The great thermite debate.

How much Charcoal was in the towers? How many people were moving bellows up and down in the tower to create the kind of heat necessary for steel encased in Asbestos to soften? Charcoal burns at 2700C (4900F), your gonna try and tell me that there were things in that tower that get as hot as charcoal? All the jet fuel burned off within 10 minutes. It is impossible to heat that amount of steel up to a softening point in 10 minutes, especially when covered in something that is one of the best insulators known to man.

Was jetfuel the only thing burning in those towers?:o

what about gasoline from the cars in underground car par?

paper from 10000's of filing cabinets

wood from 10000's of desks chairs doors

chemicals from all the plastic fittings and such

pile that into a big pile and burn for several weeks

oh and for your bellows
Also look at the smoke, a fireman can tell you that when the smoke starts going black the fire is dying and there is less heat than a fire that emits white smoke.
Charcoal is the dark grey residue consisting of impure carbon obtained by removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and vegetation substances. Charcoal is usually produced by slow pyrolysis, the heating of wood or other substances in the absence of oxygen (see pyrolysis, char and biochar). The resulting soft, brittle, lightweight, black, porous material resembles coal.[1]

what about gasoline from the cars in underground car par?

paper from 10000's of filing cabinets

wood from 10000's of desks chairs doors

chemicals from all the plastic fittings and such

pile that into a big pile and burn for several weeks

oh and for your bellows
You don't really expect people to believe that gasoline in cars parked THOUSANDS of feet away had anything to do with the collapse do you? Or are you truying to say that Gasoline can melt steel? Cuz it only burns in open air at 500C, which isn't even remotely close to the temps needed to melt steel.
Wood burns at 1000f, still not close enough to melt steel. Then there is the fact that NOTHING can burn without oxygen, you don't suppose that big pile of rubble was a oxygen rich atmosphere do you?
Even If I were to make a GIANT pile of that stuff and let it burn for several weeks, not one single piece of steel would melt, it is IMPOSSIBLE to melt steel with an ordinary fire. You need forced air and LOTS of fuel. If steel melted so easily then Blacksmiths would not be able to do what they do because their Forges which get MUCH hotter than a pile of rubble, but the forges can't melt steel either.

The PATH station is a bellows? It moves up and down and sucks air in and forces air out? Really? I suppose the station was in perfect working order the whole time the WTC towers were in a big pile? Or was the station destroyed in the attack?
Charcoal is the dark grey residue consisting of impure carbon obtained by removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and vegetation substances. Charcoal is usually produced by slow pyrolysis, the heating of wood or other substances in the absence of oxygen (see pyrolysis, char and biochar). The resulting soft, brittle, lightweight, black, porous material resembles coal.[1]

So your saying wood in the fires was turned into charcoal which then heated up to a high enough point to melt steel? Tell ya what, go outside, take 10 bags of charcoal, light em on fire and blow air at them, then take a very small piece of steel, like a screw or something, place it on top and let me know how long it takes to melt. My assumption would be that no matter how hard you tried, or how big your charcoal pile was or how much you blew at it, you will NEVER melt the screw.

Charcoal Chimneys don't melt!

nd, if you walk into a calm, cool, perfect setting foundary.....and saw molten metal, would you be able to tell what kind of metal it is?

when copper gets hot it glows, so does steel, so does glass. could you, or better yet, a rescue squad, tell what metal it was in a controlled environment? i doubt it.

but even if you could, throw in the panic and all the rest of the crap that was going on, is it possible, just asking if its possible, could someone have said molten steel, but it was just really molten aluminum, molten plastic, moltin magma.....whatever?

you know becuase the molten metel only forms balls like that for a specific reason, duh, heat being one and another is how they cool, cooling set the kind of elements in the steel like a finger print its science would expect most of you to understand, thats why its so fucked up

just becuase the mass's havent been educated in metalurgy the general assumption from sciences is conspiracy theory, so stupid are the mass's, the only thing that matters is evidence is being ignored for a reason!
what temp does hydraulic fluid burn at? benzene? oxygen? titanium? large batteries? engine oil? nitrogen? seat cushions?

you do know there are a lot of other things on a plane besides jet fuel that burn right? and there were a lot of other material in the tower besides jet fuel.

the more you try to point to a controlled explosion, the more ridiculous your argument gets.

first of all ti has a much high molten temp them steel, im not doing your homework for you i already kow it does and im not going to go to my text book to make you look stupider you can do that yourself
secondly oxygen must be compressed and then forced at high speeds to ignite stee(Also steel has to be orange/yellow hot to be cut be compressed oxygen)l and with a direction that moves( no plane high speed scenerio go right movies with that crap), so no it cant, benzene is a no, that stuff vaporizes it wont ever burn more than a few seconds at those heats and wont produce even a close amount of heat, engine oil also no, nitrogen unless your talking about the fuel is inert so no it wont burn either, you dont understand wwe use steel for a reason dumb dumb, it doesnt melt or weaken without a good reason so go back to the internet and learn if you cant except an educated opinion
OK all you skeptics, I challenge anyone to build a scale model and fly a model jet into it and get it to collapse. It's bullshit. Think about the mass and vectors involved and it is simply not possible to collapse a structure like that without weakening the sub structure. Not to mention the puddle of molten goo in the basement...... It's science not brain surgery. No other structure like it has EVER collapsed from fire. If the impact weakened the structure then the top could have toppled if the heat was intense enough, but it collapsed strait down. Use yer brains people...... just use yer brains.
OK all you skeptics, I challenge anyone to build a scale model and fly a model jet into it and get it to collapse. It's bullshit. Think about the mass and vectors involved and it is simply not possible to collapse a structure like that without weakening the sub structure. Not to mention the puddle of molten goo in the basement...... It's science not brain surgery. No other structure like it has EVER collapsed from fire. If the impact weakened the structure then the top could have toppled if the heat was intense enough, but it collapsed strait down. Use yer brains people...... just use yer brains.

You've got to look at the WHOLE picture folks. It wasn't "just fire" or "just planes" that caused those buildings to collapse. It was the combination of events which took place that set events in motion, coupled with the structural design of these buildings which ultimately caused the collapse of the towers and building 7. "No other buildings in history........." Blah, blah, blah........THIS was unprecedented folks! The buildings collapsed in the manner they did not because of any one thing or other. It was the combination of ALL factors which caused it. Thermite does NOT make any sense and there is no scientific basis or proof of it so at this point it's pure speculation. Was there "molten steel" or "molten metal" of any kind? I was there and never saw any of this and never talked to anyone (and I talked to and personally KNOW a LOT of those firemen) who saw any of this. Were there a relative few people who claim to have seen things? Obviously, but it doesn't mean they were correct. I am in now way trying to challenge the credibility or experience of these guys. Many things can appear one way but in reality are something entirely different than their appearance. In any major event like this there will always be mysteries. Mysteries don't equal conspiracy. I could tell stories all day of the strange things I've seen in my years as a firefighter. Unexplained shit happens ALL the time in fires.:confused:
This building burned for 2 days, every floor consumed, Steel doesn't melt from ordinary fire.

You've got to look at the WHOLE picture folks. It wasn't "just fire" or "just planes" that caused those buildings to collapse. It was the combination of events which took place that set events in motion, coupled with the structural design of these buildings which ultimately caused the collapse of the towers and building 7. "No other buildings in history........." Blah, blah, blah........THIS was unprecedented folks! The buildings collapsed in the manner they did not because of any one thing or other. It was the combination of ALL factors which caused it. Thermite does NOT make any sense and there is no scientific basis or proof of it so at this point it's pure speculation. Was there "molten steel" or "molten metal" of any kind? I was there and never saw any of this and never talked to anyone (and I talked to and personally KNOW a LOT of those firemen) who saw any of this. Were there a relative few people who claim to have seen things? Obviously, but it doesn't mean they were correct. I am in now way trying to challenge the credibility or experience of these guys. Many things can appear one way but in reality are something entirely different than their appearance. In any major event like this there will always be mysteries. Mysteries don't equal conspiracy. I could tell stories all day of the strange things I've seen in my years as a firefighter. Unexplained shit happens ALL the time in fires.:confused:

If just a few floors collapsed then I could be OK with that, but when the whole building turns to dust? Not just once, not just twice, but three times at the same place, on the same day? the Odds of it being intentional are far greater than random chance of three buildings turning to dust and falling into their own footprints.
the buildings were specifically designed to survive multiple plane attacks do some research, into the construction of the towers, just because it was built before cad cam programs doesn't mean that the engineers were daft . . . . .

If just a few floors collapsed then I could be OK with that, but when the whole building turns to dust? Not just once, not just twice, but three times at the same place, on the same day? the Odds of it being intentional are far greater than random chance of three buildings turning to dust and falling into their own footprints.

if you spent enough time in statistics and probability math class's you would know that this is a red flag to anyone who understands the laws or chaos or randomness
This building burned for 2 days, every floor consumed, Steel doesn't melt from ordinary fire.
Apples and Oranges my friend.

Steel doesn't have to melt to cause a collapse and the towers were hit by HUGE FUCKING JETS!!!!!!!! Let's review shall we? 2 huge planes filled with fuel and people were flown, minutes apart, into the twin towers. Does anyone dispute this? Good! This caused MASSIVE damage and 2 very LARGE fires (along with numerous others which were scattered about lower Manhattan). What was the extent of the damage? We will likely never know because structural engineers were unable to inspect it before it collapsed. We can assume with some simple physics and a base understanding of how these buildings were constructed that the damage was obviously pretty bad. Does anyone dispute this? Good! All that was needed after these buildings were damaged, severely, by these 2 very LARGE jets was a fire hot enough to weaken some key structural elements. Asbestos and other fire retardants only slow down the heating of strucural beams, it doesn't completely mute the effects of the fire. It's been theorized (that's all that can be done since no inspection of structural beams could be conducted due to the ensuing collapses) that much of the fire retardant was sheered off at the point of impact/s rendering the insulating/fire retarding properties useless. It doesn't take much heat to cause steel to weaken and bend just slightly. The heat weakening already damaged structural beams along with the load of the building and contents above the points of impact could've also, very plausibly, caused these collapses, which is exactly what we saw that day. I'm sorry, but the collapsing towers and even building 7 collapsing is not where the mystery of 9/11 lies IMO. These things were no surprise to me and MOST of the firefighters in the country who are trained in building collapse. The fact that the buildings stood as long as they did is more a mystery to me than anything else.:confused:
If just a few floors collapsed then I could be OK with that, but when the whole building turns to dust? Not just once, not just twice, but three times at the same place, on the same day? the Odds of it being intentional are far greater than random chance of three buildings turning to dust and falling into their own footprints.
lmfao!!!!!!! You act like it was just some normal sunny day and suddenly, without anything else occurring, the buildings just fell. HUGE JETS + HUGE FIRES + GRAVITY = CATASTROPHIC FAILURE OF THESE BUILDINGS!!!!!!!! lol!:mrgreen:
Apples and Oranges my friend.

Steel doesn't have to melt to cause a collapse and the towers were hit by HUGE FUCKING JETS!!!!!!!! Let's review shall we? 2 huge planes filled with fuel and people were flown, minutes apart, into the twin towers. Does anyone dispute this? Good! This caused MASSIVE damage and 2 very LARGE fires. What was the extent of the damage? We will likely never know because structural engineers were unable to inspect it before it collapsed. We can assume with some simple physics and a base understanding of how these buildings were constructed that the damage was obviously pretty bad. Does anyone dispute this? Good! All that was needed after these buildings were damaged, severely, by these 2 very LARGE jets was a fire hot enough to weaken some key structural elements. Asbestos and other fire retardants only slow down the heating of strucural beams, it doesn't completely mute the effects of the fire. It's been theorized (that's all that can be done since no inspection of structural beams could be conducted due to the ensuing collapses) that much of the fire retardant was sheered off at the point of impact/s rendering the insulating/fire retarding properties useless. It doesn't take much heat to cause steel to weaken and bend just slightly. The heat weakening already damaged structural beams along with the load of the building and contents above the points of impact could've also, very plausibly, caused these collapses, which is exactly what we saw that day. I'm sorry, but the collapsing towers and even building 7 collapsing is not where the mystery of 9/11 lies IMO. These things were no surprise to me and MOST of the firefighters in the country who are trained in building collapse. The fact that the buildings stood as long as they did is more a mystery to me than anything else.:confused:
That building that is on fire is totally consumed and none of the metal melted, and more to the direct comparison, the metal didn't even get soft enough to deform, not even a little bit. They are using the building right now. Ordinary Fire can't soften steel to the point of failure. BTW you cannot say "most of the other firefighters in this country" unless you have personally interviewed each and every single one of them and gotten real numbers to support your claim. I can say something with the exact same amount of authority as you did by stating that most metallurgists, demolition experts and Structural engineers agree that steel can't soften enough from an ordinary fire to collapse a skyscraper. WTC didn't slowly deform like a softening steel beam would, it literally exploded. WTC 7 didn't start collapsing where the damage was, it started collapsing where the damage wasn't. Go blow up 2 floors in the middle of a skyscraper and I guarantee, pancake collapse or not, the building will stay up.
That building that is on fire is totally consumed and none of the metal melted, and more to the direct comparison, the metal didn't even get soft enough to deform, not even a little bit. They are using the building right now. Ordinary Fire can't soften steel to the point of failure. BTW you cannot say "most of the other firefighters in this country" unless you have personally interviewed each and every single one of them and gotten real numbers to support your claim. I can say something with the exact same amount of authority as you did by stating that most metallurgists, demolition experts and Structural engineers agree that steel can't soften enough from an ordinary fire to collapse a skyscraper. WTC didn't slowly deform like a softening steel beam would, it literally exploded. WTC 7 didn't start collapsing where the damage was, it started collapsing where the damage wasn't. Go blow up 2 floors in the middle of a skyscraper and I guarantee, pancake collapse or not, the building will stay up.
I've talked to a large enough sampling that I'm fairly confident of what I speak. As I said before, apples and oranges. What kind of fuels were allowing this particular fire to burn? Was there office furniture, paint, JET FUEL, etc. in this building, because as I understood it was under construction and not occupied when this fire occurred? You cannot make a statement like "ordinary fire cannot soften steel to the point of failure". I've seen steel fail and buildings collapse as a result of "ordinary fire" (WTF is "ordinary fire" anyways? lmfao!!!!!!). Collapses happen all the time my friend, and fire is a leading cause of building collapses. I presume you didn't see my article that showed steel beams melted on top of charred, but otherwise unmoved wood beams?

Here ya go:
the same fuel all aiplanes use and all test are done with . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . it dont burn that hot

this is not just any biulding, do some reaserch into the creation of the world towers, from material before 2001

THEY WERE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND MULTIPLE PLANES AND FIRES, and earthquakes and all other forms of destruction, you knwo nothing of civil engineering or biulding design plz dont speculate
lmfao!!!!!!! You act like it was just some normal sunny day and suddenly, without anything else occurring, the buildings just fell. HUGE JETS + HUGE FIRES + GRAVITY = CATASTROPHIC FAILURE OF THESE BUILDINGS!!!!!!!! lol!:mrgreen:
Before any of this happened it was indeed a normal SUNNY day, But I am not acting like nothing happened beforehand, to say that I am is rather insulting. I think there is a preponderance of evidence that shows Skyscrapers can withstand airplanes flying into them and not fall and that fires that make the WTC fires look like a girl-scout campfire can't collapse a Skyscraper either, But you want us to blindly accept that they can, and do, even though it has never happened.

The picture I put up is a HUGE FIRE, not the small campfires WTC7 had. And about 70 times bigger than the WTC tower fires were. I agree the jet was big, but it only damaged a little less than 2% of the building. Thats like me cutting off your little toe and you succumbing to Spontaneous Human Combustion due to that action.

There are so many odd things that happened, and there was a HUGE amount of motive to do it. WTC7 was where all the official paperwork on the missing $2.3 trillion was kept, not to mention all the records of all the big banks that were being investigated for fraud at the time. I mean the WTC towers could have been the smokescreen for the real target, WTC7. Just a thought.
the same fuel all aiplanes use and all test are done with . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . it dont burn that hot
When I speak of "fuel" I'm not talking of aircraft fuel, I'm speaking of fuel like a log is the "fuel" for a campfire. In any "ordinary fire" there can be hundreds if not thousands of different "fuels" burning at the same time.
Just so people who are ignorant of what JET FUEL is. Jet fuel is low grade KEROSENE!!!!!!!! The fuel in your car has WAY WAY more octane and is WAY WAY more explosive than KEROSENE.
When I speak of "fuel" I'm not talking of aircraft fuel, I'm speaking of fuel like a log is the "fuel" for a campfire. In any "ordinary fire" there can be hundreds if not thousands of different "fuels" burning at the same time.

do you realize that it takes days of burning a specific wood to get enough hot coals and then to have a blower of some kind in a controlled kilm or ofundry to heat steel to the point at which it can even be worked you my friend are uneducated and think that you communication degree will reason this out for you

their are technical specifications that you jsut dont understand

the fire you create in your back yard full of trash isnt very hot