The fishing thread ( not about fish fertilizer)

Some day i’ll go fish clear lake. It’s notorious for the largemouth and cats. What i don’t like about my local lake, lake oroville is all the small mouth and spotted. Lame imo. Pretty good crappie and landlocked king fishing. There’s cats in here too though for sure.
Someone caught a big sturgeon out of there years ago when fishing for catfish. Theory was it was in the river when they built the dam and got caught in the lake.
Well i don’t know if you’ e ever fished lake oroville but it’s kinda nicknamed the bass lake of Ca.
I’ll take the blacks/largemouth any day over catching 50+ on oroville. It’s too easy
I have heard of it but no I havent been there. Il have to go sometime. Smallies are aggressive. But if the lake is overran with them then it begomes very much shooting in a barrel.
Someone caught a big sturgeon out of there years ago when fishing for catfish. Theory was it was in the river when they built the dam and got caught in the lake.
Yeah they’re still getting them out of Shasta.
If you see a picture of an asian kid with a big ass sturgeon out of Shasta. I know that kid. Me and him pretty much own the gravel bar below the barge hole for the salmon on the Sac.
Someone caught a big sturgeon out of there years ago when fishing for catfish. Theory was it was in the river when they built the dam and got caught in the lake.
Stuff like that happens alot more than people realize.

Stripers end up in lakes quite often due to flooding and stuff like you are talking about.

But what a shock it must have been to pull that up lol.
Chicken liver that I let sit out over night. I put that on a double hook surf leader with a 5oz weight at the bottom(I use 12 oz in the delta due to current).

My rods both have baitrunners so that weight allows the fish to get stuck enough by the hook so it keeps in the mouth as it runs.

I have a top notch hookup ratio with this.

But yea. Chicken live left out over night to toughen and get even more disgusting lol.
I use white suckers. Best cat bait hands down. For the bigguns I'll throw the whole head on
Catch em up in the spring chop em and freeze in vac sealed bags. Fresh killed is better. Let the meat soak in the blood. Kitty city
@Wizzlebiz check out catfish sumo bait rigs
Also whisker seekers. Talk about an increase in bites and landed fish..... you NEED these if you want to catch lots of meow meowIMG_20231005_202227.jpgIMG_20231005_202246.jpg
That's just one of the rigs. It's good for trolling too. These particular ones are better in current as they crackle and spin. Big time attraction.
My buddy and I bought some years ago and never used them. Then one year he busted them out and outfished me like spanked me outfished me everytime. I quickly threw mine in my bag for the next trip. Won't fish without em now.
Yeah I guess so lol. The newer one i bought in like 2005? Lol. Great reels. I’m sure they still work well. Just a little dusty
Those reels were mainly used for stripers while bankin it. Threaded live mudsuckers or bullheads depending on where i was fishing on the delta.
Old reels, although heavier were built way better than the plastic junk they throw in now a days to save $$$.
I still have old cardinal 4's. They're great reels.
The fucking tops of the spools are notorious for breaking and popping off so me and the old man got this guy to machine us aluminum spools. Worked like a charm.
@Wizzlebiz check out catfish sumo bait rigs
Also whisker seekers. Talk about an increase in bites and landed fish..... you NEED these if you want to catch lots of meow meowView attachment 5333037View attachment 5333038
That's just one of the rigs. It's good for trolling too. These particular ones are better in current as they crackle and spin. Big time attraction.
My buddy and I bought some years ago and never used them. Then one year he busted them out and outfished me like spanked me outfished me everytime. I quickly threw mine in my bag for the next trip. Won't fish without em now.
Il have to look that up for sure. Never seen it before. Thank you for the tip off!
So today I ended up at a rainbow trout fishery. Thought there would be some bass but nope.

Please tune me up on lure fishing for trout so I can plan an attack for next time I am there. I don't fish for trout so I have no clue what to throw.

I'm your guy then. Flies for me mostly but #2 or #3 Mepps Black Fury w red dots is a fave. So are the Vibrax Blue Fox in red/chartreuse in the same sizes or even all silver or brass tho some red/hot pink seems to work well. Used #3 for coho for ages and always had the little freezer full by the end of November back in BC.

I rig mine with about 18" lead of the main line then barrel or ball-bearing swivel and one or two pea sized split shot above and on top of the swivel. I just tie a swivel to the main line then cut it 20" up or so then tie the swivel back to the main line. Allow to sink a bit then use a varied retrieve and do little speed bursts here and there to help trigger strikes. You'll figure out what works best soon enough. Not like you're a rookie.

I like a 10' noodle rod with 2500 spin reel loaded with 6lb Maxima or now using 10# braid for pike/walley tho was landing 4 pounders on the 6# mono just fine. Looking for bigger ones tho.

I'll call ya if I ever get into striper territory. :)

This particular body of water has specific rules.

1 barbless hooks
2 no bait
3 catch and release only.

It's called Putah Creek and it's famous for the trout and fall salmon run.

One of my friends bought a time share type thing at some cabins right on the creek. So naturally I get to go there and fish lol.

Single barbless or like here in Alberta they still allow lures with 3 trebles as long as the barbs are filed down or squashed flat. I fish nothing but single barbless and have since I was in my early teens. Even in the saltchuck for rockfish, ling cod and the like. Lot of mackerel moving up around Vancover Island and area. No limit on those as they are invaders and really hurting the salmon. The herring roe fishery has really reduced chinook salmon which are the main prey of a tribe of killer whales and now they are endangered. Man, the great planner. My Aunt Fanny.

This particular body of water has specific rules.

1 barbless hooks
2 no bait
3 catch and release only.

It's called Putah Creek and it's famous for the trout and fall salmon run.

One of my friends bought a time share type thing at some cabins right on the creek. So naturally I get to go there and fish lol.
Beads under a float