[QUOTE = "Rocket Soul, publicación: 16696587, miembro: 930560"]
Cita fuentes por favor, no se si sabes pero esto es colmo de bro-science. Por esto la gente se tira en tu contra. Si tienes alguna fuente si se puede considerar, si no; pues lo siento pero has hecho caso al bro equivocado. Con amor y respeto, aunque dudo que cambies de opinion; que no suele pasar en el internet.
Edit: si las plantas no usan amarillo y verde en flora, como es que el sodio flora bien cuando la gran mayoria de su luz es amarillos y verdes?
View attachment 5046328
¿Penetra la luz verde a mayor profundidad en el dosel? Una entrevista a nuestra especialista en plantas.
So in order to prove that chinese light sellers are full of shit advice you quote... another light seller that sells blurple lights? Whats the actual difference here, other than china and phillips?
The point your making is that green and yellow doesnt have any effect on cannabis in flower. The study mentioned (but i cant see it actually quoted anywhere in the article) talks about the color green penetrating in the cannopy and uses a spectrometer for measuring. Now how do you measure photosynthesis normally? Which color is the photosynthesis, especifically the photosynthesis of green and yellow? How can you believe this proves your point?
Also, the study isnt even right. Theres an assumption made regarding higher levels of green light deep in the cannopy is due to reflections from the other leaves. Now i cant actually say too much about this study as its not mentioned by name or link (afaik) but you could actually get much more reliable results regarding penetration if you removed the leaves reflecting this supposed green light. Guess what, someone already did those tests here on the forum, ill drop in the info below as it is one of my favorite posts on riu. Youve not shown any info on green yellow photosynthesis. Youve shown that you will not accept the words from light sellers, until you actually do. So Holland light makers are ok but chinese are liars. Well, actually both are somewhat liars. The study in the article is never properly quoted so this is basicly just "oh, its like this cause i know".
The only thing youve actually proved is that lighting companies from the entire world will try to make their product look great, no matter what.
And now on to the study and why it doesnt make sense.
@Malocan was the first active user i saw here on riu with a decent spectrometer, and he was asked by forumers to put the spectrometer behind a leaf, so that he could measure what little light came out the other side. This was repeated with 2 and even more leafs. What light was left after passing thru the leaves should then be indicative about what colors penetrate and what is easiest to absorb. But since there is no other leaves around (spectrometer pushed towards the bottom leaf in the bunch) you eliminate any of this hypothetical reflected light that the phillips article quote. The results:

No leaf, 3500k

One leaf. Notice the deep dip around 680, and how far red and green is much higher than previosly. Blue is also very low indicating easy absorbtion.

2 leaves, pretty similar but even more exaggerated.

3 leaves. Here we see something relatively new, green is now much lower than far red but still much higher than red/blue. If green wasnt absorbed by the leaf, where did it go? What happened to it?

4 leaves: same as the last one, hardly anything left but some green and far red.
What has been shown: green penetrates deeper into cannopy, or really thru leaves.
Red and blue are the most accessible colors to the plant. But as we can see that the plant does absorb green and yellow we can fairly safely say that it is to some extent photosynthesized.
Original post and thread
Now lets see your 10000 links. Or even one which actually argues your point convincingly.
I have no qualms with your plants they look fine. 2 per watt is excellent results but 35g per square foot is fairly midling. Growers around here tend to wait until 2 ounces/56grams per foot before they go bragging. The hest ive seen personally (not online) is about 700 per meter (square meter, not a 4x4/120 tent) which works out as 60 per foot.