The fishing thread ( not about fish fertilizer)

Thank you @GreatwhiteNorth I'll look at some other options.

I did consider selling it and buying another but I like the rod, to get something similar I'd need to spend money i don't really have for that I've a dozen+ rods.

I'll email a couple of rod builders and see how it goes.
Actually building one is not that tough, it takes very little special equipment, lots of patients & a steady hand.
This is just one of the sites that sells parts & check out YT for "how to's"
Has anyone built or repaired rods before, I've done minor repairs but I've never tackled a real seat and handle.

I've a sage z axis 10ft #7,
I'm thinking about changing the reel seat/handle for one with a 3" screw in extension so that i can use the rod double and/or single handed.

In higher water i use a 10ft #7 over my 9.6ft #6, the 10ft #7 is heavier, the lines are heavier and the flies are bigger/heavier and more resistant to casting, my wrist and elbows are getting to worn for it.
I just gave my raven specialist to the kid at the tackle shop. He does rod repairs. Seats been broken for years used zip ties to keep it on until now
He pulled the cork changed the seat and replaced with new cork
You don't see components like this anymore....those look like ferrules in the white plastic case...old school. How long have you been making fishing rods? Looks like some flyrod tips and guides too. Have you made a bamboo fly rod before?
You. Can have them
Just got back from the tackle swap, got a couple old crankbaits they don't make anymore, and some eyeball ice jigs, not to mention a sweet little rod rack. Gotta love the local fishing scene here. Our game and fish runs alot of Derby's, tackle swaps, shows, speakers etc.
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Well, the last time I took my boat out it filled up 1/4 of the hull with water, and the bilge pump wasnt was a nervous ride back to say the least. Sold it to some guy who wanted the steering cables and the old 75 evinrude on it. About time I got a new one. Maybe this year....
Im in the process of rebuilding a 70's 20' seacraft. Going on year 3.
It was an absolute wreck
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I had to replace the deck on my last boat before selling it. Of course it was stupid hot at the time. Even marine plywood only lasts so long.
Boats are in a state of composting from day one. Doesnt matter what you do.
I am hoping this solid glass hull with composite cores will last long after i am done with it.

I have done a bunch of jobs like yours there.. It is dirty work, but seeing the result of the labor is something