difference something. Hard to explain, but I am really digging the soil taste and smell. Smells more natural. Have to laugh at the yeild though. I don't think I cracked 0.2 g/w.

However... I'm going with soil another round at least. Try to tame the beast.