The essence of time, the universe and your theories + hypothesis

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
Before I start, I want to say this: Please don't make posts belittling other's opinions. This thread is about getting ideas from tons of people and putting them together yourself into the most believable amalgamation of answers to questions we do not yet know.
And what better thoughts are there than those of philosophical herb tokers??:blsmoke:

Now let's get this metaphysical train a rollin'!

I'll start..

After watching the movie Source Code last night and pondering the multiverse this morning, I got to thinking about the concept of infinity. Infinity means "extending forever in both directions," hence there are both positive and negative infinities. There is no beginning, and there is no end when it comes to infinity, which I believe we are dealing with in regards to inter-universal space.

In the movie Source Code, the main character played by Jake Gyllenhaal is part of a government program to exploit the multiverse by teleporting into a parellel universe in order to find the identity of a train-bombing terrorist. It is revealed in the end that everytime he "teleports," another parallel universe is created, thus spawning more and more universes.

This is the thinking behind the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics(from Farlex Encyclopedia):

[many worlds interpretation] is an attempt to deal with the paradoxical situation that in quantum mechanics an object often seems to exist in two or more different states at the same time. For example, it may be impossible to define which of two slits an electron passes through. The many-world interpretation deals with this by saying that at every such quantum-mechanical event, the universe splits into two: in one universe the electron passes through one slit, in the other it passes through the other slit. This splitting of the universe occurs at every instant, as quantum-mechanical events occur in innumerable places, so that unimaginably huge numbers of branching universes exist.

So according to the theory, everytime a subatomic particle travels through space time it is actually creating an alternate universe and that the multiverse is "composed of a quantum superposition of very many, possibly even non-denumerably infinitely[9] many, increasingly divergent, non-communicating parallel universes or quantum worlds.[6]"

So if universes are infinate, then so must be time, I would presume.
And the same events would not necessarily occur in any of these universes, potentially making the possibilities of each universes' fate different.

Maybe a quantum physicist could weigh in on this :wink: as much of it is far over my head. but for now I need to go enlighten myself some morebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie will post more later

I welcome all to share their thoughts! Much love:peace:
Ill take a stab at it........ given that quantum superposition is the configuration of the physical state of the Universe that overlaps every other configuration of any other Universe thus being in an indefinable state of arrangement would theoretically make every Universe an alternate state of the already perceived Universe,so if there were to be an ending to one Universe then the endings are to be different from one another in theory.And we can understand that time only exists within the Universe we know as animation of matter and subtle animation of space or anti-matter.But outside of the Universe there is no time, no movement of any sort yet a condensed point to such an extent that it eventualy collapses in on itself causing the big-bang to occur,.But thats another idea,to have a Multiverse we have dimensions of the already known or resided upon state in which we are existing, as many events and alternations possible of any phenomena that can physicaly take place inside the Universe will determine the amount of instances and directions of Universe's created. who knows if there could be an ever expanding state per Universe or that we simply balloon backwards until we are ultra condensed once more to start again,only theoretically do we know.
I believe that the whole universe is coming together and moving through infinite time perfectly. I believe that everything is the way it was meant to be. Then again I'm not in another country starving, I'm not making a joke about them I'm just saying they probably think Very differently then I do.
I like your statement, Easy for people with food on their plate.. or a computer to read this post to say this is how it should be or that This was all pre-determined by a god or what not... The second you put yourself in the shoes of a Victim, someone suffering/starving/dying.. its not as easy to think this is how it should be.
I believe that the whole universe is coming together and moving through infinite time perfectly. I believe that everything is the way it was meant to be. Then again I'm not in another country starving, I'm not making a joke about them I'm just saying they probably think Very differently then I do.
I believe that the whole universe is coming together and moving through infinite time perfectly. I believe that everything is the way it was meant to be. Then again I'm not in another country starving, I'm not making a joke about them I'm just saying they probably think Very differently then I do.

Yea our world is a pretty fucked up place. I can only imagine what it is like to live in a third-world country plauged by disease, famon and drought.

But in the ideal world, all of the planet's species would live in harmony, helping one another including humanoids/intellegent life. Instead of bombing each other and taking over each others' terrritories, in other worlds they work together to ensure the survival of their species; looking to space instead of their own world to expand.
Sourcecode is pretty gay! That is not a good thing to base theories on, but for debate sake, why not.

Tell me, is stephen hawkins an atheist? He made his claim that God doesnt exist. I think he is mad at God for him being in a wheelchair. Typical of a pussy, blame someone else for your own problems.

I think God put everthing here for us to discover. As more and more fossil artifacts are found, many will begin to doubt Gods exustence and question certain things. God knew this would happen and did this to weed out the doubters and non believers. Those true to their faith will be accepted by and cared for by God.
Lol, far right!

the universe is not infinite, there is an end to it, but it is too far!

Time is not infinite either. Time finishes for those who die, but continues for those who are still alive. You can say time is relative to life, but life is not relevant to time. Once mankind finishes, I believe it will be the literal end of time. There will be no one left to keep track of it, so with time(no pun) time will die out into nothingness.

and here comes the far right fanatics to ruin the thread..

And yes; was just using the premis of source code as an example.
I like the idea of "encapsulated infinity" that a multiverse theory has espoused (the one shown by blowing a bubble from soap).

Have you ever heard of the idea that since our observations effect quantum reality (ie double slit experiments) then the expansion of that idea on reality means that every single atom around you has a probability function that they will appear around you as they do or a number of different alternatives (here you would say different "universes"). The further expansion of this idea is that your perception or consciousness creates your reality. Now since it is easily seen when you talk to anyone that reality remains relatively stable and constant then a larger *universal* consciousness must be responsible for freezing all probabilities of all subatomic particles at each and every single point in time to create the so called reality surrounding us.
I like the idea of "encapsulated infinity" that a multiverse theory has espoused (the one shown by blowing a bubble from soap).

Have you ever heard of the idea that since our observations effect quantum reality (ie double slit experiments) then the expansion of that idea on reality means that every single atom around you has a probability function that they will appear around you as they do or a number of different alternatives (here you would say different "universes"). The further expansion of this idea is that your perception or consciousness creates your reality. Now since it is easily seen when you talk to anyone that reality remains relatively stable and constant then a larger *universal* consciousness must be responsible for freezing all probabilities of all subatomic particles at each and every single point in time to create the so called reality surrounding us.

Now we're getting somewhere...
I like the idea of "encapsulated infinity" that a multiverse theory has espoused (the one shown by blowing a bubble from soap).

Have you ever heard of the idea that since our observations effect quantum reality (ie double slit experiments) then the expansion of that idea on reality means that every single atom around you has a probability function that they will appear around you as they do or a number of different alternatives (here you would say different "universes"). The further expansion of this idea is that your perception or consciousness creates your reality. Now since it is easily seen when you talk to anyone that reality remains relatively stable and constant then a larger *universal* consciousness must be responsible for freezing all probabilities of all subatomic particles at each and every single point in time to create the so called reality surrounding us.

I must have read this over about 6 Very intreting prospect. I would like to know more about the notion that our perceptions of reality are the constituents that determine the arrangement/freezing of subatomic particles to create percieved reality. Hypothetically, if no intellegent life existed on Earth to observe anything then what would be the vehicle through which "reality" would be conveyed? Is it possible that humans/intellegent life is the corner stone through which parallel realities/alternate dimensions occur?
I must have read this over about 6 Very intreting prospect. I would like to know more about the notion that our perceptions of reality are the constituents that determine the arrangement/freezing of subatomic particles to create percieved reality. Hypothetically, if no intellegent life existed on Earth to observe anything then what would be the vehicle through which "reality" would be conveyed? Is it possible that humans/intellegent life is the corner stone through which parallel realities/alternate dimensions occur?

Basically the idea is that the extension of the double-slit experiment means that our observations affect reality on a subatomic scale. If the extension can be made then everything you see around you is a massive amount of subatomic particles having a massive amount of probabilities (some more likely than others of course) all of which are *frozen* by observation. Since one single person is not seen to account for this freezing of possibilities then a higher consciousness might be the reason.

In this sense then I would think that regardless of "intelligent" life such as humans on our earth does not affect the probability function of all of our Earth's particles.

I'm not exactly sure where or how intelligence (or Mind) fits in a parallel/alternate dimensions paradigm but within the various string theory models there are extra dimensions (ie the M theory has 11 dimensions) that are extremely hard to conceptualize. Hypothetically these extra dimensions can be "curled" up and within every single point of space in our known universe. Might not "Mind" or Intelligence exist on one of these dimensions? Might our consciousness have a seed deep within the brain that is directly linked to one of these dimensions?