The dream is dead.

Bought my first house for 455k about 8 years ago. Shit little old fibro place with a nice big yard. Would be worth well over 1million now in land value alone. Bought my 2nd place in Jan this year for 800k. The neighbours sold 2 doors down and their place is one bedroom and one bathroom smaller than my place and has a single car garage and mine has a double and they got 1.3million.
It's just fucking ridiculous.
I work in construction and 27% of every new residential buildings built in Australia are bought by the Chinese. Something not right there!!!
Rents gone crazy to.
We are starting to see homelessness in my town. Not the normal type who chose to be homeless but working people and their family.
Rents are not only becoming rediculess in cost but when 50 or more people are applying for each vacant property it's just not sustainable.
weather is pretty friggin nice too. and like you said, probably the cheapest country in western europe i think.

The coast line and beach's are beautiful. Anywhere with Universal health care is a wanted place to live.
Are the Poms starting to move there in numbers after being priced out of Spain? Is Brexit effecting that? I haven't been following brexit much the last few months.
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Rents gone crazy to.
We are starting to see homelessness in my town. Not the normal type who chose to be homeless but working people and their family.
Rents are not only becoming rediculess in cost but when 50 or more people are applying for each vacant property it's just not sustainable.
Yeah mate a bloke I work with who has 2 young kids and a misses has applied for 16 houses in the last 6 weeks. Even offered 5k of rent up front and got knocked back!!
He left work early today to go look at a place. Hopefully he gets it because he's a good cunt!!
"The great Australian dream of home ownership appears to be just that — a dream — for an increasing number of Australians, with now nearly a third of households renting."

Guessing that would be much closer or over a third now as costs have risen a bit since 2019.
Fucking Chinese are the enemy of every western country!!
Haha! Maybe. Or maybe the western world is a threat to them... Historically we have gotten on well with them, they haven't killed or tortured us like the Krauts or Japs, nor dragged us into many, many wars like the poms and yanks.
Bought my first house for 455k about 8 years ago. Shit little old fibro place with a nice big yard. Would be worth well over 1million now in land value alone. Bought my 2nd place in Jan this year for 800k. The neighbours sold 2 doors down and their place is one bedroom and one bathroom smaller than my place and has a single car garage and mine has a double and they got 1.3million. . . . . . .
Home prices are going up in the States too. But I'm ultra tight, and lucky. When we built the sandhill house 17-18 years ago, it was before several bad hurricane years spiked the cost of construction. It cost $120K to build, then four years late another $60K more to expand. The cost to build today would be 350-400K.

About the lucky part. . . . . . . . . Two years ago we bought the riverhouse and 23 acres for $85.5K. There was a ton of hurricane damage, but lots across the river sell for $1K per foot of riverfront and we have 1/4 mile of it. We've spent more than we paid for it in repairs, but still a sweet sweet deal. (now I just need to win the lottery so I can buy the six houses I can see across the river and tear them down)
To me, the American dream is what you make of it

By no stretch is everything here perfect....

This is my own American dream -
I do my best every single day to be respectful, polite, fair and honest. I treat people how I want to be treated

The dream is different for everyone

Also, don't forget about another American Dream.....


i'm gonna take your 3 Dusty Rhodes and up it with ONLY 1 Chief Jay Strongbow Tomahawk Chop- he was from NJ.

I gave @schuylaar a place to live when she was homeless. In the 5 months she lived there, she never paid a dime of rent or utilities, she smoked my weed, ate my food, didn't do shit for housework, let her dog run all over the house (I didn't mind unless it ran outside, then it always took off because she never trained it), and she spent most of her time in her room wasted on kratom. She's a bit of a sociopath; doesn't care about anyone but herself.

I would have kept all this to myself but she needed to make herself feel better by lying about how I took care of my very old dog (he recently passed at 17 years old, so I couldn't have been that bad to him).

Soooooo fuck you, Marianne. And you're welcome for helping you get back on your feet when you had nothing.
I gave @schuylaar a place to live when she was homeless. In the 5 months she lived there, she never paid a dime of rent or utilities, she smoked my weed, ate my food, didn't do shit for housework, let her dog run all over the house (I didn't mind unless it ran outside, then it always took off because she never trained it), and she spent most of her time in her room wasted on kratom. She's a bit of a sociopath; doesn't care about anyone but herself.

I would have kept all this to myself but she needed to make herself feel better by lying about how I took care of my very old dog (he recently passed at 17 years old, so I couldn't have been that bad to him).

Soooooo fuck you, Marianne. And you're welcome for helping you get back on your feet when you had nothing.
Did she help fill the void left by the daughter your family took away from you for her own protection?

Seriously, it is hard to believe anything from a convicted sex trafficker who beat his girlfriend, made her perform unpleasant sex work with strangers and then took the money for his own use.
I'd rather not mention his name but if you don't want to use Google he is a cocksucker God botherer. But at the moment the Liberal party who are in power have elected Scott Morrison as the Prime Minister. Slo Mo as he is known.
I've seen him called Scummo, about the same time he was grabbing people's hands to shake them during the fires. Folks were plenty pissed at him lol
Haha! Maybe. Or maybe the western world is a threat to them... Historically we have gotten on well with them, they haven't killed or tortured us like the Krauts or Japs, nor dragged us into many, many wars like the poms and yanks.
That is because thousands of bloody Yanks died standing between Australia/New Zealand and Imperial Japan.

Little things, like the Battle of the Coral Sea.
All that hate really has turned you into a sad little thing.
Cool story, bro! Does it help you get past the knowledge that you beat your dog, beat your woman, forced her to work as a prostitute and engage in dangerous and extremely unpleasant sex work with strangers in seedy Wyoming motels, while your fat, sweating ass waited in the parking lot to take her money for your own use? Does it make up for the fact that your own family had to take your kid and move her an ocean away because your "lifestyle choices" made you an unfit parent?

I don't hate you - you're not worth it. I'm not a perfect man by any means but my wife and family love me and live with me. I've never hurt one of my pets, my wife or my kid.

I realize that your opinion of yourself is such that you think you matter, but I do not care a bit about what you think of me.

Do your own research! :)
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i'm gonna take your 3 Dusty Rhodes and up it with ONLY 1 Chief Jay Strongbow Tomahawk Chop- he was from NJ.

Hell yeah, I remember him!. I always loved to watch wrestling

Side note - this thread turned out weird. Also, I am doing a relay this weekend out to Wyoming, possibly Laramie. I've been there once already and I could see the FRONT RANGE OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS from the Petro truckstop, it was so awesome. I can't wait to go see again. The speed limit in Wyoming is 85 mph, soooo yeah I'm pumped up right now just thinking about it


Did she help fill the void left by the daughter your family took away from you for her own protection?

Seriously, it is hard to believe anything from a convicted sex trafficker who beat his girlfriend, made her perform unpleasant sex work with strangers and then took the money for his own use.
How do you know this???