The Best Songs of the 1980s

that's what I thought, that it was a 90's song, so I checked before I posted it, and pretty little hate machine was released in October 1989, but the single of head like a hole was released in march of 1990. so we're both right
Haha! I didn’t think it was that early but I would have to say you’re right and I stand corrected. :bigjoint:
Haha! I didn’t think it was that early but I would have to say you’re right and I stand corrected. :bigjoint:
I know, it's crazy, I thought the same thing, with both that and the jane's addiction song I posted... originally I was going to post them in the 90's thread, but I guess there were actually a lot of songs that are thought of as "90's songs" that were actually done much earlier. :peace: