THe Final Weeks!! Guidance might be needed!!


Well-Known Member
thrax be fucking proud brotha, that is tha shit !! those crystals look like powdered sugar on there , yum,yum !! I am 31 nights in now and mine started stinking bad yesterday and I believe are beginning to fatten up. keep checking my grow for my harvest but great job !!!:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: by the way it is wierd that in your picture of the trichomes they look clear ?? I am sure that they are not , but when I take pictures of mine they look milky but are clear as a bell ?? Camera tricks ??


Well-Known Member
Sweet schwagg of Jesus.....I knew you would make outgood....remember my prediction....hahahah....... now i heard when you hang them the humidity should be 50-60 degrees for best results....and temps should be 70-80....if possible....farenheit..... and keep it darkk in the room,,,,lite kills thc...but you probly already know this... im holding offf on harvest a couple more days.....:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
i go away for a few hours and all hell breaks loose. great looking harvest. god, just saying the word "harvest" makes me shake all over. don't sample so much that you can;t finish the grow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, Yes it does look like a sugar coated bud. I am amazed by the Crystals. They looked cloudy and about 30 to 40% amber.. The camera does play tricks..I might of picked that one a little early. I will be letting the rest go and harvest them over the next week as they get done.. I have a dark area to keep them in..
I am new to the drying and curing process so Cheesey all the info you gave me is appreciated..I have some hanging in the open air and some in a box on string.See what drys better..
Ill take some more Pics as they dry and as I harvest..


Well-Known Member
Here are the Pics, I will be taking more as I harvest.. I am so amazed by the quality and the Quantity..So far theirs got to be a Q.P. from 1 S.S.H and 1 GDP... The Lat pic is of the New O.G. X Mater Kush Clones I got from my partner, Those easy cloners are sweet...



Well-Known Member
hey, sounds really good. how can you be so sure of dry weight when the buds shrink so much during drying and curing?


Well-Known Member
thraxz dont listen to rat..... hes just jealous....hhahahahaha..... but it does look like your gonna get 2-4 ounces from each..... well i guess im gonna put some clones up against your clones....round two.....ahhahhaah....dont get


Well-Known Member
Hey when did you notice the most bud growth and developement ?? I am now about 36 days and they still look really hairy and loose, so I am wondering when they really start to fill in ??


Well-Known Member
I will run against that too, my clones are pretty new , What 's up ???

thraxz dont listen to rat..... hes just jealous....hhahahahaha..... but it does look like your gonna get 2-4 ounces from each..... well i guess im gonna put some clones up against your clones....round two.....ahhahhaah....dont get


Well-Known Member
well stoney they should be nugging up now...... its hard to tell at that point....especially cause all growers look at there plant constantly......if they cease to nug...check under the leaves for insect eggs....thats what got my bables stunted.....thraxz..... get some harvest pics already......lols


Well-Known Member
shit my clone are almost all a foot tall....give or take 2-3inches......i just started a new clone journ...


Well-Known Member
They look good ,just not getting huge after 30 days as I thought they would ,but as you said , I look at them everyday ?? I will take some pics on friday and ask your opinion then ?? Can I get in on the competition or what ??

well stoney they should be nugging up now...... its hard to tell at that point....especially cause all growers look at there plant constantly......if they cease to nug...check under the leaves for insect eggs....thats what got my bables stunted.....thraxz..... get some harvest pics already......lols


Well-Known Member
we always say that but its just good fun.... it adds an edge to your grow....keeps you on task..... i think thraxz one the first round.....due to my whitefly infestation....and nute burn..... and rat burn his shit..... rookie mistakes at best.... but yeah now.... im wiser than that and were gonnna get down to the bizness....haahhh


Well-Known Member
Hey when did you notice the most bud growth and developement ?? I am now about 36 days and they still look really hairy and loose, so I am wondering when they really start to fill in ??

I noticed them Filling out in week six, I didnt go by days..So if you calculate that about day 42 threw 56 They were doing allot of filling in..

I will have some pics tonight, I have cut down 4 so far of the S.S.H. and three GDP! They are very dense a sugar coated, They look like they were dipped in oils!! So sweet!! SWEET NECTAR OF THE GODS!!
I am going to get at least 2 ounces per plant if not more.. I am amazed... That's what you get when you devote your time to these girls!!


Well-Known Member
I am just messin too !! for sure but I am still in haha !! I am gonna let you know how I did in a few weeks !!

we always say that but its just good fun.... it adds an edge to your grow....keeps you on task..... i think thraxz one the first round.....due to my whitefly infestation....and nute burn..... and rat burn his shit..... rookie mistakes at best.... but yeah now.... im wiser than that and were gonnna get down to the bizness....haahhh


Well-Known Member
I am hoping for some really big bud developement so you saying 42 through 56 makes me feel better ?? I will post some flix on friday

Thanks for the encouragement !!

Hey when did you notice the most bud growth and developement ?? I am now about 36 days and they still look really hairy and loose, so I am wondering when they really start to fill in ??

I noticed them Filling out in week six, I didnt go by days..So if you calculate that about day 42 threw 56 They were doing allot of filling in..

I will have some pics tonight, I have cut down 4 so far of the S.S.H. and three GDP! They are very dense a sugar coated, They look like they were dipped in oils!! So sweet!! SWEET NECTAR OF THE GODS!!
I am going to get at least 2 ounces per plant if not more.. I am amazed... That's what you get when you devote your time to these girls!!


Well-Known Member
They are looking so sweet, All the S.S.H. are hanging and three GDP to go.. Fat harvest! Ill have some pics later..