The Confederacy of Dunces - Trump Troll Permanent Record

Imagine being so Anti-White that you will actually say that Europe, America, Australia, Canada and yes even SOUTH AFRICA were not created by WHITE PEOPLE. I think the only difference is that South Africa was voluntarily handed to black immigrants to take over and run - hence all of their current issues.

Imagine pretending that JAPANESE didn't create JAPAN

No wonder anti-whites like Unclebaldrick openly claim to be afraid to defend their views - they simply CANT be defended
LMAO have you guys ever actually LISTENED to the dumb shlt you believe?

You are welcome to stay in your safe space echo chamber & ignore all the smart people

i'll still be around to destroy your scams & frauds in front of EVERYONE
it's not gonna get better for you anti-white halfwits

You might wanna consider being DECENT HONEST HUMAN BEINGS rather than low level frauds trying to scam your fellow man

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You accuse us of being frauds but pretty much everything you say is untrue. You use little pieces of facts and distort them into a grotesque racist lie that only the mentally enfebbled would agree with. Then you declare victory not only in the forum but on a worldwide (and beyond, to wit with your "UFOs are being piloted by white right wingers" babble).

My only question is... why no Ben Garrison cartoons? Has he fallen out of favor as if he were a Proud Boy who got a girlfriend?