The Beard Thread

Is beards cool?

  • Yerp

    Votes: 36 47.4%
  • Nerp

    Votes: 7 9.2%
  • Shuttup

    Votes: 6 7.9%
  • I have most best beards

    Votes: 24 31.6%
  • My wiener is small

    Votes: 14 18.4%
  • I can't make a beards

    Votes: 6 7.9%
  • Penis

    Votes: 14 18.4%
  • Bagina

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • Wicked Chopsticks

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • Antagonist

    Votes: 8 10.5%

  • Total voters
I only really converted one for keeps - and he's fast asleep in dream land right now. He seems perfectly happy without beard.

Because he had beard before he had me. And he also didn't get blowies or sex on the regular or someone to pack his lunch for him before he goes to work.

I think it's a fair trade. No?
Beaver beard - not as funny. That's just winter-bush in my book.

It's very difficult to portray emotion or do a good impression of someone with a beaver beard/ moustache. I tried the Hitler/ Chaplin once. Just looked kind weird - and only a little bit racist.
Landing strips - excellent choice for the lady beard. I'm the most unknowledgeable when it comes to women lady beards. That's why you're here. What is in fashion these days?
hmmmmm...I don't really know what's in with the kids today...

I know all my ladi friends like to keep the parts outside of the bikini free and clear.

Most of them also have recently had children - and I know the barn doors can sometimes get blown open down there. My guess is the post-childbirth year it's all messy, inside and out.
In porn they have NO HAIR. But also - NO LABIA. Why do they keep getting surgery to look more and more like Barbie - when Barbie didn't even have a vagina?
Landing strips - excellent choice for the lady beard. I'm the most unknowledgeable when it comes to women lady beards. That's why you're here. What is in fashion these days?
Ahhhhh - so THAT'S why you invited me here? It's all comin together...
