The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

This is good suggestion except a hlg600 driver cost bout 150 bucks a pop. Id buy 4 lrs-350-36 drivers and 4 sets of qb132's. Get more control with 4 lrs drivers compared to 2 hlg600 drivers. U can get 4 lrs drivers for the price of 1 hlg 600 driver. Plus hlga&b drivers get hot. Lrs doesnt with built in fan. But ive bought and ran these set ups and cheapest way for 1200 watts is 4 sets of qb132's and 4 lrs-350-36 drivers period.. Less heat and cost and capable of everything the hlg600 drivers can do just controlling 4 boards.
When you say "4 sets" are you saying 1 set is 4 boards? So a total of 16 boards? I can hook up 4 boards (1 set) to 1 LRS-350-36 driver?
Also tbh I think I just want to get a whole kit.. I don't really feel like doing another DIY.
Maybe I'll get 2 hlg550 v2 knockoffs for my 4x8. 1 from kingbrite and 1 from meiji to do a comparison. This could help other people decide as well what they want to get. Since a lot of questions are regarding these two companies and lights.
OK! I've been researching for a few days which I summarize here:

  • LM301B and LM301H - The only difference between them is H has anti-sulfurization coating. This helps prevent corrosion.These diodes have the exact same spectrum and same performance. Consider them equal
  • KingBrite vs HLG lm301b
    • Assuming Vivi at Kingbrite gave me the correct info, the product/bin is the same as the left column of the image here. The HLG bin is the same as the column on the right. Notice how they both have the same lumen output. The only difference is the one that corresponds with the KB diodes takes a slightly higher wattage. KB needs 4% more watts to give the same ouput. The link has some great info
    • heatsinks - From what I have googled KB heatsinks are thinner than Meijiu's but say both are fine. Higher temperatures do cause the diodes to lose lumens. Better cooling can help the diodes be more efficient up to 5% (-potential benefit for Meijiu and HLG)
  • CRI
    • higher CRIs produce less lumens but appear to have to better results for these diodes. Although there is no independent confirmation on that I could find. only internet people
    • both KB and HLG seem to favor 80CRI for their main parts but I couldn't confirm the 80 CRI on HLG's own site.
    • I went with 80CRI since it was the default choice and probably much cheaper
  • Cost
    • KingBrite < Mejiu < HLG is the general trend. I chose KB because its much cheaper and if I take Vivi said at face value AT_WORST it will use 5% more power and provided 4% less light.
I think that's it. I would still be happy to test the board and report back if it can be done with simple stuff like a voltmeter and lightmeter
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When you say "4 sets" are you saying 1 set is 4 boards? So a total of 16 boards? I can hook up 4 boards (1 set) to 1 LRS-350-36 driver?
Yes buddy for a 4x8 id have 8 boards for each 4x4 area. Yes 1 set = 4 qb132's.1 set can b ran with 1 lrs-350-36 driver. Or if u wanna just wanna buy 3 sets and 3 drivers to split up in your area, it wood get u good results too. But not as good as 4 sets tho.. If money isnt a worry id get 4 sets and 4 drivers. And also u can save a little bit of money by buying the lm561's boards or the V1's.. V2's are lm301b which are just a tad bit more efficient. I had 4 V1's @ 2700k and 4 V2's @ 3000K. Not much difference between the 2. V1's are cheaper. So ya bro it up to u. But no theres no other setup u can get that will get u the most bang for buck like qb132's& lrs-350-36 drivers. Just 1 set and that driver will get u a little over 300 true watts. 1 set of boards and driver cost me around 150-175 bucks.. Strips might b a little cheaper but this way is solid.. With 3 sets of boards and 3 drivers will give u over 900 watts at wall. 4 wood b 1200w. Id say 900watts of V1'S or V2's in that area wood do good but 1200 wood b best imo. If u need anything bro just let me no.. U can privately message me if ud like also for my help. I have no issues on helpn others succeed. Good luck
so far so good, the light is doing awesome, maybe even a bit too good.
Looks like i have some bleaching ? or other defficiency
Someone a idea?

Bleached tips above

I aim for a 1000ppfd or a good 60K lux, max on highest tops is slight below 70k lux.

The HLG240 Setup (200W wall draw) in a 2.5x2.5, ca. day 27 flower.

50/50 coco perlite hempys.
Maxigrow fert. plus some epsom salt (maybe not enough epsom added)
PH/EC in 5.8/1.3 out 5.9/1.4, RO Water (plus 5-10% tap water)
both get the same feed, watering daily till runoff.
Flushed 2 days ago to EC 1, .problem was there allready, EC now back to 1.4
Leaf temp about 77 and RH above 60-65 (quite high).

My Setup with the HLG320 (280W at wall) in the 3x3 is doing better.
Ca. day 29 flower.
Gree could be a tad darker,but ok.
320setup-doinbetter.JPG 320setup-day29.JPG
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Final Price Report to Canada

$88 + 38(shipping) = $126 US + 23CAD for DHL fee

It took a week to come. They declared the light as a small amount for customs. The duty+gst was exactly $4.20 :clap:

Grand total $190CAD

I didn't ask about the $30 advertised shipping fee. Maybe its possible to get? Everything appears to be as advertised but i really have no way to know.

How do I take the knob off the potentiometer?
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