The dream is dead. the lib crooks that have been running them for decades. The elitists libs love to keep their pets on the hungry side. You keep the fantasy alive tho lol. Al Sharpton is so proud of you. What ever happened with the 'hope and change' dealio??
Republicans thwarting his White House at every turn? Just saiyan.
As an american Im quite curious how you would go about defining the "Australian Dream". Hows that dream any different than all the other dreams? I mean does a person over there work their lives away and not expect to die comfortably? All I see is a country with a great economy low unemployment and very little dependence on other nations for their resources(which you have a world of). Ofcourse you can owe all this to the fact that you have a big ass country with a small ass population to contend with. Thats probably what drove the whole "american dream" push over here in the old days. Just curious how youd define it in a country ive never been to. Id love to visit one day but outside of a simpsons episode and the crocodile dundee series Ive experienced very little australian culture
You should of read the article.. The Australian dream is home ownership.
Australia's pretty big but most of it is pretty well uninhabitable.
Last edited: the lib crooks that have been running them for decades. The elitists libs love to keep their pets on the hungry side. You keep the fantasy alive tho lol. Al Sharpton is so proud of you. What ever happened with the 'hope and change' dealio??
Do you understand how the power structure of our government works local/state/federal? Gerrymandering the power away from the cities and sticking them with thousands of police in a small area to keep the hundreds of thousands of people stuck there subjigated has had devastating impacts on our cities.

But that doesn't fit your bullshit white nationalist fed narrative so I doubt you will care.

Nice race baiting bullshit at the end though. Next up are you going to do a 'Im not racist but' talking point?
This is always the calling card of liberals. When cornered on facts they turn to denial, calling people racists, etc. Liberal controlled sesspool cities have no influence from the GOP. They are literally carrying on a class war upon their own constituents with their always failed policies. The elitists treat the down trodden like pets. Keep'em down until election time then throw the dogs a bone and some platitudes. Cali is a prime example. Look at what DeBlasio did to NYC during his tenure. Complete kleptocrosy disaster
We actually outnumber your kind. I am for democracy. I support rule of law and majority rule. You, I suppose support voter suppression.

Also, lulz at your whine about being labeled a racist and then go on and on about "sesspool (sic) cities". I agree that it would be better if we stopped dehumanizing people and ad hominem attacks. That would be if we both stopped it, snowflake. the lib crooks that have been running them for decades. The elitists libs love to keep their pets on the hungry side. You keep the fantasy alive tho lol. Al Sharpton is so proud of you. What ever happened with the 'hope and change' dealio??
Legitimate question do you actually believe the stupid shit you say, and are you mentally retarded
This happened in 1998. Typical leftist cherry-picking of rare incidents while ignoring the usual occurrence which is perpetrated by their supporters. Since the weekend is still young should we bet on how many dozens of murders will occur in the liberal utopia of Chicago? How many hate crimes or car break ins in San Francisco? Honestly do you not see the connection between liberal policies and crime increases across the country?
Oh look the other racist shit talking troll sock puppet.

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We actually outnumber your kind. I am for democracy. I support rule of law and majority rule. You, I suppose support voter suppression.

Also, lulz at your whine about being labeled a racist and then go on and on about "sesspool (sic) cities". I agree that it would be better if we stopped dehumanizing people and ad hominem attacks. That would be if we both stopped it, snowflake.
Classic. They engineer the cesspool and then get all up in arms about the mess they’ve made. It sort of explains the rest of the formation of lies Repugs use to justify yet more assaults on freedom. Which makes their attempt to make that word their brand

-offensive. It’s so obviously dishonest.
-hypocritical. CRT, nuff said.
-dangerous. So many people are choosing to align behind their lies and act to bring the Republic down.

I hope that this ferment won’t break us. If not, it will lead to the biggest national rethink since 1968.
Cities are those places that white men stuffed hundreds of thousands of poor minorities escaping being burned out of their homes across the nation while the white people living in them previously fled to the new tax payer funded suburbs. Those cities have been underfunded, over polluted and kept economically depressed while systemic redlining kept them that way.

All so that you insurrectionist RINO sock puppet trolls can pretend like they are that way because of 'liberals' to try to get people to vote in more white men who would keep them that way.

Do you actually believe that white guilt shit? There is no fences holding anyone in. Are you going to tell me people with less means can travel across an ocean or several countries on foot and make a life here when English is their second language but people born, raised, and educated here can’t leave an area 100 years after they were “Stuffed” there as you put it?? The only thing keeping people down is the democrat welfare system and how the left keeps telling people that the system is against them and why try anyways. Of course when you keep people with enough to get by and keep telling them the system is rigged they aren’t going to find their way out. When you allow criminals to roam these streets instead of removing them it keeps crime cycles going. There is no incentive to do better and people are living several generations off government assistance. This is totally on the left.
Do you actually believe that white guilt shit? There is no fences holding anyone in. Are you going to tell me people with less means can travel across an ocean or several countries on foot and make a life here when English is their second language but people born, raised, and educated here can’t leave an area 100 years after they were “Stuffed” there as you put it?? The only thing keeping people down is the democrat welfare system and how the left keeps telling people that the system is against them and why try anyways. Of course when you keep people with enough to get by and keep telling them the system is rigged they aren’t going to find their way out. When you allow criminals to roam these streets instead of removing them it keeps crime cycles going. There is no incentive to do better and people are living several generations off government assistance. This is totally on the left.
good point as long as you ignore institutional racism completely and delude yourself into believing psychotic right wing garbage

Oh and half the red states out there can in no way generate enough revenue to sustain themselves and would collapse entirely without blue states supporting them so youre welcome for the "democrat welfare" you ungrateful racist dipshit
Do you actually believe that white guilt shit? There is no fences holding anyone in. Are you going to tell me people with less means can travel across an ocean or several countries on foot and make a life here when English is their second language but people born, raised, and educated here can’t leave an area 100 years after they were “Stuffed” there as you put it?? The only thing keeping people down is the democrat welfare system and how the left keeps telling people that the system is against them and why try anyways. Of course when you keep people with enough to get by and keep telling them the system is rigged they aren’t going to find their way out. When you allow criminals to roam these streets instead of removing them it keeps crime cycles going. There is no incentive to do better and people are living several generations off government assistance. This is totally on the left.
I’m all for removing the criminals on the street. Let’s start with corrupt bankers and corporate officers. Like the folks who got rich by crashing the economy 13 years or so ago. They have had too much of a free ride. Next, bring God’s own fury down on opportunist media profiting from the lies they purvey. From there it will be easier to work on down the ladder toward dirty police, corrections officers and public servants. Once we clean out the rot, getting to the ordinary scofflaws will be simple mop-up.

The people who “can’t leave an area for100 years” have been systematically stripped of opportunities by gerrymandering and strategic divisions of urban neighborhoods by highways and other carefully-placed barriers. Finally, opportunities in these deliberately blighted districts for employment, education, even basic healthcare have been shredded by people who use your kind of language to legislate away any aid and comfort to these unfortunates.

Perhaps because they are overwhelmingly of color.

Nice racist dogwhistle with the second language smear.
You should of read the article.. The Australian dream is home ownership.
I disagree with the premise.

Owning a home is much more than just the dream of people of Australia. Looking at the complaint, the growing problem with home unaffordability is present not just Australia but many other places in the world. Sticking to first world economies, The cities with the least affordability are scattered across the globe. Canada and Australia have cities that rank among the worst in low affordability of homes but San Francisco is close.


It's a big deal, don't get me wrong. I'm sure that Australians are worried for their kids and grand kids. Just saying most people in the world want to own a home. There is nothing special about Australia in that regard.

What I don't understand is where the inequity is coming from in Australia. If looking at wealth inequality, the US is fucked, with 42% of all the nation's wealth being held by the 1%. But that's not the case in Australia, where they are in the middle of the pack with about 20% held by their 1%.

It seems that the problem comes from a classic driver of inflation -- high income with scarcity. Australians rank among the highest in the world in terms of per capita wealth, second only to Switzerland. Compared to you guys, people in the US are dirt poor.


So the problem the article talked about is not wrong. Australians do have a worse problem with a lack in the supply of affordable homes. But it's a supply issue, not anything like the social problem we have in the US. Your issue isn't a lack of jobs or low wages or concentration of wealth. Something is blocking the building of more homes in Australia. What would that be?
Of course, when the power structure (local/state/federal) are all Dem Libs. They make all kinds of promises yet the subjugated still get fucked over while the (black and white) elitists get rich making deals for all their buddies. These cities are lib bastions. No GOP. Loads of federal spending. Where's all the money going? Why do they continue to vote against affordable housing codes for example? What part of that equation(aka reality) do you not understand you fucking moron!!!

You tweekers here always play the white nationalist cards when someone doesn't want to bow to your nonsense. I have nothing but 'hope' that inner city impoverished people get the help they've been promised for the last 3 decades by all of your Prog heros. Look at DeBlasio's wife and the missing money. Great example. Real Lib heros!!! You keep making those lame ass excuses b/c it makes you feel almost human
The first city on your list, st louis, is under complete gop governance you fucking retard. Governors have a lot more power than mayors.

Oh and your hero trump is the loudest voice against affordable housing, said it draws too many "low income minorities". His exact words. So you can cry about being called racist again but i dont give a shit about your hurt racist feelings bitch :^)
I disagree with the premise.

Owning a home is much more than just the dream of people of Australia. Looking at the complaint, the growing problem with home unaffordability is present not just Australia but many other places in the world. Sticking to first world economies, The cities with the least affordability are scattered across the globe. Canada and Australia have cities that rank among the worst in low affordability of homes but San Francisco is close.

View attachment 5019683

It's a big deal, don't get me wrong. I'm sure that Australians are worried for their kids and grand kids. Just saying most people in the world want to own a home. There is nothing special about Australia in that regard.

What I don't understand is where the inequity is coming from in Australia. If looking at wealth inequality, the US is fucked, with 42% of all the nation's wealth being held by the 1%. But that's not the case in Australia, where they are in the middle of the pack with about 20% held by their 1%.

It seems that the problem comes from a classic driver of inflation -- high income with scarcity. Australians rank among the highest in the world in terms of per capita wealth, second only to Switzerland. Compared to you guys, people in the US are dirt poor.

View attachment 5019692

So the problem the article talked about is not wrong. Australians do have a worse problem with a lack in the supply of affordable homes. But it's a supply issue, not anything like the social problem we have in the US. Your issue isn't a lack of jobs or low wages or concentration of wealth. Something is blocking the building of more homes in Australia. What would that be?
That second table is an obvious fabrication . Where is Luxembourg? :joint:
I disagree with the premise.

Owning a home is much more than just the dream of people of Australia. Looking at the complaint, the growing problem with home unaffordability is present not just Australia but many other places in the world. Sticking to first world economies, The cities with the least affordability are scattered across the globe. Canada and Australia have cities that rank among the worst in low affordability of homes but San Francisco is close.

View attachment 5019683

It's a big deal, don't get me wrong. I'm sure that Australians are worried for their kids and grand kids. Just saying most people in the world want to own a home. There is nothing special about Australia in that regard.

What I don't understand is where the inequity is coming from in Australia. If looking at wealth inequality, the US is fucked, with 42% of all the nation's wealth being held by the 1%. But that's not the case in Australia, where they are in the middle of the pack with about 20% held by their 1%.

It seems that the problem comes from a classic driver of inflation -- high income with scarcity. Australians rank among the highest in the world in terms of per capita wealth, second only to Switzerland. Compared to you guys, people in the US are dirt poor.

View attachment 5019692

So the problem the article talked about is not wrong. Australians do have a worse problem with a lack in the supply of affordable homes. But it's a supply issue, not anything like the social problem we have in the US. Your issue isn't a lack of jobs or low wages or concentration of wealth. Something is blocking the building of more homes in Australia. What would that be?
Yep, its a world wide problem that I said in an earlier post. But most countries citizens have been happy to rent their entire lives. That is a new thing here.

O for sure we are a very wealthy country. Its a Social Democracy after all.

Casualisation of the workforce is a huge issue. Basickly cannot get a mortgage. Rich people buying and owning multiple homes doesnt help.

Type in Google. What is the Australian dream...Its home ownership.

Building is booming has been for decades.
@Porky1982 Your in Construction, has it been booming? I know here the wait time for a new house build is 1- 2 years. Builders are flat out.
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Of course, when the power structure (local/state/federal) are all Dem Libs. They make all kinds of promises yet the subjugated still get fucked over while the (black and white) elitists get rich making deals for all their buddies. These cities are lib bastions. No GOP. Loads of federal spending. Where's all the money going? Why do they continue to vote against affordable housing codes for example? What part of that equation(aka reality) do you not understand you fucking moron!!!

You tweekers here always play the white nationalist cards when someone doesn't want to bow to your nonsense. I have nothing but 'hope' that inner city impoverished people get the help they've been promised for the last 3 decades by all of your Prog heros. Look at DeBlasio's wife and the missing money. Great example. Real Lib heros!!! You keep making those lame ass excuses b/c it makes you feel almost human
You are so cute with those crocodile tears running down your chubby little face.

We've had quite enough of the lies, gaslighting, threats and violence from Trump and his stupid puppets. You have to fabricate lies and fake conspiracy theories to work up your anger. All I need is to recall what happened on Jan 6.

We will stop you.

My area saw 23% growth last financial year and 26% this financial year. I could of bought the vacant block of land next to me for $50k 5-10 years ago. Its now for sale for offers over 350k. I paid 350k for my house 10 years ago. Its now worth mid 700's, by Christmas itll be 800. Its nuts.
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Yep, its a world wide problem that I said in an earlier post. But most countries citizens have been happy to rent their entire lives. That is a new thing here.
O for sure we are a very wealthy country. Its a Social Democracy after all.

What is the Australian dream...Its home ownership.
yes, I'm completely aware that people can believe they and their own problems are special when they aren't. We have that same attitude in the US.

O for sure we are a very wealthy country. Its a Social Democracy after all.

Casualisation of the workforce is a huge issue. Basickly cannot get a mortgage.

Building is booming has been for decades.
@Porky1982 Your in Construction, has it been booming? I know here the wait time for a new house build is 1- 2 years. Builders are flat out.

It just seems odd. There is plenty of land in Australia. Not a large population. Wages are good. Employment is good. But the housing industry can't keep up. If I were susceptible to fake conspiracy theories, I might be able to find one that explains it. But I'm guessing the problem with a shortage of affordable housing in Australia is out there in the open not something nefarious and secret.

There have been so many booms and busts in the cost of homes in the US that home ownership isn't universally considered a dream any more. Especially in the younger crowd of wage earners. I've always looked at my home, first and foremost as a hedge against inflation. I bought my current home about 20 years ago. Price seemed high then. It's higher now. But I'm not moving until I decide it's time to downsize.

I can't say what the "American dream" is because I don't believe there is ONE dream for all of us. My goal after college was to make a good living working in an interesting job using my brain and not my back. Maybe it was a dream, IDK. Are goals the same as dreams?
Hobart is the big one:

"Hobart. House prices new record edges close to $700,000, after jumping almost $67,000 over the September quarter. Annually, they are 31.9% higher, the strongest increase in 17 years. Hobart house prices have almost doubled over the past five years, the steepest increase of the capital cities.3 days ago
Do you actually believe that white guilt shit? There is no fences holding anyone in. Are you going to tell me people with less means can travel across an ocean or several countries on foot and make a life here when English is their second language but people born, raised, and educated here can’t leave an area 100 years after they were “Stuffed” there as you put it?? The only thing keeping people down is the democrat welfare system and how the left keeps telling people that the system is against them and why try anyways. Of course when you keep people with enough to get by and keep telling them the system is rigged they aren’t going to find their way out. When you allow criminals to roam these streets instead of removing them it keeps crime cycles going. There is no incentive to do better and people are living several generations off government assistance. This is totally on the left.
How is historical facts 'white guilt shit'?

Have you not heard of redlining before, or are you pretending like it didn't happen?

Of course, when the power structure (local/state/federal) are all Dem Libs. They make all kinds of promises yet the subjugated still get fucked over while the (black and white) elitists get rich making deals for all their buddies. These cities are lib bastions. No GOP. Loads of federal spending. Where's all the money going? Why do they continue to vote against affordable housing codes for example? What part of that equation(aka reality) do you not understand you fucking moron!!!

You tweekers here always play the white nationalist cards when someone doesn't want to bow to your nonsense. I have nothing but 'hope' that inner city impoverished people get the help they've been promised for the last 3 decades by all of your Prog heros. Look at DeBlasio's wife and the missing money. Great example. Real Lib heros!!! You keep making those lame ass excuses b/c it makes you feel almost human
Fine pick a state/city. I call bullshit on your whitewashing of history and am bored enough to put in the time to prove it.