The Australian Bush Fire TRUTH

Hot thread, Literally.

You can't blame recent actions by the 'Greenies' for all the fires. Like here in N. America, (Smokey the Bear anyone?), natural fires have been repressed more and more as man invaded the wilderness. A century of windfall and natural decay has allowed massive amounts of fuel primed for wildfire to build up on the forest floors.

Climate change is real and tho I think that a lot of it is natural I also believe that our continued abuse of the planet's ability to heal itself is pushing things along much faster than nature alone would. I studied a lot of this stuff when I went back to school in my 30s for a diploma in Environmental Chemistry.

One decent supervolcano like the one at Yellowstone blows and the whole deck of cards gets re-shuffled and we could quickly be into a little ice age. The fact that half the US will disappear under a mountain of ash is irrelevant when we're talking about a global disaster. ;)

Interesting times.

Good luck to all!
I'm rooting for the big rock to come and press the reset button. but a volcano would be cool as well.
Hi community, its no secret that the bushfires devostated our communities all over the country, not to mention the poor wildlife caught in the midst of it, but we will recuperate im sure of it.
What a lot of people forget is that the country always has a cycle of devastation followed by a period of relief, it isn't a fact of global warming, but its a problem created by the Greenies, they have stopped the allowance of people to clear and clean out the forest floors of dead fauna such as logs and leaves, fuel in other words.
The fire department used to be allowed to back burn throughout the country and get rid of the fuel that powers the fires, but they passed a law that stopped that, they think it disrupts the wildlife... clearly the fires do 1000x more damage then back burning could ever do, and now this is the result -
A natural disaster that has been exacerbated by the Greens Party laws. This law also prevents citizens from having the right to clean the forest floors and cut up dead tree logs ect, if any person is caught removing or disturbing the natural habitats of wildlife there are major fines and the person will be persecuted.
If the country could back burn the fuel off the forest floors, which is inches thick, the fires would simply burn out and stop spreading, or at the very least be alot easier to contain.
I hope this informs people a little more about the problems and causes that are contributing to these disasters, and how it is not a problem of climate change, I'm not saying climate change doesn't exist, personally i think it dosent exist and is purely a con created by Al Gore and his little friend but i don't know enough factual information to back this up.
If anyone else has any information about the fires, climate change or related topics - please share them with me. I would like to see your countries views on the situation over here.

The Commies have complete control over California.
Common sense and thoughtfulness is not 'woke'.

So Georgia Pacific is Communist? Check your Leasing program before taking a seat.

Georgia-Pacific earned $623 million in profit in 2004, the year before Koch bought it. Now it earns an average of more than $1 billion a year.Aug 8, 2019

Yep it was the Greens.

Wake up!