The Bubblehead Showcase


Well-Known Member
Looks like a sativa on steriods! What the hell strain is that?
bagseed clone... sorry man.. what happened was i had a clone go into 12/12 for 2 weeks then i vegged for 2 and then transplanted to Bubbleponics in 12/12 lighting. so re flowered ... i have another plant i'm doin the same lighting cycle with and its exactly the same


Elite Rolling Society
this showcase is starting to get ramped up. Im loving it
I hear ya!

This thread is a great thread to showcase the BubbleHead's grows!

I really appreciate this thread.

What a grow, BubbleHeads!!!!

Great thread for the Bubbleheads Pics,
Great Pics, Awesome Pics!!!!


Well-Known Member
can some 1 please help diagnose this poor 3 plants...

everything else is rocking out , but this happened in the last 3days to 5gal dwc set up. i cut all top burnt shit off of them tonight. i flushed them with 5.6 water for 24hrs. they had been fine up until this happened @ 2weeks into bud...neem oil might have gotten down in the bucket?! or could it be from the water being low from them drinking alot and me not catching it?! the bucket next to it is fine? any help would be awesome so i dont smoke my other hydro plants TM



Well-Known Member
we went from a concrete guy to a tile guy interrupting our thread... lol its okay...just make a thread with pics TILEMASTER and post it... if no one shows, PM me and I'll help you


Active Member
Hi everyone! Nice growing going on gang. Mine dont quite compare, but I'm still learning. Things are going better this time around!

Pic1-4 8 weeks fllowering
Pic5 10 days 12/12 (no buds yet)
Pic6 6 weeks veg
Pic7 8 days from seed (THC bomb)

High hopes!



Well-Known Member
Why have my pics vanished? Is there a file download limit or something?
My link doesn't work in the sig either...maybe some network problems...dunno?:wall:


Well-Known Member
Why have my pics vanished? Is there a file download limit or something?
My link doesn't work in the sig either...maybe some network problems...dunno?:wall:
dude that sux... probably wont get em back easy or if at all. they were makin room for the servers. they can pick and choose what to delete but causalities still arise

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Yeah it really surprised me cause it's a bagseed. I really wish I had kept a male for breeding but I wasn't expecting anything like this. I would take clones but idk what I would do with them until this crop finishes. I have read that you can wrap cutting in a damp towel and store them in the fridge for up to 3 weeks and they will still root. Does anyone have any experience with storing clones or any suggestions for me at all? Damn I wish I had some pollen.


Well-Known Member
clone the shit outta it, and ill pay for a clone man.. for real. so hard to find. its not too late to clone