The Ebay Of Drugs?

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Its funny how you go from me thinking $250 for 50 grams is a scam to you think I would believe that bullshit. Ive already recieved plenty of emails like that actually wanting me to open up a bank account..cmon dont act like you know me.

Dont post on my thread your worthless to this conversation.

LOL. have fun bud ;)
Lol wow at the 2000 consensus for Baltimore 31% white 64% black. sorry to say but I dont think its a coincidence that balitmore is a dangerous city..
Ya one guy offered me 1.5 million to open up a account and let him send his funds to it. I think I heard they make money off tax you pay for the high amount of money and then obviously not get the 1.5 haha. but for 1.5 million im sure he could buy a few plane tickets to open one in the usa himself...and then buy a few sports cars.
liberty im sorry for all the dicks who are treating you like shit. youve done nothing wrong by coming here and getting advise on the topic. i cant believe their calling you a mark when you clewarly did the opposite of what a mark would do and you asked first. wtf is wrong with you guys treating new members like shit?
liberty im sorry for all the dicks who are treating you like shit. youve done nothing wrong by coming here and getting advise on the topic. i cant believe their calling you a mark when you clewarly did the opposite of what a mark would do and you asked first. wtf is wrong with you guys treating new members like shit?

Common sense... isn't.
Common sense... isn't.


common sense is common sense and if i asked you where i can buy weed online and have it shipped to my house you would probably say thats so stupid man common sense....

yet its a common practice and these moms (mail order marijuna) also require you to pay first, usually through western union or cash in the mail. what this guy is asking isnt far fetched at all. so now what? you have no reason to belittle the guy for asking a question.
Not a stupid question honestly. I did one of these mail order things once and it was supposed to be split into 3 shipments. I received 2 of them.
Now I was young and reckless and would not attempt such a thing again and I do believe most of them are scams.

You did the right thing in trying to get some advice before sending your hard earned money off. Sad that people waste their time bringing others down.

Peace, love and happy growing everyone!
Okay, fine. My fault for drifting into conversations and not sticking to the technical end. To the OP, good job asking first. But this whole scenario reeks of Mail-Order Darwinism, and if you're nuts enough to consider this, then what's next? Shop local, you know?
im about to order some 2ct type shit from online. ill be researching first to be sure i order from someone reputable.
lol man internet is popular seeds pills anything u want u can get.. trust me i've order shit from india when i was younger.. use to get tramadol by the 100 when my dad was only getting the 50mg 1's i wanted to check them out.. they got here i took them and it was like god damn. those shit r so much stronger.. but ill admit at first i was scared. but no balls no glory =/
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