The Australian Bush Fire TRUTH

Amen brutha.
I fack up ALL the time.
Because I am moving and working and making decisions ALL the time.
And, mistakes will happen.
But the biggest mistake is not making a decision.
That is wrong every time.

One of my men made a big mistake recently. Big. It cost us. He's a good guy that really does give a chit about his job, and works hard. I asked him how it happened and he got all defensive. I get it. He felt awful. But I wasn't trying to place blame, the only reason I asked 'why this FUBAR happened' is so that I can see to it that it doesn't happen again. Fault, at that point, doesn't matter. It's all about "what do we do now?"
I had to explain to my boss why we had over 500 dead clones and that we'd need to go to an outside clone farmer and pay $8 a piece for them ... and I accepted responsibility for it. If he works for me, then I am responsible for his actions.
Or, as I told my boss: "I am sorry that this happened. I am responsible for it. I know what happened, and while I can't guarantee that shit won't happen in the future, I can guarantee that it won't happen THIS way again." And it's on me to see to it.
He seemed to be ok with that. Now we work to fix it.

I feel awful for the citizens of Australia. I feel for them. I know what they going through. I really do. The decimated wild life, the black and dead trees laying around, the scorched and ugly hillsides ... those things last. The dock I used to launch from to bass fish ... gone. In a matter of minutes tens of thousands of my people were plunged into Hell. It was Hell. It really was. Hell. Hard to put to words.
In the middle of it, I went to a local community college that was being used as a shelter. I was there for fifteen minutes ... I left crying. The conditions there were awful. Couldn't help it. The people there who had lost it all. The thousand yard stares ... the lost and burned souls.
I still see it in people's eyes, and its been almost two years since it happened.

God Bless you all.

It will get better. Hang on to that ... things will be different, but they'll get better.
You have the shittiest made up, long winded stories
Agree, BUT ...
we didn't.
Was it apathy? greed? laziness?
Prolly all.
Mainly that the Republicans and the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda cuting all the funding they can that combats pollution in the name of keeping as much money in their pockets as possible. No foresight or sense of responsibility to look at the total costs of what they do (how long it will last and costs to clean it up when it is no longer in use (i.e. plastic bags should not be pennies)

We (the USA) have not even started to have a conversation with China or India about what they doing to our plant. How do we do that?
China will just say "yea, yea, whatever" and then do whatever the fuck they wanna.
If we bitch loud they will say "sure, we'll sign that agreement" then do whatever the fuck they wanna.

So, where do we go from here?
What do we DO, actually DO to China and India that the crazy half of our country (the far left liberal pablum-puking Birkenstock wearing unwashed half) would approve of?
If it was Trumps idea to open this dialog with China/India ... it would be resisted .. because its Trump. If Carter had done it, he'd be loved.
And China would ignore.
You really should not just think shit is true because someone says it. The people you find entertaining lie to you a lot.

Countries want to get cleaner, and are (outside of Trump trolling of the world by actually actively trying to increase businesses ability to cause pollution). But nothing is instantaneous, when we went there and helped open all that dirty heavy industry over the last 30 years to get that cheap labor and non existent pollution laws after we forced them to clean up here to stop lakes from catching fire.
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Another example of why Trump pulling us out of the Paris climate agreement was just a shitty thing to do, and why you should not listen to what is trolled.

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So where does that leave us: If US reduces its carbon output to zero it won't make any difference except that half the US population would starve from being forced to live in the 17th century again.
So what should Trump do?
Any suggestions?

Or just oh, I dunno ... I hate Trump?
You do realize just pulling shit out of ass and acting like it makes any sense doesn't make it true right? We have so many ways we can do things better (and many are), it is just the people who have already been making all their money doing shit the old dirty way want to squeeze every last dime they can before they are forced to change their ways.

Luckily for them there seems to be about 20% of the population that are willing to believe their cult leader while the world burns. Mostly because they are dicks but also who cares when you are actually inviting the end of the world so that you can live on a fluffy cloud when it happens.
Your post up till this line was informative ... and I learned. Thank you.
It also piqued my curiosity, and I will do more research along those lines to see if anyone else has done some reasearch along those lines.
Don't have the time right now, but I will revisit this.

But, you asked a question ... I assume directed at me, or in general ... either way, I feel I need to respond. Because many of my fellow Americans on the left believe that there are many more 'non-believers' than there really are.
I DO believe that the global weather is changing. And, I believe that mankind has had a hand in that - we disagree (I believe) in the amount and effect of that 'hand'. I think that there isn't much we can do about it. Much of the pollution (all forms) that is donated to our planet is belched out by China and India. They use the oceans as a dump, they spew coal smoke into the air. If the US cut their production of carbon to zero and plunged our nation into the 16th century, it would only be to the advantage of China and India so they could pollute more. It would have zero effect on carbon production.

So, with that in mind ... what is your solution? If YOU were the new 'orange man', what would you do? Should we just nuke China's coal mines? Should we invade India and 'fix' them too? How about political pressure ... sanctions?
What do DO besides blame Trump?

China IS walking back from coal! They are reducing GHG emissions, and may overtake our reductions, simply due to trumpy removing the environmental barriers put up by Presidents before him.

India is a whole nother matter again. While the population is huge. They do not produce anything like the GHG emissions we do!
Mainly that the Republicans and the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda cuting all the funding they can that combats pollution in the name of keeping as much money in their pockets as possible. No foresight or sense of responsibility to look at the total costs of what they do (how long it will last and costs to clean it up when it is no longer in use (i.e. plastic bags should not be pennies)

You really should not just think shit is true because someone says it. The people you find entertaining lie to you a lot.

Countries want to get cleaner, and are (outside of Trump trolling of the world by actually actively trying to increase businesses ability to cause pollution). But nothing is instantaneous, when we went there and helped open all that dirty heavy industry over the last 30 years to get that cheap labor and non existent pollution laws after we forced them to clean up here to stop lakes from catching fire.
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Another example of why Trump pulling us out of the Paris climate agreement was just a shitty thing to do, and why you should not listen to what is trolled.

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You do realize just pulling shit out of ass and acting like it makes any sense doesn't make it true right? We have so many ways we can do things better (and many are), it is just the people who have already been making all their money doing shit the old dirty way want to squeeze every last dime they can before they are forced to change their ways.

Luckily for them there seems to be about 20% of the population that are willing to believe their cult leader while the world burns. Mostly because they are dicks but also who cares when you are actually inviting the end of the world so that you can live on a fluffy cloud when it happens.

Oh snap! Nice posting, I did mine before reading yours...
India's problem this generation is the dwindling water reserves in its artesian basins. They are quiet literally running out of water to irrigate crops with to feed themselves.
We seed the Air for rain when we are in a war, But for Christ sake's can't we seed the air for the Aussie's to help with the fires ?

Maybe that's a dumb question and I don't know about why, But I sure understand that we the People of this tiny Planet are either going to Starve or Burn to Death, all because of someone wanting all the money they can possibly put into a bank account.

We've had solutions for this back in the late 70s, But the rich that run this planet could give two shits about anything but their pocket books. "Trump" is just one of them, there are plenty more, we need to put the brakes on this soon or non of us will be here very long.

Now as for you all that Say Lefties, You have no Clue on what the Fuck you're talking about, No body I know wants what is happening now to our planet, It's the Republicunts that bring a Snowball into the House and say, "GEE I Made A SNOWBALL TODAY" there is no Global Warming, and that's fucking Retarded and extremely harmful to our planet, Obviously some of you People believe anything those Idiots Say.

If we stay on the path we are now since Trump decided to end all those environmental regulations, We will all soon cease to exist, Vote the idiot out and put a person who will change this planet and start healing it.

Bring the World Together as one and we can heal the wound we have opened.
We seed the Air for rain when we are in a war, But for Christ sake's can't we seed the air for the Aussie's to help with the fires ?

Maybe that's a dumb question and I don't know about why, But I sure understand that we the People of this tiny Planet are either going to Starve or Burn to Death, all because of someone wanting all the money they can possibly put into a bank account.

We've had solutions for this back in the late 70s, But the rich that run this planet could give two shits about anything but their pocket books. "Trump" is just one of them, there are plenty more, we need to put the brakes on this soon or non of us will be here very long.

Now as for you all that Say Lefties, You have no Clue on what the Fuck you're talking about, No body I know wants what is happening now to our planet, It's the Republicunts that bring a Snowball into the House and say, "GEE I Made A SNOWBALL TODAY" there is no Global Warming, and that's fucking Retarded and extremely harmful to our planet, Obviously some of you People believe anything those Idiots Say.

If we stay on the path we are now since Trump decided to end all those environmental regulations, We will all soon cease to exist, Vote the idiot out and put a person who will change this planet and start healing it.

Bring the World Together as one and we can heal the wound we have opened.
The fires were due to rapid climate change that led to historic hot, dry summers, not the weather. I don't think geo-engineering is the main answer, though I believe, or perhaps, hope, that the world will come together on this issue.

Vote Republicans out.