The dream is dead.

Both sides seem to be getting vaccinated here. Maybe our right are a bit more edumacated than your right?
My State with its Conservative State government (we also have a Conservative Federal government) has been Covid transmission free since May 2020 (yes, you read that right) and has been encouraging vaccinations..

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I have been.
No Covid Transmission since May 2020.....
Our Conservative gov did all right here. How did Trump go? (Rhetorical, we all know he did shit)

Pretty clean air to: The northwestern tip of Tasmania on the Cape Grim Peninsula is where you'll find the cleanest air in the world. The coastline has been home to the Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station since 1976. The station measures the quality of air so we know what Earth's "baseline" is as pollution levels rise
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So strange when American Conservatives jump on a thread to spew negative stuff about Left wing governments only to find out that the Left wing Governments are actually Conservative governments. Its funny stuff.

I think i may be onto something. Perhaps we do have a better edumacated right wing.. Right wing Americans may be just dumb as dog shit.

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They often say that as well. Some say German to. You do know that Japan never had plans to invade Australia don't you? Yes i know i'm repeating myself as you haven't read the whole thread. Which is about Australian Politics by the way.

Yes, unless it benefits you. That has been a thing for awhile. Iraq, Afghanistan etc. Some good threads on those in the Politics sector.

Ive never heard an Australian or a Canadian say to the French or the English or, or or . Hey! Better thank me for something my ancestors did...Its an American thing. Says something about the culture.
Na we say that to the French jsyk lol.
Do you actually believe that white guilt shit?
I guess it depends on what you consider 'white guilt shit'. Are you saying that white men did not suppress and brutalize minority communities for centuries here in America in ways that last to this day? Because that is not correct.

But your 'guilt' snow flaking is on you and is just programming that right wing hate mongers hope sticks with voters long enough for the insurrectionist RINO's like Trump to get enough votes to ruin our democracy.

There is no fences holding anyone in.
This is the type of shit that those right wing hate mongering propagandists want you to not learn about, it seems like you might be someone who would benefit from learning more about our nation's history than you have.

Are you going to tell me people with less means can travel across an ocean or several countries on foot and make a life here when English is their second language but people born, raised, and educated here can’t leave an area 100 years after they were “Stuffed” there as you put it??
This is racist logic man. Millions of minorities who have been born here are making better lives for themselves all the time and move out into the 'burbs.

Unfortunately at the same time though we as a society have made it very hard to escape childhood in our minority cities without constant harassment from the thousands of police that patrol those couple hundred square miles. Something that has generational impacts on families and make it harder to escape the poverty trap that our cities have become.

Also I would look into things like Redlining which is still a problem that we need to overcome, because your '100 years' remark is lacking in actual understanding. It is a lot more recent than you seem to understand.

The only thing keeping people down is the democrat welfare system and how the left keeps telling people that the system is against them and why try anyways. Of course when you keep people with enough to get by and keep telling them the system is rigged they aren’t going to find their way out.
Your again just pushing right wing hate monger talking points that are not reality and just designed to get people like yourself (assuming you are not just another paid propaganda troll pushing the big lies) all angsty because you think it 'feels' true. It is not.
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When you allow criminals to roam these streets instead of removing them it keeps crime cycles going.
Shutting down the federal mental health system was a Republican move that put the people that are most likely to commit crimes on the streets, and those suburbs have used the cities as a dumping ground for the people that they allowed to fall through the cracks with their bus ticket out of town method of policing.

And after 50 years of this cycle the insurrectionist RINO's are pretending like it is the fault of the Democrats or the cities that the states have gerrymandered out of any actual power to change the laws that they get stuck with when their tax base ran to the newly built (with federal tax money) in the 50-70's. And that is bullshit.

There is no incentive to do better and people are living several generations off government assistance. This is totally on the left.
This is ignorant.

I’m not saying it didn’t happen. But every group of people have suffered struggles. So you are telling me that these poor people are doomed and that a difficult history decides their future so why even try? I’m saying negative bullshit like that is holding people down who are very capable of changing their lives. I have known a lot of people from different backgrounds that came up poor but did what it took to find a way. The way that you describe them makes them seem hopeless when they are NOT. Maybe people should stop making excuses and discouraging people and start trying to encourage them to better them selves. I have not given up on them even if you have
How noble of you (snicker). If you really care about our cities you should really want to see the crumbling asbestos/lead filled schools that white people fled from rebuilt as well as all the other cancerous pollution that was left behind as they divided up those cities with the superhighways that ruined property values and neighborhood cohesiveness.
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We have the electoral going for us because if it wasn’t for that only a few states would be running the country. But I really think you will be surprised next election.
You mean gerrymandering? Why would that be surprising, the Republicans have been scamming the system to maintain the ability to keep the mega wealthy from having to pay taxes for decades now. You would think that they would be smarter and understand that having our economy running at as close to 100% efficiency would benefit them far more than escaping from paying taxes for another generation.

I’m not an illegal alien, a sexual deviant, living on welfare, or a criminal so why would I vote for a bunch of fucked up liberals??? I’m sure a cocksucker like yourself has multiple reasons
Not crashing the economy would be a big one. Every Republican presidency has seen the economy wrecked with their shit economic policies. It is just that they then turn around and hand it off to a Democrat to fix and spend the next two years trolling them so that they can con the idiots that believe the lies into thinking it was 'the libs' that somehow crashed the economy during a Republican administration.

How do you know that I’m white? You don’t know what I identify as. I’m just pointing out hypocrisy
I don't even know if you are actually an American and not just another foreign troll.
If you don't have a workable bulletpointable plan with milestones to achieve a specific outcome... it is not a dream but a fantasy.