no doubt! It relieves my painful back problems, eases my panic disorder among other things. Crazy how I'm not allowed to medicate myself how I see fit in my own fucking home no less. It's not harmful to the environment, it's all natural, no overhead or outsourcing haha. But I can go buy a bottle of pure grain and drink myself to death in 1/2 an hour if I wanted. or get alcohol poison and run up insurance claims, crash my car into a school bus, become ultra violent all from being pissed drunk and all thats fine and dandy. Not to mention how great for your heart, blood, liver, spleen, IBS, and other areas of your body booze is; oh and lets not for get about the bottles and all the greenhouse gas that is emitted from the factories that make the bottles, labels, alcohol, and all the people driving to work everyday. Hymm what seems less harmful? Oh yea forgot about the addiction and fetal alcohol syndrome and all the other birth defects alcohol cause. For me there is no silver lining with alcohol, I do have a drink now and then, but thats it. Is there any benefit to drinking booze? Lets weigh the pros and cons of drinking booze to smoking the flowers of a plant and see who comes out on top. Oh, lets lace some tobacco with a trillion chemicals and purposefully make cigarettes addictive, let put tar in it thats good for lungs. Lets continue to cause cancer (the scourge of the earth) lets pretend that tobacco is better for you and the environment than cigarettes, because thats what huge corporations say! It must be true. Make bud legal and I guarantee it would be one of the top commodities in history!! yeesh This I think if for another thread haha