This is all from a cut and past MS Word doc that will probably not format well but I'll html highlight who said what. Some may be duplicates because they came from 4 or 5 hd images and trying to find this shit, cut and paste it to save and then re-compile in in a readable format and chronicalocal fashion takes more time than I'm willing to do right now.
If you are really into NL and want to know more about it without a bunch of marketing bullshit and hype trying to get you to buy something, then read on and then you can draw your own conclusions, as I have:
NL Seattle Greg Posted
Aloha, The 11 packets of seed Nevil received were graded the #1 ,2, 3, were 100% indica, #5 the clone I traded Herbie Nelson for was 50% Afghani & 50% Hawaiian sativa. The others #6-#11 were crosses with Columbian, Thai, and Mexican Sativas. Nevil then sold out to Ben, became partners with Arjan, and then hooked up with the Mr. Nice Crew
Aloha, I agree 100% the kristilon brown + calcium nitrate is a good combination. Here in the USA I use JR Peters who has a 16-4-17 that has it all in one bag.(N,P,K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, B, Zn,Cu, Mo)
Aloha, Steve Murphy owned The Indoor Sun Shoppe in Seattle. NL #5 was a F1 hybrid in 1982.
Aloha, We use research like The Plant Analysis Handbook by Dr. Harry Mills, Dr.J. Benton Jones Jr.,Dr. Allen V. Barker they have the numbers for hundreds of different crops.
Aloha, What is the source the peters excel range??? The product is made in in the USA in Pennsylvania and they have been in business a long time.
Aloha, Don (aka the Indian) was from the Queets Tribe in Washington State who got injured on the job and needed a way to supplement his income. We set him up with lights substrate and strains and he worked for several years until his Son got out of the Army. Our relationship soured when Nevil tried the backdoor direct bypass me so all seeds to The Netherlands were halted for 30 years now. I sent bag-weed seed and kept the good strains in Seattle.
Aloha, Jorge & Sam like to talk too much about things they know nothing about. Sams ICMJ ? I lasted less than 24 hrs and got the forever boot. NL strains did not come from California period they brought nothing of value to Seattle. going to The Netherlands Nevil had Sams Skunk # 1, California Orange and Rob's Early Pearl along with the Afgani he collected with Clyde from LA on the trip to Kandahar when Clyde ODed on heroin. We were Vietnam Combat Veterans needing ptsd meds (sleep matters) so the focus was NL 1 to 5 with a beat this breeding program. The only strain of any interest was the Orange that was lost due to police raids
Aloha, Why would i have Nevil's strain I have been breeding since 1970 and he got NL from me? I sent seed to Sensi for free to Kees to promote competition
Aloha, The Northern Lights Crew was very small because of intense police pressure. It was all people from the Bellingham, Seattle, Olympia, and Portland area. And we were real wary of anyone who was not known. Paranoia ruled for good reasons as Nevil and Marc Emory found out.
Aloha, With the pure strain wide leaved short Afghan strains in Seattle pure strain seed started showing up in the mid 1970s the same time we were working out the details for HID lighting indoors. Nevil had the one he collected and the NL 1 & 2 from Seattle. Ask Nevil I have no clue what he did and it is real hard to speculate after all these years.
Aloha, Here is the way I traded for the original NL #5. After I was gifted 4 wide leaved pure afghani seeds I went to seed and started the Luther Burbank selection process to get superior female cuttings. I traded with my friend Herbie my pure strains and was blessed with one very nice mama that I took to seed and named #5. Having bud ,seed and cuttings of #5 was also nice! & then came Nevil and getting the seed for the medicine to my Vietnam Veteran Brothers and others who needed it. Herbie and i never went into detail and he said indica x hawaiian. Looking at the hybrid vigor it was a nice mix.
Aloha, Due to intense police pressure the NL #5 was lost after it had been shipped to the Netherlands to Nevil. Thanks to Ben, Nevil, Arjan, and Shantibaba this genetic base will be around for a long time. Here in Hawai'i i grow seed 95% of the time in my work
Aloha, Cannabis breeders are a small group of people who should use the energy we are gifted to work in harmony. We are group that has accomplished major advances and I like the brothers concept as opposed to the dog eat dog competition game.
Aloha, I breed seed for many years now and seed i get great results from 100% of the time when it hits the average joes & janes hands there can be problems without end. not the seeds problem it's the grower who is the problem 95% of the time. most do not have a clue how to water so they try to grow in swamp conditions and then blame the seed.
Aloha, The NL #5 seed I sent to Nevil was a cross. The cutting he was sent was the original from Herbie.
Aloha, The 11 strains were graded by height and flavor for indoor growing. The #1 was a short phenotype pure Indica from Afghaniatan as was #2,3, & 4. #5 to #11 was the Hybrids with the narrow leaved strains we worked with.
Aloha & Sam sounds like he is getting bored with it all? I do not have that problem at NL as every batch of seed brings something new and interesting. My Guru was Luther Burbank and with my Marine mentality I will be breeding to make things a little better until the day I die. Breeders Forever & Forever Breeders.
Aloha & George & Sam are incorrect. NL had nothing to do with California. And the Indian (Don Downes) was supplied with genetics by me including the NL#5 and the seed I propagated from the 4 seeds from Murphy.
All of these are from here:
The base plants for the entire Seattle Northern Lights strains 1 to 10 was a batch of seed sent from Afghanistan that ended up in Herbie's employers hands who just happened to be an old friend from High School so I was able to get four seeds. Then I started doing seed crops of the pure Indica and crossing it with other strains from Nepal, Mexico, and Columbia.
I had clones and seed and NL#5 was Hawaiian x Steve Murphy's Afghani Strain that is what I sent to Nevil. Steve Murphy owned The Indoor Sun Shoppe in Seattle. NL #5 was a F1 hybrid in 1982.
Northern lights # 1 was Nevils Afghani crossed with the Seattle Afghan strain form Steve Murphy.
I have been breeding since 1970 and he got NL from me. I sent seed to Ben and Kees at Sensi too for giving me the nutrient formula for Grodan and Seattle water.
The 11 strains were graded by height and flavor for indoor growing. The #1 was a short phenotype pure Indica from Afghanistan as was #2,3, & 4. #5 to #11 were the Hybrids with the narrow leaved strains we worked with.
The 11 packets of seed Nevil received were graded the #1 ,2, 3, were 100% indica, #5 the clone I traded Herbie Nelson for was 50% Afghani & 50% Hawaiian sativa. The others #6-#11 were crosses with Columbian, Thai, and Mexican Sativas. Nevil then sold out to Ben, became partners with Arjan, and then hooked up with the Mr. Nice Crew.