Mainly that the Republicans and the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda cuting all the funding they can that combats pollution in the name of keeping as much money in their pockets as possible. No foresight or sense of responsibility to look at the total costs of what they do (how long it will last and costs to clean it up when it is no longer in use (i.e. plastic bags should not be pennies)
You really should not just think shit is true because someone says it. The people you find entertaining lie to you a lot.
Countries want to get cleaner, and are (outside of Trump trolling of the world by actually actively trying to increase businesses ability to cause pollution). But nothing is instantaneous, when we went there and helped open all that dirty heavy industry over the last 30 years to get that cheap labor and non existent pollution laws after we forced them to clean up here to stop lakes from catching fire.
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Another example of why Trump pulling us out of the Paris climate agreement was just a shitty thing to do, and why you should not listen to what is trolled.
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You do realize just pulling shit out of ass and acting like it makes any sense doesn't make it true right? We have so many ways we can do things better (and many are), it is just the people who have already been making all their money doing shit the old dirty way want to squeeze every last dime they can before they are forced to change their ways.
Luckily for them there seems to be about 20% of the population that are willing to believe their cult leader while the world burns. Mostly because they are dicks but also who cares when you are actually inviting the end of the world so that you can live on a fluffy cloud when it happens.