The Ebay Of Drugs?

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Ya Im in an apartment right now but soon Im going to split rent for a house and ill grow then.

only marijuana hookup I have is $20 a g for "dro" and a pathetic 6g for $100 hell true chronic goes $25

so until I grow my own or get another hookup I mainly smoke jwh 018 which I can get 25 a g and that lasts like a month considering a dose is 5mg

Dallas area btw

dallas area me too. hit me up
Ya one guy offered me 1.5 million to open up a account and let him send his funds to it. I think I heard they make money off tax you pay for the high amount of money and then obviously not get the 1.5 haha. but for 1.5 million im sure he could buy a few plane tickets to open one in the usa himself...and then buy a few sports cars.

No offense meant, but if you take it that way, oh well!

You have got to be the stupidest mother fucker ever if you really believe in all this shit you are typing



and if you try to buy some of that 'hash' then you deserved to be ripped off
sorry, maybe I should type my sentences so you can understand better! If you reread my post I ment he could just fly over to usa and open up his account and then also buy a few sports cars not me! him!

you were just using wishful thinking that I was actually being that dumb and it made you feel good that someone was actually dumber than you sorry gtfo.
unreal how people have no decency toward people asking a simple question, even if it's dumb to them. Who cares if it's a stupid question? Did you come out of the vagina knowing the meaning of life? Did you have a PhD in hand when you were born? the Dicks could could just tell you to stay away from that kind of stuff. Instead they feel the need to stick their chest out and beet on it like apes. Like they are smarter and better than you? Next time you ask a question you should tell the dicks in here to keep their self righteous, look at me I'm better than you cause your stupid comments to themselves. Fucking assholes make me ill. I apologize for my language; but I just have zero tolerance for that 9th grade bully mentality and behavior. Grow up, gain some scruples, and show some respect for people less knowledgeable. give advice instead of attacking (what you call "trying to help").
I digress... If I were you, I would not even entertain the idea of ordering drugs of any type from the Internet. Would you buy a car sight unseen? you don't know what problems it may have. You may spend your hard earned money on a car that doesn't even have a motor. That's not to mention the legal implications of buying dope online that could take you down. I know the feeling of wanting instant gratification, but you don't know the people, you cant see the product, you don't know if it's legit, they will have your information (did you see punch drunk love?). I would rent a storage unit and grow my own plant before anything like that!! in the end it's your life and your decision; but I would weigh the pros and cons of doing something like this. Doesn't seem worth it to me.
No offense meant, but if you take it that way, oh well!

You have got to be the stupidest mother fucker ever if you really believe in all this shit you are typing



and if you try to buy some of that 'hash' then you deserved to be ripped off

Please explain a situation where a person "deserves to be ripped off"? When does anyone deserve to get ripped off? unless they are truly bad people with bad intent who themselves rip people off. Ohhhh. People that aren't as awesome, smart, and all knowing as yourself... Take notes from AKRevo!! he says that you are a major failure because your typing stupid shit.... which he himself has never done in his entire lifetime!! If you want to be perfect, Liberty Toke; you need to go around and call people names, belittle them, and wish bad things upon them. Thats the best way to live life.... Rude, mean, and spiteful. I did want to point out one other thing AKRevo, you say no offence meant in your last comment, but then you say he must be the stupidest mother fucker ever and "YOU=MAJOR FAILURE "?? I'm confused. do you mean no offense with that statement as well? It shure does seem like you mean offence.. or maybe your just a streight up dick? No offence. LOL
wahh wahh wahh!

If youre trying to buy hash from someone in Africa, then yes, in my book, you are a stupid mother fucker and deserved to be ripped off because its the most obvious scam. If you dont see it, you should get your head checked...And yeah, ive typed and done a lot of stupid shit but nothing that stupid ;)

I am a dick. no offense taken! :lol:

Now, calm down before you shit yourself! Youre starting to leak...

I was wrong for saying he was stupid about the bank account, but honestly, im not going to read all his posts and I wouldnt be suprised if he did believe in it.

Go ahead and make me eat my words by ordering the hash and letting me know how that works out for you.
I did poop a little.. And no doubt, if you try to order dope of anykind from Africa, you need your head examined!! There are plenty of people in the states to get hash from my man!! you should consolidate your efforts in finding someone local. PM me.
AKRevo... I'm also a dick, we should start a club :)
what Im saying is how am I stupid for not knowing people in africa dont sell hash? its a hell of alot easier to mass grow drugs their. I didnt know maybe its a common thing now I know none of you have heard of this actually being done legit.

are you looking for a brain battle or something mister??

dont act like you can guess my IQ from a paragraph I wrote on a marijuana forum...doesnt sound very scientific of you..
I totaly get what your saying! And I was sticking up for you! All I'm saying is weigh the pros and cons of such things.
As far as them mass growing, that I have no idea?? and thats a good question. I'd like to know the answer to that one. You don't hear about many good strains comming from there though. Or at least that I can remember?
Youre not really stupid, just naive. Come on man, think about it! Im sure there is all kinds of hash out there, but really, some random african telling you to western union some cash!? Thats the newest oldest scam in the book (Nigerians)...In the OP, you even hinted at it being a possible scam and then try to rationalize it and have people tell you its a legit deal. just order it then and well see
thanks for understanding ifartsmoke

If I was president, I would organize a non profit marijuana organization that gives out bud to those who are dry. Marijuana should be a humans right!
no doubt! It relieves my painful back problems, eases my panic disorder among other things. Crazy how I'm not allowed to medicate myself how I see fit in my own fucking home no less. It's not harmful to the environment, it's all natural, no overhead or outsourcing haha. But I can go buy a bottle of pure grain and drink myself to death in 1/2 an hour if I wanted. or get alcohol poison and run up insurance claims, crash my car into a school bus, become ultra violent all from being pissed drunk and all thats fine and dandy. Not to mention how great for your heart, blood, liver, spleen, IBS, and other areas of your body booze is; oh and lets not for get about the bottles and all the greenhouse gas that is emitted from the factories that make the bottles, labels, alcohol, and all the people driving to work everyday. Hymm what seems less harmful? Oh yea forgot about the addiction and fetal alcohol syndrome and all the other birth defects alcohol cause. For me there is no silver lining with alcohol, I do have a drink now and then, but thats it. Is there any benefit to drinking booze? Lets weigh the pros and cons of drinking booze to smoking the flowers of a plant and see who comes out on top. Oh, lets lace some tobacco with a trillion chemicals and purposefully make cigarettes addictive, let put tar in it thats good for lungs. Lets continue to cause cancer (the scourge of the earth) lets pretend that tobacco is better for you and the environment than cigarettes, because thats what huge corporations say! It must be true. Make bud legal and I guarantee it would be one of the top commodities in history!! yeesh This I think if for another thread haha
Go to type in some popular drugs and guess what theirs hundreds of suppliers!

(this isnt a direct source just a medium)

Most of these must be scams. most ask for western union.(look up western union scams)

theirs marijuana hash heroin cocain meth magic mushrooms xtc everything. lots of steroids as well.

nearly all of these people are from the country Cameroon, (Africa) Not quite sure why. they are known for their adopt a pet scam.(look it up)

this guy want $250 for 50 grams of hash shipped. How difficult is it to ship from cameroon to america without being detected?(hypothetically of course)

would this guy even be able to make a profit of this?

he wants me to pay using western union and I got him to offer a deal which is I make the payment send him a scanned copy he sends me the goods and then I give him the mtcn number required for him to withdraw the money.

could anything go wrong with that deal? It has scam written all over it But I cant help but think its real and Im just passing it up.

I sent messages to many different people and about have responded in a formal matter with slightly off english(kinda expected) quite a few of the people have websites as well.

Tell me your thoughts and If they are indeed scammers we should all spam them with hate mail! No remorse for people fucking with my high!

I think customs will let it through just to cat you!!!! western union SCREAMS SCAM! use paypal send money for anything you can think off knowing what you are going to get but tooo risky... they have no laws that will implicate them in those countries so are subject to no consequences you on the other hand... I think its pretty obvious
NOt read the whole thread just the first few posts. Its a scam you send the money to them and that it. You will NOT get anything in return trust me on that. Those country's are notorious for these sorts of scams. Also why would you trust a complete stranger to send you drugs from overseas. That is just asking for the police to be coming to your door with your package in one hand and handcuffs in the other.
online mail orders are like good if you here them from a second hand 'dog hit look what i got'.i got mail order shrooms in pills.web site was for organic remidies.peace
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