eye exaggerate
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Did Mary Magdalen stop giving Jesus head because she found his cries of "Oh Dad! I'm coming!" really annoying? cn

Did Mary Magdalen stop giving Jesus head because she found his cries of "Oh Dad! I'm coming!" really annoying? cn
Buddhism is a belief system tho, not a religion. It was Buddha who said "speculation in matters of the divine is wasteful". Buddhism is a set of guidlines that teaches that everything else is bullshit except being a good person.View attachment 2095790
"If science proves some belief of Buddhism wrong, then Buddhism will have to change" -Dalai Lama
One of the greatest minds in the history of this planet.
Buddhism is a belief system tho, not a religion. It was Buddha who said "speculation in matters of the divine is wasteful". Buddhism is a set of guidlines that teaches that everything else is bullshit except being a good person.
Buddhism=Winning if you truly think about it and it shouldn't be dirtied by being lumped in with religion.
Not a Buddhist btw, but I researched it and took some of its better points on board.
Theology and metaphysics on the other hand, induces the dogmatic belief that we have knowledge, where in fact we have ignorance, and by doing so generates a kind of impertinent insolence towards the universe.
lol lots of people claim there paticular god has revealed itself , what my point is if theres one god who is so mighty powerfull how come he cant get his creations to even believe he exists , or believing in an entirely different god alltogether , surely he would just come down and adress his people , sure you can claim he has but if he really had then surely it would be known world wide and everybody would all be worshiping and praising him .As an atheist you really should familiarize yourself better with the religions which you argue against.
The Jewish people claim a national revelation. Read the OT, specifically Deuteronomy. God revealed himself to the Israelites on Mt. Horeb (Sinai). This is one distinguishing characteristic that Judaism has over many other religions which rely on personal revelation. Of course that was one generation, thousands of years ago and no one has any way of verifying the story but your claim is wrong according to scripture itself.
Im an atheist,that statement is retarded, no great floods?what about the one about 13000 years ago that split the Uk off of mainland europe after the last ice age,while I disagree with religion and its strangle hold on humanity,a lot of holy texts have got factual basis when not talking bout gods and angels etc, there was a great flood 13000 years ago though,and there was a "eden" look up gobeki tepe, its sited exactly where the bible said it would be and was the first place man gathered to have its first attempt at civilization which we failed at,ruined the land made all the plants and animals scrawny and weak along with ourselves (leaving eden being the transition from hunter gatherers to toiling as farmers) as we had no experience in farming we ruined the land,lost all the vegetation/killed off most of the wild life and turned eden into a desert,.
Please refrain from making Atheists look stupid by making nonsensical posts
my point is if theres one god who is so mighty powerfull how come he cant get his creations to even believe he exists
no no no we turn to and question where is god in desperation , because we have been taught from a very early age that this god exists .but have lived all our lives with no evidence of it .'...because we like to 'play God', we've basically 'told him' that he is not needed. And then, we turn around (when the sht hits the fan) and say "where's this all-powerful God?".
no no no we turn to and question where is god in desperation , because we have been taught from a very early age that this god exists .but have lived all our lives with no evidence of it .'
my catholic friend once tried saying to me ,that i do actually believe in god , because in a time of desperation or need i would say something like 'oh god' or 'god help us', i tried explaining to him that if i ever said those words it was not because i actually believed a god would help me , it was more down to religious doctrination as a child and merely a figure of speech .
my second point of 16 0007 is out of all the thousands of religions no god anywhere has ever publicly reveiled itself to us humans , never ever has it even adreesed us all in any public way .surely a public speech or something would be great but nothing at all wich is highly suspicious .[/QUOTE
when I do give public speeches my son, people do and are what I plan them to be .you on the otherhand are not in any of my immediate plans. So don't fret YOU ARE NOT MINE!
It does talk about dinosaurs actually.lol and god created satan , so why would he allow this trickery to go on , satan was created to torture your sorry ass in hell with red hot pitch forks and loads of other kinky shit .whats he doin fuckin around with gods test pieces, whilst they are sitting there test ? shouldnt he be tourtering and crazy shit like that ? whats he doin fuckin wid people before they even failed gods test ? god sort satan out please hes way out of line
Opiate by Tool:
Choices always were a problem for you.
What you need is someone strong to guide you.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow,
what you need is someone strong to guide you..
like me, like me, like me, like me
If you want to get your soul to heaven, trust in me.
Now don't judge or question.
You are broken now, but faith can heal you.
Just do everything I tell you to do.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow.
What you need is someone strong to guide you.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow.
Let me lay my holy hand upon you.
My Gods will becomes me.
When he speaks out, he speaks through me.
He has needs like I do.
We both want to rape you.
Jesus Christ, why don't you come save my life now
Open my eyes and blind me with your light
If you want to get your soul to heaven, trust in me.
Now don't you judge or question.
You are broken now, but faith can heal you.
Just do everything I tell you to do.
Jesus Christ, why don't you come save my life now.
Open my eyes, blind me with your light now.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow,
Let me lay my holy hand upon you.
My Gods will becomes me.
When he speaks, he speaks through me.
He has needs like I do.
We both want to rape you
Lovin' the Tool, DM...