The Ebay Of Drugs?

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kinda of a deal, man... when you sign up for an account you specifically say that you will NOT violate the terms of svc so that the site does not get shut down... please read them now, and try to not get the site shut down, if you please...
secondly, what is ipa other than India Pale Ale (in america that is what i am given to understand it stands for)...
kinda of a deal, man... when you sign up for an account you specifically say that you will NOT violate the terms of svc so that the site does not get shut down... please read them now, and try to not get the site shut down, if you please...
secondly, what is ipa other than India Pale Ale (in america that is what i am given to understand it stands for)...
and who the fuck are you quoting rules and why the fuck do you care.
and who the fuck are you quoting rules and why the fuck do you care.

well bonzi, i'm happy you asked:

i am a former member of good old until it got shut down by idiots who broke the rules...

then i was a member of the oaksterdam online community until IT got shut down by idiots who broke the rules...

so now when i see more idiots who are breaking the rules, i try to remind them of them so that this community (which i am a part of as well as you) DOESN'T GET SHUT DOWN LIKE THE REST...


i respect your right to feel any way that you want to about what i write, but i insist that you respect my right as well to try to keep this place civil as well as open...

getting your servers confiscated and members arrested is a crap way to start the day...
sounds sketchy as shit if you ask me, perhaps the money gets to the supposed dealer and he mails you back your 8 ball of coke or sheet of acid or whatever, what makes you think that your government and customs agents are gonna be cool with this shit coming to your mailing adddress? no racism coming from here. just suggestion.
sounds sketchy as shit if you ask me, perhaps the money gets to the supposed dealer and he mails you back your 8 ball of coke or sheet of acid or whatever, what makes you think that your government and customs agents are gonna be cool with this shit coming to your mailing adddress? no racism coming from here. just suggestion.

Racism? WTF?
of course if you don't like the things that come with bho, you could always try the same method but using co2... some claim ( and i personally think) that it is purer and tastier... but vac bho is world class if done properly...

I highly doubt any of those claimants have the tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars of equipment to do a supercritical co2 extraction.

edit: Pardon me there is one company offering supercritical co2 extracts and while I'm skeptical they are truthful about methodology they may have the initial funds to purchase the expensive equipment needed. They could be the source.
well bonzi, i'm happy you asked:

i am a former member of good old until it got shut down by idiots who broke the rules...

then i was a member of the oaksterdam online community until IT got shut down by idiots who broke the rules...

so now when i see more idiots who are breaking the rules, i try to remind them of them so that this community (which i am a part of as well as you) DOESN'T GET SHUT DOWN LIKE THE REST...


i respect your right to feel any way that you want to about what i write, but i insist that you respect my right as well to try to keep this place civil as well as open...

getting your servers confiscated and members arrested is a crap way to start the day...

While I agree that the community has certain responsibility to assure that the site remains unmolested I can't help but point out that the site admins have done woefully little to protect their users or servers from LEO.

TSL encryption ensures that the contents of posts cannot be read by middle men as they are being sent to the server.

Hosting content through a pseudonymous overlay network can greatly improve both the safety of the server and the privacy of the user. If outside access is necessary then hosts can be used as bridges into the pseudonymous overlay network.

These pseudonymous overlay networks do not use conventional DNS servers so they cannot be hindered by domain name seizure. Determining the actual IP and location of hosts on a pseudonymous overlay network is non-trivial (even for governments) with a properly hardened host.

Further more on these networks users do not need to reveal an IP address to the server. This makes fears of logging and linking IPs to user accounts irrelevant. Though that does not mean the host cannot take measures to lessen or defeat user anonymity.

Unfortunately things are going to be a game of grab-ass until admins of forums like this start proactively thinking about LEO harassment. I2P, Freenet, and Tor are all suitable for hosting information and facilitating communications. They provide better protection to all involved. It is almost silly that grow forums are still being hosted on the clearnet like this.
Well, have you asked yourself of the legality of shipment of drugs? And it's damn thing when you had the conversation long until you have been fooled that most....
don't feel bad op. im behind you on this. People REALLY DO sell drugs on the internet. Meth, coke, heroin, etc.

its all about who you know.

Theres been websites out there that do mail order drug dealing. Sure a fair majority are scams but there are legit places. only problem is no one that found one thats legit is gonna share that info with you (legit sources don't usually last long & the ones that do only do so because its kept quite)

i believe you do need the mtcn number to withdraw the money using western union so i suppose if im right then it would be safe (in theory) to do it.

personally i wouldn't do it unless you could remain anonymous and have the package sent to a nearby neighbor (ie. you intercept the package) then give the mtcn number to the guy in africa to withdraw the money.

however its still not that great of an idea and im not 100% sure you do need the mtcn number to withdraw the cash.

if you really need the mtcn number then you can be sure at the very least its not a scam. however you dont know if its a police sting either (which it could be)

your best defense in that situation is to send it to a neighbor and steal the package...if you get arrested you'd have to deny you knew the contents and admit to being a thief and just stealing the neighbors package just because you seen it delivered and thought it was something valuable. stealing mail is a federal crime and im sure stealing packages (even from ups) is classified just the same but assuming its your first offense they'd go easier on you than if you admitted you knew it was drugs or/and had it sent to your house.

just my opinion. either way not too safe to do unless you can get verification from others that have ordered from them successfully.
That dude is long since gone and if you did know of legit illicit sources you'd know they don't use WU. :)

technically theres nothing wrong with WU as a source of payment. Its probably better than paypal in the sense that you can send cash and receive it anonymously via the question & answer option (where you the sender "ask" a question and select the right answer and when the person to receive it goes to pick it up they must know the answer you chose.) when you use paypal you must have a bank account on file to deposit and withdraw cash into/from paypal.

the fact that scammers know they can remain anonymous is a big reason why the use WU.

So its really about who it is...if attitude requested WU all of the sudden as the only payment option i wouldn't hesitate since they are legit. alibaba is full of scammers. i posted an ad looking to sell something on there and got like 50+ emails from people wanting to sell me what im selling but at a cheaper price...bunch of scams.

so i think it has to do with who you deal with. ive used WU to send/receive money many times (from people i know in real life and otherwise) and have never been scammed.
Of course it's a source of payment. A very famous one at that. However that doesn't mean it's an anonymous and secure method for sending and receiving payment for an illegal drug transaction.
i didnt read the whole thread but to all you saying your retarded trying to buy illegal drugs online and giving this dude shit your fucking retarded, steroids street prices ar elike 100 dollars per vial and like 50 cents -3 dollars per pill, online you can get vials 30 dollars and pills for like 5 cents ive done it they come from like cyprus and moldova, you can also order pharmaceuticals from alot of places pretty cheap and you can order powders from sites like alibaba, i think is more legit tho (not a source its the same thing as alibaba). but yea 90% of the people are scammers jsut do your research and its easy to find the legit places look for people willing to sell small samples or free samples. and yes legit illicit sources do use western union
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