The dream is dead.

I don’t know what your taxes are like there but they keep screwing us and increasing them. Growing up they were like 6% for sales and now they are around 10%. Instead of trying to figure out how to screw others more we should ask why anyone is paying so much, where it goes, and even have a say in it. Yes I think we need to all chip in for a better society but you have one guy paying property taxes, sales tax, high vehicle registration, income taxes and another person who doesn’t work living off the government but can vote how the other guys money will be spent. Property taxes alone are bullshit. How do you keep taxing people on what they already paid for? I don’t have much but I’m not trying to just screw somebody else over because they have more. I just try to figure out how I can do better myself. Taxation for the most part is theft
Answer me this, is it fair to tax me 35% on 60,000 and tax a guy making a million 35% but actually only pays 15% due to the ability to lower the rate though deferrals and tax havens that aren’t available to the $60,000 person? The $60,000 income is now $39,000 and the $1,000,000 is now $850,000, hmmm seems fair right? I would probably be ok with the $1,000,000 person taxed at 35% same as everyone else but their not, hence douche not releasing his taxes ……. He knows it’ll make him out to be a bigger pile of poo in the eyes of trumpy dumb fucks. Actually na it won’t :(.
Just remember: Nobody flees capitalism to go to communism unless they are running from long prison terms. People don’t build boats out of anything that floats to escape capitalism. I watched part of a show last night about people who came from communist countries talking about how misinformed people are thinking that’s a better life.
Right, which is why nobody but the right wing propagandists are talking about it here in America.
Why is it fair to tax the rich more? That’s like charging one person $2 to see a movie but $200 to another. These are people that obviously spend more so they are paying taxes more. They pay more than you and I combined. They usually have employees and have created jobs which stimulates the economy. I’m much more concerned about not the millionaire but the millions of individuals who are living off our taxes yet contribute nothing but more illegitimate kids for us to take care of. These individuals are milking the cow which they have never fed. Let’s shut down some of those social programs and see how it motivates these people to get their ass off the couch and go find a job
They gain far more form the wealth of our nation too. They make more money the healthier and more educated our workforce is, how many roads we have, how stable our electrical grid is. All things that benefit the wealthy far more than the average American. Shit even their private jets are subsidized when tax payers make sure that the sky's are tracked and the infrastructure is in place for them to fly safely.

The further out people live from population centers means the more we spend of our taxes to keep them living in comfort.
Everybody was all up in arms about the Russians supposedly using social media to push an agenda but what about the interference by the media??? My God every day Trump was in office they posted some bullshit. I mean it was absolutely ridiculous. Biden who is an absolute mess could take a shit on the floor in the Oval Office and somehow they would find a way to blame Trump. I just want honest reporting not what I want to hear. Really just honest no nonsense reporting
What is 'the media'?

News media reporting facts is not the same as setting up bullshit left/right propaganda websites/stations like OANN or Epoch Times and cat fishing American citizens with micro-targeted bullshit narratives that are derived from data analysis from all their social media and internet histories that get vacuumed up to make psych profiles on a individual basis to tear us all apart from our family friends neighbors and fellow humans that would otherwise be able to have good conversations.

Are you ok with the fact that the Russian military is attacking our citizens?

Lmao! Communist are dictators. Look up what happens to Falun Gong or Muslims in China. Talk to some of the folks that escaped the communist from Vietnam. Communism is the worst dictatorship there is. 100 Million people have died due to communism. Most starved to death or were murdered by their own government. I’ve been to a communist country before. You have no rights. A guy took a pic in the airport and two soldiers took his phone, erased it, and told him to NEVER do that again. They watch everything you do or say. You guys whine about the cops now. If we were communist they wouldn’t even need a warrant to bust in your door. For drug offenses people are still getting the death penalty. Fuck that! I like freedom and 3 meals a day. I’d take the Taliban over communism
Again nobody in office but right wing hate mongers and the people that have fallen for their propaganda are talking about communism.
The same could be said about democrats that incited people to riot. Maxine Waters encouraged people to riot after the Rodney King verdict as well as more recently. Others in Left have made incendiary comments which have encouraged not protests but riots. Why is this a non-issue with the left? A bunch a people doing stupid shit at the capital is a small comparison to countless businesses looted and burned to the ground as well as police, fire fighters, and citizens killed or injured during the year of rioting.
You are just regurgitating right wing talking points.

No Democrat in office has gotten permits for a hate rally and used it to drive their cult into a froth and direct them to do violence. And anything you think you have seen is just edited click bait propaganda that you have been told that it is the same so you can snowflake out a 'what about-ism'.

You mean like CNN?
You mean that the white nationalists and nut bags like the 'boogaloo boys' that used the protests over the summer as cover to attack our cities tricked you into believing the propaganda Trump manufactured for his political campaign worked on you?
200531-protesters-tease_wdnnve Shot 2021-11-02 at 6.12.03 AM.png
The same could be said about democrats that incited people to riot. Maxine Waters encouraged people to riot after the Rodney King verdict as well as more recently. Others in Left have made incendiary comments which have encouraged not protests but riots. Why is this a non-issue with the left? A bunch a people doing stupid shit at the capital is a small comparison to countless businesses looted and burned to the ground as well as police, fire fighters, and citizens killed or injured during the year of rioting.
Can you put a link to these riots the democrats incited please??
It's more that companies aren't paying their fair share. Most large multi national companies pay less than 2% tax.
But it's laws with loopholes that allow this to happen. Australia, America most of the western world this is the case.
Answer me this, is it fair to tax me 35% on 60,000 and tax a guy making a million 35% but actually only pays 15% due to the ability to lower the rate though deferrals and tax havens that aren’t available to the $60,000 person? The $60,000 income is now $39,000 and the $1,000,000 is now $850,000, hmmm seems fair right? I would probably be ok with the $1,000,000 person taxed at 35% same as everyone else but their not, hence douche not releasing his taxes ……. He knows it’ll make him out to be a bigger pile of poo in the eyes of trumpy dumb fucks. Actually na it won’t :(.
The same could be said about democrats that incited people to riot. Maxine Waters encouraged people to riot after the Rodney King verdict as well as more recently. Others in Left have made incendiary comments which have encouraged not protests but riots. Why is this a non-issue with the left? A bunch a people doing stupid shit at the capital is a small comparison to countless businesses looted and burned to the ground as well as police, fire fighters, and citizens killed or injured during the year of rioting.
Those riot-inciting “democrats” were MAGA engaging in false-flag operations.
I'm happy to be taxed. We get a lot for the money like Universal healthcare, pensions etc.
To start with a Tax should be fair. Someone earning a million dollars a year should pay more in tax % wise than someone earning 20k a year. They should be reinvesting in the country they live in and lets be honest they wont even miss it.
I used to pay a shit load of income tax as i was a salesman and the commission earnt which made up the bulk of my income was classed as a second income and i was taxed about 60%. Minimum tax rate applied on my retainer that was min wage. But the kicker that hurt me long term was that my Employer paid Superannuation only applied on my Retainer. Big hole in the system that has hurt my Superannuation balance to this day.

Traffic fines are a good example. is it fair to fine a low income earner $500 for a driving offence and the same amount of money to a millionaire? If fines are not adjusted for income then they are only for the low income.

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Over here we have a constitution. You can’t just charge somebody more for a fine just because they make more.