The Best Songs of the 1980s

If you like Midnight Oil, get it, they kick ass.

I love Midnight Oil for years.

I like most of your selections, but leave that Racist/NRA loving/Trump supporting misanthrope at the door.
He sucks.

Lots of people have posted lots of tunes by lots of people, many of whom have been outspoken about their politics, covering both sides. But no one posts those artists rants in these threads - if they get posted, it's their music that gets posted. These are music threads. Would love to keep it that way, amigo.

I’m in the thread for the tunes . Wango tango makes me drive fast A.F ,mark it down .

Politic thread is few doors down.

Correct take.

These guys often expressed their political views in their lyrics. Some agree, some don't. Their tunes kick a$$ is all I care about.

From '68, and posted so I can appear to be fair and balanced....oh, wait ! :shock: I'll just say that you'd be hard pressed to find a more bad a$$ electric guitar dominated tune from the 60s, or any other era. Let the good times roll, friends.
I love Midnight Oil for years.

Lots of people have posted lots of tunes by lots of people, many of whom have been outspoken about their politics, covering both sides. But no one posts those artists rants in these threads - if they get posted, it's their music that gets posted. These are music threads. Would love to keep it that way, amigo.

Correct take.

These guys often expressed their political views in their lyrics. Some agree, some don't. Their tunes kick a$$ is all I care about.

From '68, and posted so I can appear to be fair and balanced....oh, wait ! :shock: I'll just say that you'd be hard pressed to find a more bad a$$ electric guitar dominated tune from the 60s, or any other era. Let the good times roll, friends.
Yea, ur right.
I should have left politics at the door.
I apologize