the flaws in religion

AND that would all depend on your "physical belief" with the mind as weak as it is and can never be used to its fullest potential you might just be missing a realm that you cant ever imagine and are brainwashed already by both society and governmental beliefs and cant ever think "outside" the box of this world.

I don't even know what to say to this trap. Shouldn't you just answer my first question?
And look where that "massive empire" got them lol no where...cant do anything in long term success without our lord jesus. He will help get you through what you need and will always be there no matter how much you dont understand him...One Love..

Near as I can figure, Jesus is some Mexican. Certainly not our Lord. And you are certainly not the one to argue His presence.
Well ima just end with this since religious arguments never got anyone anywhere...Just hope that one day you will realize that someone created all this beauty, emotion, love, and oportunity. And that when you die, you dont just end at that, that the creator of you will see you for who you were and what you have done in life insteed of just disolving to the small atom you used to be...It takes a creator to have anything you can put your hands on, its not just magic. God Bless and Continue with your beliefs as i will mine and ill pray for all you unsaved and continue trying to teach people the way of the universe created by MY lord Jesus :) Thank God for the medicine we all need and have such a big controversy over...Just like him.
Well ima just end with this since religious arguments never got anyone anywhere...Just hope that one day you will realize that someone created all this beauty, emotion, love, and oportunity. And that when you die, you dont just end at that, that the creator of you will see you for who you were and what you have done in life insteed of just disolving to the small atom you used to be...It takes a creator to have anything you can put your hands on, its not just magic. God Bless and Continue with your beliefs as i will mine and ill pray for all you unsaved and continue trying to teach people the way of the universe created by MY lord Jesus :) Thank God for the medicine we all need and have such a big controversy over...Just like him.

You are just too cute. You spout dogma and then step away. You cannot defend your beliefs in any tangible way.
Funny all the points made about "not believing in god" are invalid and have no back up...then talking about the bible and the different versions and what it states is false about the "one time"...but no one in here as probably ever read more than 3 pages...Why argue about something you don't believe in unless there's something inside you you telling you that its real. 90%+ of scholars that try to disprove the bible in their Career turn christian. Awesome. When you die, you will finally see what you've been denying the whole time...Not on valid point has been made because no one in here as done any research or even opened up a bible to see what its about...its not only about Jesus dying for all of us to be able to be sinful without punishment, but the history of what has happened in the past with several different authors. Cut Opinions guys trying to get all technical about something they have no idea about or researched...NOAH'S ARCH?? I mean comon there's plenty of history that shows mass floods and how all the countries used to be a solid ground and have split, think thats tought in the 3rd-4th grade? No elementary diploma at that? Shows the class of an atheist.

Its clear your intellect is still in the 3rd -4th grade level.....i wont waste my time with you.
So, explain it. You religious folk see your faith as self evident. But I don't see it. Convince me. need to. That's the kinda sht you hate, ain't it?

*lifelong study and contemplation do not equate to self evident.

*and don't add me to the 'religious type' group, please. That's as ignorant as me calling you a militant atheist, isn't it?
Funny thing about the "atheist" people is they love waisting their breathe trying to disprove something that shouldnt ever matter to them anyways...whats the point? If your so sencere and dont believe in God then why try to preasure others as if nothing should matter to you...? Trip. need to. That's the kinda sht you hate, ain't it?

*lifelong study and contemplation do not equate to self evident.

*and don't add me to the 'religious type' group, please. That's as ignorant as me calling you a militant atheist, isn't it?

Actually, I'm deeply religious/spiritual. It's dummies like you, who can't explain why they believe that are the problem.
Actually, I'm deeply religious/spiritual. It's dummies like you, who can't explain why they believe that are the problem.

...ok, sure thing kiddo, you win the 'religious' prize. If you had a shred of religion, actual religion, you wouldn't care about 'the numbers'.

I said "sun". That's it. Did that look like I was writing a fckng paper?
Maybe we should take a hint from the Orthodox clergy and their elaborate and fragrant censers ... and "smoke a bowl".

That, and i find the irony delicious that I, as an alleged atheist, am counseling peace. cn
Maybe we should take a hint from the Orthodox clergy and their elaborate and fragrant censers ... and "smoke a bowl".

That, and i find the irony delicious that I, as an alleged atheist, am counseling peace. cn

Just got the same message.

"I can't rep you until I spread some around."

Funny all the points made about "not believing in god" are invalid and have no back up...
Then I guess you will have no problem demonstrating why a particular argument is not valid. Keep in mind, in logic, validity has a specific meaning. "I don't believe in god" needs no support, it is merely a belief based on no one giving me a good reason to believe in the first place. Please detail why this position is not valid.

then talking about the bible and the different versions and what it states is false about the "one time"...but no one in here as probably ever read more than 3 pages...
Most intelligent atheists I know have read not only the bible but many other religious texts and usually know a lot more about the bible than many Xians. Personally, I believe the best way to create a new atheist is to make someone read the KJV from cover to cover. I'm pretty confident I am quite knowledgeable about what you call the Old Testament and what the Jews call the Tanak. I am also pretty familiar with the New Testament as well and also the non-canonical books such as the Gnostic Gospels and many of the partial books found in the Qumran caves.
Calling a debate opponent ignorant about a topic without any evidence is a nice little fallacy called ad hominem and doesn't do anything to support your position. How about if you provide some actual substance to a discussion, k?

Why argue about something you don't believe in unless there's something inside you you telling you that its real.
Very weak argument that has been addressed many times in previous threads. If stamp collecting was a common hobby of the majority of people and stamp collectors and non-stamp collectors were discriminated against and everyone tried to change their position to start collecting stamps, then people that don't collect stamps would indeed have legitimate grievances and something to argue about.

Not on valid point has been made because no one in here as done any research or even opened up a bible to see what its about...its not only about Jesus dying for all of us to be able to be sinful without punishment, but the history of what has happened in the past with several different authors. Cut Opinions guys trying to get all technical about something they have no idea about or researched...NOAH'S ARCH?? I mean comon there's plenty of history that shows mass floods and how all the countries used to be a solid ground and have split, think thats tought in the 3rd-4th grade? No elementary diploma at that? Shows the class of an atheist.
Massive floods did indeed occur throughout history. You know how we know this? From geologists and other scientists that actually go out and find evidence. You know what else they have found? They have found absolutely no evidence that there ever was a worldwide deluge on the scale mentioned in Genesis, i.e. floodwaters covering every piece of solid land, even the highest mountains. Mocking others for their position when you make a statement like, "how all the countries used to be a solid ground and have split" is pretty ironic. I will accept that you probably meant continents, not countries, but even so, what in hell do you mean by 'used to be solid ground, then split"? I think you are referring to plate tectonics but since it appears English is not your first language, I think you need to expand on what you mean and how this has anything to do with the claims made in the bible.
And look where that "massive empire" got them lol no where...cant do anything in long term success without our lord jesus. He will help get you through what you need and will always be there no matter how much you dont understand him...One Love..
You mean that dynasty that lasted over 3,000 years until they were taken over by a non-Christian empire, the Romans? Which, BTW, fell apart only a few hundred years after Xianity was introduced there...hmmmm.
Funny all the points made about "not believing in god" are invalid and have no back up...then talking about the bible and the different versions and what it states is false about the "one time"...but no one in here as probably ever read more than 3 pages...Why argue about something you don't believe in unless there's something inside you you telling you that its real. 90%+ of scholars that try to disprove the bible in their Career turn christian. Awesome. When you die, you will finally see what you've been denying the whole time...Not on valid point has been made because no one in here as done any research or even opened up a bible to see what its about...its not only about Jesus dying for all of us to be able to be sinful without punishment, but the history of what has happened in the past with several different authors. Cut Opinions guys trying to get all technical about something they have no idea about or researched...NOAH'S ARCH?? I mean comon there's plenty of history that shows mass floods and how all the countries used to be a solid ground and have split, think thats tought in the 3rd-4th grade? No elementary diploma at that? Shows the class of an atheist.

Your questions have been addressed in countless threads in this section. Would be easy for you to find them and bring yourself up to speed. You should probably stop speaking as if you have thought this through and others haven't, unless you enjoy being put in your place. If you think the atheists here are not knowledgeable about the bible then you obviously haven't read much of what we have to say. Either you enjoy constructing a pretend world where you have the advantage, or you just really haven't put much effort into discovery and awareness, which has resulted in smug ignorance.
A hallucination is a fact, not an error; what is erroneous is a judgment based upon it.

No one knows what happens when you die, and to tell yourself otherwise would be considered lying to yourself. In my opinion, lying to yourself is extremely harmful.
A hallucination is a fact, not an error; what is erroneous is a judgment based upon it.

No one knows what happens when you die, and to tell yourself otherwise would be considered lying to yourself. In my opinion, lying to yourself is extremely harmful.

...why is that considered lying to oneself if no one knows? People can speculate all they want to. In fact, without it, we'd all be nowhere. There is such a thing as 'personal truth'. No one can reduce that to nothing. You have yours, others have theirs. It is what it is.