the flaws in religion

Ive never seen anything homestly good come out of religion, religion only devides the masses. so religion is in itself a flaw..
Religion is just simply a way to relate to someone or something. When *spirituality* is made *religious* it becomes dangerous. At that point some some pinheaded, fuckface will always decide "this must be controlled, and since I am the only one around who is mentally capable of making competent decisons about how to be spiritually right, I must make the rules". Or even worse is the bag of used douche fluid who just wants to exploit others. There is the greatest flaw in religion. That anyone would think that anyone else need to give spiritual authority to any 1 or group of humans that are just as or more fucked up than they are themselves. And make no mistake, we are all fucked up in some kinda way/s. An idividuals spirituality is a personal thing. A group of likeminded individuals gathering together can be a wonderful thing. But when one of those individuals (because he/she is an individual) deviates even slightly from what the others (have been told that they must) believe to be spiritually right, by this *spiritual authority* there is gonna be a problem. Suddenly this individual is no longer "one of us" because that individual has dared to have an idea, that they dared to make known to the (now group) others. So now, this person who has dared express his/her right to be an individual is faced with actually changing their mind, pretending to change their mind or walking away from those who were once considered brothers and sisters (either by choice or request). These really are the only choices in order to not be ostricised by the vast majority if not all of the community. People just need to be who they are and follow their own hearts to spiritual fulfillment. Educate yourselves with resources available and make your own informed decisions and put them into practice in your own lives. If someone really wants to be a good person their heart will dictate to them the proper path to that goal. Dont be afraid of being a "work in progress". The important thing is to just make progress. If you choose to be part of a congregation somewhere thats great. That may be your path. Always remember that you dont have to "check your mind at the door". You dont have to accept the crap that is regurgitated from the pulpit as truth. And never stop educating yourself if you want to know truth from bs.
You all have many great points but you don't realize that there are reasons for things.

PS* i don't mean to offend you, but i know what is right and will stand my ground.*

For example, God doesn't come down and reveal himself for many reasons. The reason we have government is only because we have lies and truths (religion and atheists). Many bible stories sound false, very false, but are not intended for their fictional reading, but to understand the message sent, because many bible stories aren't true, that are just stories for us to understand them. and when a catholic person says they believe in the Bible, they don't mean that Adam saw his dick, freaked out, ate some apples, which they made him evil. No. The story of Adam and eve was to show that we defied God because of our jealousy and how we wanted his powers, this is why we are on Earth. We are not here to live, but to learn. Why are we here? to love God, God created us, and wants us to love him just as he loves us, and that spiritual bond is an amazing thing to have especially when you are smoking weed because when you smoke weed you learn to slow down and really think about life and you feel like such a great person when you stay true to your faith.. but in order for us to love God, we must learn about him and understand him through the Bible and from Jesus death. If God came down into the world, people would believe in him, but would not love him. and would not care to learn more. Government can easily be compared to kids and decisions. like democracy and voting. Governments were formed at first as a way to be fair and with different opinions and thoughts on different issues, there had to be a middle ground at which large decisions were made.

the reason Atheists are wrong is because of this right here:

If everyone was Catholic and followed their faith perfectly, the world would be a Utopian society (nearly).

If everyone got married before loosing their virginity, then there would be no need for abortions, premarital pregnancies, no STDs would exist either(or would vanish after nearly a generation).
Gay marriage is non - Catholic teaching, because it is wrong, and God would like you do be with the opposite your own gender, and have a family, and give your kids that balance of feminine and masculine aspects of life. also you will learn many life skills and knowledge from it. if you are homosexual, this happiness from having a proper family will not happen.

Things may be hard, but eventually you will realize what is good for you and what isn't, for many people like me, weed have let me slow down my life and really show me what is right. I listen to a lot of reggae music because it makes me happy and not wanting to fight or do badass things, i just want to be peaceful and happy and do the right things.

My take on things.

Prove me wrong, and try to PM me, I will just prove you wrong back.

Sorry i dont mean offense but there is only one right in the world and finding it is what we are here and what God made our souls for.

To seek the True Truth


So u never explained why God dosent come down from his heavenly chariot is it to hide from us so that we may not question him or his so imagined greatness or is there some other well contemplated answer you would like to divulge,enlighten us Sir!,Atheist are wrong how?Because of the absence of belief in an unsubstantiable being who is more like a child with a bad tantrum against humankind,This wrath coming to us because we were jealous and wanted his power and thus put on Earth?How can there be any jealousy of someone who never existed in the first place.To read a book that has been rewritten countless times then ammended by rulers for control of the populations to their own designs,to read it and attempting to learn of this Love of God u speak of is absurd and a farce against truth.I use to believe in God,but after countless times of contemplation,critical thinking,and sound logic i found it to be one great delusion that humankind has been put under and continues to be put under.We are the source of our problems and we are the source of how to fix them Mr Rebel not God not Allah,but humankind.
my second point of 16 0007 is out of all the thousands of religions no god anywhere has ever publicly reveiled itself to us humans , never ever has it even adreesed us all in any public way .surely a public speech or something would be great but nothing at all wich is highly suspicious .
As an atheist you really should familiarize yourself better with the religions which you argue against.
The Jewish people claim a national revelation. Read the OT, specifically Deuteronomy. God revealed himself to the Israelites on Mt. Horeb (Sinai). This is one distinguishing characteristic that Judaism has over many other religions which rely on personal revelation. Of course that was one generation, thousands of years ago and no one has any way of verifying the story but your claim is wrong according to scripture itself.
Religion has a purpose, however, unfortunately it's not always the good outweighing the bad. But it did have it's purpose in building society.

But, you can't substantiate any of it. Looking for evidence of a flood isn't any different than looking for evidence of Jack's magic bean stalk. Focusing on discrepancies in what actually happened is kind of missing the point because in all likelihood none of it did.
So u never explained why God dosent come down from his heavenly chariot is it to hide from us so that we may not question him or his so imagined greatness or is there some other well contemplated answer you would like to divulge,enlighten us Sir!,Atheist are wrong how?Because of the absence of belief in an unsubstantiable being who is more like a child with a bad tantrum against humankind,This wrath coming to us because we were jealous and wanted his power and thus put on Earth?How can there be any jealousy of someone who never existed in the first place.To read a book that has been rewritten countless times then ammended by rulers for control of the populations to their own designs,to read it and attempting to learn of this Love of God u speak of is absurd and a farce against truth.I use to believe in God,but after countless times of contemplation,critical thinking,and sound logic i found it to be one great delusion that humankind has been put under and continues to be put under.We are the source of our problems and we are the source of how to fix them Mr Rebel not God not Allah,but humankind.

Read the first Book of the Bible, and read the story of Adam and Eve and you will see the jealousy of us defying God. and yes you are right, we can only solve our problems, but we must do so through the Bible and through what God has given us. Do you think that if everyone had sex at least 1 time a day for ages 13 and up, we would have a lot of peace and happiness? Do you think that if everyone just got to kill each other when they were mad, we would live in a world of peace and happiness? Do you think that if we could steal whenever we wanted, there would be peace and happiness? No. we would look much like the Middle East. (Do you want to be like the Middle East, no, nobody does). Sure, if we could do all this is would be amazing for a day and it would be pleasurable(unless you got a fat chick maybe not), but it's affects on other and everyone else affects on you would add up and it would not mean happiness?

I don't honestly like where this conversation is heading, but can someone point out an actual flaw, not just saying that religion as a whole is evil. and please for my sake point out a flaw in the Catholic religion has.

And the problem of Evil is too non specific...
Im an atheist,that statement is retarded, no great floods?what about the one about 13000 years ago that split the Uk off of mainland europe after the last ice age,while I disagree with religion and its strangle hold on humanity,a lot of holy texts have got factual basis when not talking bout gods and angels etc, there was a great flood 13000 years ago though,and there was a "eden" look up gobeki tepe, its sited exactly where the bible said it would be and was the first place man gathered to have its first attempt at civilization which we failed at,ruined the land made all the plants and animals scrawny and weak along with ourselves (leaving eden being the transition from hunter gatherers to toiling as farmers) as we had no experience in farming we ruined the land,lost all the vegetation/killed off most of the wild life and turned eden into a desert,.
Please refrain from making Atheists look stupid by making nonsensical posts

we all know religion has massive contradictions and flaws and id like this to be the place where we can share them , i have thought of many myself and would love to hear others views , ill start ,

noahs ark ........there is no geological evidence of a flood on that scale happening , we could easily see in the earths layers a flood of that scale or even small floods .but there is nothing ,leading me to the conclusion it never happend or someone coverd it up pretty well.
we all know religion has massive contradictions and flaws and id like this to be the place where we can share them , i have thought of many myself and would love to hear others views , ill start ,

noahs ark ........there is no geological evidence of a flood on that scale happening , we could easily see in the earths layers a flood of that scale or even small floods .but there is nothing ,leading me to the conclusion it never happend or someone coverd it up pretty well.

But you have to put the story in perspective. At the time this story was written, there was very little travel. This flood could have happened within a few square miles.
Religion is just simply a way to relate to someone or something. When *spirituality* is made *religious* it becomes dangerous. At that point some some pinheaded, fuckface will always decide "this must be controlled, and since I am the only one around who is mentally capable of making competent decisons about how to be spiritually right, I must make the rules". Or even worse is the bag of used douche fluid who just wants to exploit others. There is the greatest flaw in religion. That anyone would think that anyone else need to give spiritual authority to any 1 or group of humans that are just as or more fucked up than they are themselves. And make no mistake, we are all fucked up in some kinda way/s. An idividuals spirituality is a personal thing. A group of likeminded individuals gathering together can be a wonderful thing. But when one of those individuals (because he/she is an individual) deviates even slightly from what the others (have been told that they must) believe to be spiritually right, by this *spiritual authority* there is gonna be a problem. Suddenly this individual is no longer "one of us" because that individual has dared to have an idea, that they dared to make known to the (now group) others. So now, this person who has dared express his/her right to be an individual is faced with actually changing their mind, pretending to change their mind or walking away from those who were once considered brothers and sisters (either by choice or request). These really are the only choices in order to not be ostricised by the vast majority if not all of the community. People just need to be who they are and follow their own hearts to spiritual fulfillment. Educate yourselves with resources available and make your own informed decisions and put them into practice in your own lives. If someone really wants to be a good person their heart will dictate to them the proper path to that goal. Dont be afraid of being a "work in progress". The important thing is to just make progress. If you choose to be part of a congregation somewhere thats great. That may be your path. Always remember that you dont have to "check your mind at the door". You dont have to accept the crap that is regurgitated from the pulpit as truth. And never stop educating yourself if you want to know truth from bs.

Got your back, Jack.
Im pretty certain the flood 13000 years ago was big enough to be noticed globally,as I say it split the Uk from the mainland of france,that is a large sea level rise,it would of been noticed in the Mediterranean too and would of been talked about chinese whispers style for many years,as was the last great flood in human history,as the story went from person to person it would of changed a bit,just like all religions started from africa, jesus is a copy of horus from egyptian myth~(I like having debates with religious people and have spent alot of time looking for the historical fact in religion) Horus born on the 22-25 dec (winter solstice) he was born with the 3 king stars following the north star,not real kings, then was adored for 3 days and betrayed by a disciple,killed put in a pit and covered with a large stone,came back 3 days later,it was the story of the SUN of god and its journey through the year, christianity and all others since are carbon copied of that story,just messed up by chinese whispers,same with the historical fact in the bible,it is there,you just have to see past the religious nonsensical b/s,

But you have to put the story in perspective. At the time this story was written, there was very little travel. This flood could have happened within a few square miles.
Read the first Book of the Bible, and read the story of Adam and Eve and you will see the jealousy of us defying God. and yes you are right, we can only solve our problems, but we must do so through the Bible and through what God has given us. Do you think that if everyone had sex at least 1 time a day for ages 13 and up, we would have a lot of peace and happiness? Do you think that if everyone just got to kill each other when they were mad, we would live in a world of peace and happiness? Do you think that if we could steal whenever we wanted, there would be peace and happiness? No. we would look much like the Middle East. (Do you want to be like the Middle East, no, nobody does). Sure, if we could do all this is would be amazing for a day and it would be pleasurable(unless you got a fat chick maybe not), but it's affects on other and everyone else affects on you would add up and it would not mean happiness?

I don't honestly like where this conversation is heading, but can someone point out an actual flaw, not just saying that religion as a whole is evil. and please for my sake point out a flaw in the Catholic religion has.

And the problem of Evil is too non specific...

Imo a fundamental problem of all Christian doctrine (including but not limited to Catholic teaching) is the unexamined (or unexaminable) premise that the Bible is what it says it is. cn
You all have many great points but you don't realize that there are reasons for things.

PS* i don't mean to offend you, but i know what is right and will stand my ground.*

For example, God doesn't come down and reveal himself for many reasons. The reason we have government is only because we have lies and truths (religion and atheists). Many bible stories sound false, very false, but are not intended for their fictional reading, but to understand the message sent, because many bible stories aren't true, that are just stories for us to understand them. and when a catholic person says they believe in the Bible, they don't mean that Adam saw his dick, freaked out, ate some apples, which they made him evil. No. The story of Adam and eve was to show that we defied God because of our jealousy and how we wanted his powers, this is why we are on Earth. We are not here to live, but to learn. Why are we here? to love God, God created us, and wants us to love him just as he loves us, and that spiritual bond is an amazing thing to have especially when you are smoking weed because when you smoke weed you learn to slow down and really think about life and you feel like such a great person when you stay true to your faith.. but in order for us to love God, we must learn about him and understand him through the Bible and from Jesus death. If God came down into the world, people would believe in him, but would not love him. and would not care to learn more. Government can easily be compared to kids and decisions. like democracy and voting. Governments were formed at first as a way to be fair and with different opinions and thoughts on different issues, there had to be a middle ground at which large decisions were made.

the reason Atheists are wrong is because of this right here:

If everyone was Catholic and followed their faith perfectly, the world would be a Utopian society (nearly).

If everyone got married before loosing their virginity, then there would be no need for abortions, premarital pregnancies, no STDs would exist either(or would vanish after nearly a generation).
Gay marriage is non - Catholic teaching, because it is wrong, and God would like you do be with the opposite your own gender, and have a family, and give your kids that balance of feminine and masculine aspects of life. also you will learn many life skills and knowledge from it. if you are homosexual, this happiness from having a proper family will not happen.

Things may be hard, but eventually you will realize what is good for you and what isn't, for many people like me, weed have let me slow down my life and really show me what is right. I listen to a lot of reggae music because it makes me happy and not wanting to fight or do badass things, i just want to be peaceful and happy and do the right things.

My take on things.

Prove me wrong, and try to PM me, I will just prove you wrong back.

Sorry i dont mean offense but there is only one right in the world and finding it is what we are here and what God made our souls for.

To seek the True Truth


So much BS, so little time...

I am Catholic, therefore I can have a say in this.

God created all.

God accepts all as his creation.

Everything on Earth is his creation.

So, the gays, blacks, slants, wetbacks, commies and everything else you might look down upon are God's creation.

Buck up, put on your big girl panties, and grow up.
So much BS, so little time...

I am Catholic, therefore I can have a say in this.

God created all.

God accepts all as his creation.

Everything on Earth is his creation.

So, the gays, blacks, slants, wetbacks, commies and everything else you might look down upon are God's creation.

Buck up, put on your big girl panties, and grow up.

that means god made evil right? so, god must be just as evil as evil itself... which seems pretty fuckin hypocritical considering god is supposed to be some emanation of all that is good or what not... so it seems to me that all you put in this reply is BS.