The Ebay Of Drugs?

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Well I once had a buddy who ordered dianabol online from some third world country. Everything worked out for him. Its the people who takes risks who know how succeed. Although as easy at it is to cultivate cannabis, I would never buy it from another country unless I was occupying it.

Im new to this site as well, and its a shame because I thought this was a place where everyone was cool. I, like you, was under the impression that there was people who understood what it was like to be human. Sad that people feed of off negative energy so easily. A problem with the world that I thought cannabis would once fix. Sadly this website shows otherwise. But as for the topic I thought it was an interesting enough to be at least looked at.
Mail Order Marijuana or, MOM's aren't really uncommon. You can by weed of Craigslist if you scan your Medical Card. You can buy any drug you could possibly think of. Just gotta find it. ;)
Go to type in some popular drugs and guess what theirs hundreds of suppliers!

(this isnt a direct source just a medium)

Most of these must be scams. most ask for western union.(look up western union scams)

theirs marijuana hash heroin cocain meth magic mushrooms xtc everything. lots of steroids as well.

nearly all of these people are from the country Cameroon, (Africa) Not quite sure why. they are known for their adopt a pet scam.(look it up)

this guy want $250 for 50 grams of hash shipped. How difficult is it to ship from cameroon to america without being detected?(hypothetically of course)

would this guy even be able to make a profit of this?

he wants me to pay using western union and I got him to offer a deal which is I make the payment send him a scanned copy he sends me the goods and then I give him the mtcn number required for him to withdraw the money.

could anything go wrong with that deal? It has scam written all over it But I cant help but think its real and Im just passing it up.

I sent messages to many different people and about have responded in a formal matter with slightly off english(kinda expected) quite a few of the people have websites as well.

Tell me your thoughts and If they are indeed scammers we should all spam them with hate mail! No remorse for people fucking with my high!

Sounds like a scam.
that is 99.9% a scam dude how many of those nigerian email scams do you see on the news and in your spam box dude lol they are people looking for idiots to send them money. simple as that
I was involved in a small biodiesel startup a few years ago and we searched the world looking for sources of vegetable oil. Camaroon for some reason was where we got hit up with the most offers. All turned out to be scams. Last year I was in Haiti doing medical relief after the quake and I met a bad-ass soldier working for the UN from Camaroon. He did mention that you can procure just about anything you want there from female slaves to drugs to advanced weapons. It's not all scams. It's the delivery part on your end that is the problem.

I'm surprised Alibaba doesn't try to filter their site. When I posted looking for veg oil, I got harassed for months from all kinds of losers, all wanting payment up front. Every now and then a real supplier would contact me but we just didn't know who to trust. When street diesel dropped to $1.75 a gallon in 2008, we gave it up.

Wouldn't it be great if you could mail order a big block of hash though? LOL!
Its funny for me to see kids calling another kid a mark,everybody on this site acts like they come from the ghetto,its laughable.

Dont try so hard to act street tough,it gives you away.
three questions:
1: why would you think people would buy from you on a thread about the ebay of drugs?
2: how is it extracted? by what method, i mean?
3: why does it seem that you are determined to be banned for violating the rules of this site???
I am offering you $1.51 million to grow a brain.

Ya one guy offered me 1.5 million to open up a account and let him send his funds to it. I think I heard they make money off tax you pay for the high amount of money and then obviously not get the 1.5 haha. but for 1.5 million im sure he could buy a few plane tickets to open one in the usa himself...and then buy a few sports cars.
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