The dream is dead.

The nightmare where you're locked in the house with the government texting you to make sure you're there? Is that the Australian dream?
No mate. Not sure what that is. I'm certainly not locked in my home with the gov texting me...lmao. Australian dream is home ownership- says so right in the article you didn't bother to read...
Sad but true. The aussie dream is dead.

"The Great Australian Dream is different to the American dream.
I actually have no idea what the American Dream is, and none of my American friends can explain it either, no matter how erudite they may be, so I assume it’s something to do with eagles and freedom and bombing poor countries so they too can die for freedom. Or something. Americans know they have a dream, but they’re not quite sure what it is. How’s that for successful propaganda?"

The first paragraph speaks volumes of the authors bias and ignorance.