The Bubblehead Showcase


New Member
Food dehydrators work but too well imo they ruin the taste of the final product cause it dries too fast. I'm on my way home as we speak TO HARVEST!! Well kinda I'm gonna harvest 1/4 of the top buds then throw them in the darj for 2 days then harvest the rest of the tops then another week to work in the lowers


New Member
I thought of the dehydrator too but have heard that it kills the smell/taste and after that much work I want it all! Gardening teaches you patience. Works for a proper cure also. I know, I know, pot snob! LOL!


Well-Known Member
I'm coming in kinda late from reading the first few post but here are my plants at 20 days from clones. The strain is dumpster which I have read is a pheno of G13 x Northern Lights #5. Its my first grow and as of yesterday we started the flower cycle so well see how they start to look after that.

Lookin good, Nice and green!


Active Member
I'm coming in kinda late from reading the first few post but here are my plants at 20 days from clones. The strain is dumpster which I have read is a pheno of G13 x Northern Lights #5. Its my first grow and as of yesterday we started the flower cycle so well see how they start to look after that.

Very nice looking plants!! You're doing great. Keep it up. =)

I thought of the dehydrator too but have heard that it kills the smell/taste and after that much work I want it all! Gardening teaches you patience. Works for a proper cure also. I know, I know, pot snob! LOL!
MC, it's taking every bit of willpower not to go into my drying box and pick out a few pretty nugs. lol. Q. If the stem on the bud is really thick, do you still use the bend/snap method to help judge when they're dry? I don't know if that stem will ever just snap.... but then again, I don't know much.. lol.
The smell is getting better as it dries, soooo good. :weed:


New Member
Stem snap is not what I go by on the big ones but I want them at least not to bend like they are green. The bigger buds should be dry to the touch but not crunchy dry. Resistance to bending would be a better way to look at it.


New Member
I keep my big buds in a seperate jar just in case I miss the timing. Also provides a little extra air space for the humidity left in the bud to go. I check my buds every day and mosttimes 2x a day. I also leave my big bud jars open a little extra time early on.


Well-Known Member
yeah rick, lets see some sativa nuggets.....drooling...
I tried to get some close up pics:

This is a close to top bud:

This is a young bud, I may need to cut the top and let this one and other grow longer, is that an option?

Another top bud that's looking promising

The mother ship, top cola.

Zoomed out of the entire grow.



Well-Known Member
that grow is kinda weird to me man... still looks delicious... i think that LEDs just aren't there yet.. and most all the light from it is being consumed by one cola. maybe put it on the lower ones to get more light distribution. just an idea


Well-Known Member
yah roseman has got a serious system right there... experience counts... that should be a lot more than a pound right there


Well-Known Member
not trying to get too far of subject here but this member just posted this thread titling, "dont add RID-X". I had to see what he wrote...

"Jesus christ! I cant believe I did this. I tried it out as another member raved about how great it was. Bullshit. Within 6 hours my plants where drooped over, almost dead. I changed out the water and hoped for the best. The plants perked back up but are kind of light colored. The roots still have slimy shit all over them and I dont know what to do. I added some Hydroguard and plants look better but roots are horrible.

You guys think these femd girls will live and grow to flower or become hermies now? :evil:"


Well-Known Member
Q: Is RID-X® safe for grass and plants?

A: Used according to directions, the all-natural ingredients in RID-X® won’t harm plants. However, it should not be applied directly to the lawn or plants.


Well-Known Member

Sativa in front hiding the indica in back


Unknown bagseed


temp showing increasing humidity from rain.


Active Member
Rid x is for use with plants in soil, not hydro. Or at least according to everything I've read on the subject. It's all about the beneficial bacteria.