The ECONOMICS of Health Care (PART1)

What I said was, when YOU consider Fox News as a source for "fair and balanced" news, everything else looks liberal by comparison.

You did say YOU? I must not understand what "you" means. Oh wait you're misrepresenting me. But yet again you're missing my point or you work for another network. Let's talk about this article that CJ posted can you please supply me with facts to disprove the article? Please site you references.
Please..... I only want adults to post on this thread.

I threw in the disclaimer for a reason.... try reading it. If you have something to say about the actual article, ur in the right place. if you simply want to throw generalized mud on the wall, go elsewhere. Try a sandbox.
You all are missing the most important angle in this entire debate. Doob is back to using her normal name, exactly as was predicted after being exposed by everyone for the last week as Cloud City. I believe it was predicted last night that Doob would return today after the correlation between her lack of posts and the emergence of Cloud City. Funny how that worked out exactly.

Welcome back doob, did we have fun as a troll? Are you still a far right Conservative, or are we done with that now?
I am amazed that there seem to be a lot of stoners on here that are very closed minded. Seems like a contradiction to me but I'm with CJ.....let's get back on point and stop with the attacks and bickering and jacking the hell out of this thread. :wall:
Yes, the jack was on purpose... doob couldn't think a way out of a paper is proven over and over and over again.

Read the it twice. Sowell is on target and his economic books are very readable and salient. If I would recommend one book of his, it would be "applied economics", which this is derived from with Sowell's permission.

It's the economics of health care politics..... without this type of information, it is impossible to really understand what is at stake here....everything.
You did say YOU? I must not understand what "you" means. Oh wait you're misrepresenting me. But yet again you're missing my point or you work for another network. Let's talk about this article that CJ posted can you please supply me with facts to disprove the article? Please site you references.

You're right, you must not understand what YOU means.

In the English language, the word YOU can be interchanged with the word ONE when speaking of an individual or group of individuals who are otherwise unspecified (not mentioned by name).

Example: "When ONE considers Fox News" can be stated as "When YOU consider Fox News".

There isn't enough time in a day to cover all the actual facts that were not addressed in CJ's "article". I'm a busy person, but here's a web site that might help you find what you're looking for:
You all are missing the most important angle in this entire debate. Doob is back to using her normal name, exactly as was predicted after being exposed by everyone for the last week as Cloud City. I believe it was predicted last night that Doob would return today after the correlation between her lack of posts and the emergence of Cloud City. Funny how that worked out exactly.

Welcome back doob, did we have fun as a troll? Are you still a far right Conservative, or are we done with that now?

LOL! You're delusional. This is my only username at I've never used any other screen names here. I've read a post or two by this CloudCity person, and they say they are a conservative republican - so you ought to know that isn't me. You know the old saying "who smelt it, dealt it"? Well, if you ask me, I think YOU (and CJ, and RickWhite, and your other aliases) are CloudCity (look at the capitalization pattern, CJ/ObamaSanta/RickWhite's trademark).

Why haven't I been posting here? Well, I found better things to do with my time like taking midterm exams and being hospitalized to have my adenoids removed.
LOL! You're delusional. This is my only username at I've never used any other screen names here. I've read a post or two by this CloudCity person, and they say they are a conservative republican - so you ought to know that isn't me. You know the old saying "who smelt it, dealt it"? Well, if you ask me, I think YOU (and CJ, and RickWhite, and your other aliases) are CloudCity (look at the capitalization pattern, CJ/ObamaSanta/RickWhite's trademark).

Why haven't I been posting here? Well, I found better things to do with my time like taking midterm exams and being hospitalized to have my adenoids removed.
It's becoming clearer. Another example of how universities are furthering the liberal agenda through indoctrination of young people.
You're right, you must not understand what YOU means.

In the English language, the word YOU can be interchanged with the word ONE when speaking of an individual or group of individuals who are otherwise unspecified (not mentioned by name).

Example: "When ONE considers Fox News" can be stated as "When YOU consider Fox News".

There isn't enough time in a day to cover all the actual facts that were not addressed in CJ's "article". I'm a busy person, but here's a web site that might help you find what you're looking for:

You don't have time, that's a great joke. Look at all of your past posts that you could have used to disprove CJ's article. You can't, it's as simple as that. When you use "One" or "You" in the context you used it, then you are implying/assuming a lot. So don't make any assumptions in the future it only diminishes your stance. Keep in mind we are discussing the article nothing more or less. 2559 posts since June of 2009, you must have time to spare.
LOL! You're delusional. This is my only username at I've never used any other screen names here. I've read a post or two by this CloudCity person, and they say they are a conservative republican - so you ought to know that isn't me. You know the old saying "who smelt it, dealt it"? Well, if you ask me, I think YOU (and CJ, and RickWhite, and your other aliases) are CloudCity (look at the capitalization pattern, CJ/ObamaSanta/RickWhite's trademark).

Why haven't I been posting here? Well, I found better things to do with my time like taking midterm exams and being hospitalized to have my adenoids removed.

Now I've heard it all. Don't even bother denying you are Cloud City. Other than typing "I'm a Conservative" at the beginning of every thread, CC spouts the EXACT same drivel you do. Not to mention the writing style is a dead on match.

You stopped posting completely during the exact same time that CC was heavily posting. Now it will come as no surprise that CC's postings will drastically decline or stop completely. You've been caught, so blather all you want, you weren't even remotely talented enough to dupe ANYONE.
Now I've heard it all. Don't even bother denying you are Cloud City. Other than typing "I'm a Conservative" at the beginning of every thread, CC spouts the EXACT same drivel you do. Not to mention the writing style is a dead on match.

You stopped posting completely during the exact same time that CC was heavily posting. Now it will come as no surprise that CC's postings will drastically decline or stop completely. You've been caught, so blather all you want, you weren't even remotely talented enough to dupe ANYONE.
Bwahahah!!! This is absolutely the most absurdly funny thing I have seen in a long time. It's got that Monty Python skit feel to it.
Now I've heard it all. Don't even bother denying you are Cloud City. Other than typing "I'm a Conservative" at the beginning of every thread, CC spouts the EXACT same drivel you do. Not to mention the writing style is a dead on match.

You stopped posting completely during the exact same time that CC was heavily posting. Now it will come as no surprise that CC's postings will drastically decline or stop completely. You've been caught, so blather all you want, you weren't even remotely talented enough to dupe ANYONE.

obamasanta, it's clear to me that YOU are Cloud City, and that you created that account to smear me while I was away. Cloud City's writing style is NOTHING like mine, and his opinions do not even slightly resemble my own. You're tooting your own horn in insisting the writing style is a "dead on match", since you wrote all the Cloud City posts.

Again, the person using the Cloud City account to claim they are me, is NOT ME. You need look no further than present company to deduce who the REAL Cloud City is. Hint: it's the person who keeps insisting that Cloud City is ME.
I do assert that you were posting as Cloud City. That's the only true statement you've made.

I also wasn't the only person to pick up on that as someone took the time to start a username CloudCity to mock Cloud City. I don't ever remember seeing Cloud City claim to be you, but I did see CloudCity say Cloud City was your troll name. This is of course reinforced by your absence during CC's posting spree.

As for who I am, it should be fairly easy to decipher. Who was gutting you on a regular basis, mocking and hounding you, only to stop and disappear once the ObamaSanta hit the scene. I'll give you a hint, it's not CJ, however like CJ and almost every other member on RIU, I capitalize each word in my name without spaces.
In the end, no one cares what Doob thinks... doob has spent any credibility long ago... now "it" just trolls around, causing arguments OFF TOPIC! :dunce:
I do assert that you were posting as Cloud City. That's the only true statement you've made.

I also wasn't the only person to pick up on that as someone took the time to start a username CloudCity to mock Cloud City. I don't ever remember seeing Cloud City claim to be you, but I did see CloudCity say Cloud City was your troll name. This is of course reinforced by your absence during CC's posting spree.

As for who I am, it should be fairly easy to decipher. Who was gutting you on a regular basis, mocking and hounding you, only to stop and disappear once the ObamaSanta hit the scene. I'll give you a hint, it's not CJ, however like CJ and almost every other member on RIU, I capitalize each word in my name without spaces.

"Fairly easy to decipher" IF I took anything that goes on in these forums with any more than the grain of salt it's worth. I've been mocked, hounded, and attacked (never gutted, I'm afraid) by so many users here it's hard to put my finger on any one of them. The reason CJ sticks out is because he's the most vocal lately in misrepresenting facts, and he makes numerous assertions daily that are quite easily debunked while feigning an air of superiority so foul-smelling it puts the paper industry to shame.

Whoever you are, you must have been easily forgettable. Sorry for not being more affected by your alleged attempts at "hounding and gutting" me.
What difference does it make who posts under what name? Nobody is real on an internet forum, we're all just anonymous voices in the ether. Inevitable we get tired of talking about content and reality and start trying to relate to each others as individuals (you know, with spite and contempt).
What difference does it make who posts under what name? Nobody is real on an internet forum, we're all just anonymous voices in the ether. Inevitable we get tired of talking about content and reality and start trying to relate to each others as individuals (you know, with spite and contempt).
That's kinda what I'm thinkin' too. Who cares? The only reason I can see in aliasing is to f*** with people. Some people are really ate up. It's fun to debate and talk about issues that are affecting us today, but this is juvenile. I hope you folks who are doing this are enjoying yourselves.
Which comes first ... the alias or the troll? :wink:

As we can see in the article, there can be no cost savings if the govt. is involved. Obama speaks in half truths and smokes the reality of what will happen if this inane idea actually makes it to the law books. Now today's segment only deals with the Quality of Health care in terms of real working certifiable economics, not the Keynesian drivel that is encamped at the Potomac. Lots of ppl run around telling me how smart they all are..... and yet, they are so far off of what is the correct application of reality economics, it makes me think it's simply not true.

So, they are either imbeciles.... or they hate us all.
No, I'm willing to say they aren't imbeciles.... but they definitely have no principles. I also believe Obama to be extremely a naive politician, and the world stage is a bit too much for his grasp. By political standards.... he's a nooby. Any real experience was learned in one of the most corrupt political cities in the country...Chicago.

Obama may actually believe his own rhetoric. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt there.

He may actually think the govt. is the answer to health care.... and then we're back to incompetence.