The dream is dead.

i was just going to pick a couple of juicy ones...but holy fucking two kangaroo fuckers have time to talk about America's political scandals when you have this staring at you every day? what age do they start teaching all of you to be fucking hypocrits? or do they start intravenously while you're still in the womb
Wonderful. To be fair I also talk about stuff thats not political scandals. But we are in Politics....

But whats it got to do with the Australian dream of owning a house that is dead?

i was just going to pick a couple of juicy ones...but holy fucking two kangaroo fuckers have time to talk about America's political scandals when you have this staring at you every day? what age do they start teaching all of you to be fucking hypocrits? or do they start intravenously while you're still in the womb
from what i saw, the roos do the f*cking down under, mate. lol
I'll share a story that is going on in my home at the moment.

My daughter (a single mum) was renting a nice 3 bedroom unit in town. But due to rent and costs she wasn't able to save any money even though she was working 2 jobs. Casual jobs of cause due to the casualisation of the work force.

She askes to move back in with us to save a house deposit and moves back in. Saves $50k in 2 years which would allow her to get and afford a mortgage on a up to 280- 300k ish house. In those two years however the market has gone nuts and she cannot afford what she once could. So she is still saving money as the costs of housing continues to rise and getting away from her.

From what i understand the rising cost of housing is an international thing, casualisation of the workforce is an issue with people affording to save and get a mortgage.
I'll share a story that is going on in my home at the moment.

My daughter (a single mum) was renting a nice 3 bedroom unit in town. But due to rent and costs she wasn't able to save any money even though she was working 2 jobs. Casual jobs of cause due to the casualisation of the work force.

She askes to move back in with us to save a house deposit and moves back in. Saves $50k in 2 years which would allow her to get and afford a mortgage on a up to 280- 300k ish house. In those two years however the market has gone nuts and she cannot afford what she once could. So she is still saving money as the costs of housing continues to rise and getting away from her.

From what i understand the rising cost of housing is an international thing, casualisation of the workforce is an issue with people affording to save and get a mortgage.
Bought my first house for 455k about 8 years ago. Shit little old fibro place with a nice big yard. Would be worth well over 1million now in land value alone. Bought my 2nd place in Jan this year for 800k. The neighbours sold 2 doors down and their place is one bedroom and one bathroom smaller than my place and has a single car garage and mine has a double and they got 1.3million.
It's just fucking ridiculous.
I work in construction and 27% of every new residential buildings built in Australia are bought by the Chinese. Something not right there!!!