The History of Northern Lights

I wouldnt trust ag seeds myself but let folks find that out for themselves i wonder if he trying to do a arjan lol make the year the company was supposedly established the year he first grew lmfao who knows why it says 84 on it

Todd had been in jail longer than he's been a grower. I can get over the fact a year ago he was selling f2's and now every strain he sells is a ibl.
He also reminds me of the night stalker Richard Ramirez lmao.
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Todd had been in jail longer than he's been a grower. I can get over the fact a year ago he was seeing f2's and now every strain he sells is a ibl.
He also reminds me of the night stalker Richard Ramirez lmao.
Yeah they aint all ibl and im aware he been in jail for a time ive heard worse than that about the guy tbh idk for sure whats true or not so i aint getting into that nor do i know the guy myself lol the point is it seems like they are misrepresenting what they got
Todd had been in jail longer than he's been a grower. I can get over the fact a year ago he was seeing f2's and now every strain he sells is a ibl.
He also reminds me of the night stalker Richard Ramirez lmao.
Copy. So the NL I got from RoyalQueenSeeds will probably come out better than his Ok, I get it now. Well, I still have the ones from Shanti.
Nevil said:

When I first got the NL varieties, there were 8 types, 1-8.

They came with descriptions, which I published in my catalogue. These descriptions may not correlate with what later developed. The original intention was to purchase seeds from the US NL growers. It didn't work out and supply dried up. I kept the lines separate and inbred them. NL1 and NL2 stabilised into distinct types and NL5 only produced one unique individual.

NL1 was a full blood Afghan indica. One thick main stem, dark green leaves, modest yield with nuggety buds, a little coarse with good resin production, which when ripe went golden. The high was narcotic. The seeds ranged from tiny to massive. I used to love the big ones. Large fat heavily and darkly mottled seeds. Selecting for these seeds made this Afghan even coarser. It was fun to show people these seeds.

The best line of NL1 actually came from the smaller seeded types, better high and bud structure.

There weren't many pure indica lines around in those days. Big Bud, Hash Plant and G13 were pure indicas in my estimation, but were cuttings. NL1 was the only good pure Afghani male line I had.( there was Sams Afghani#1, but that was toxic in a bad way) The NL2 was a Kush.

I put the NL1 out there as a pure strain. I wasn't popular. People would tell me, "give me the pure strains", but if it cost them 10% of their yield they would complain, well try 50%.

The pure indica hybrids were more popular. NL1 x HP and NL1 x G13 were the best. At least people could use the word pure (very popular). But they were good!

I expect that a lot of people holding what they believe to be pure indicas today, would find, if the truth be known, that the sire line traces back to NL1.

That's right OS. I did go to the States later and pick up the original U.S. NL5 mother and it was as it was described to me, part Thai. But my NL5 didn't seem to have any Thai influence. I spent a lot of time analysing the NL lines, in particular NL5.

I only saw evidence of two indica male lines in the NL series and that was NL1 and NL2. My best bet was that NL5 was a combination of NL1 male line and US NL5 female. I guessed that US5 was 50% NL2. Northern Lights 2x5 was the best that I could do staying within the line (pure NL).

Northern Lights changed the face of cannabis genetics (and many a smoker), but it was mostly through NL5. You've got to marvel at fate for dropping that one extreme plant into the lap of a budding seed breeder.

Neville's story:

Shantibaba says:

Hi All

Well i was going through the fridges over Xmas with my daughter and we found 2 large bags with all Nevil old breeding stock from 1996, 1998 and 2001...all labelled well and withNL1. NL2, NL5 seed crosses in abundance as well as G13 crosses and so many it seems all has been vacuumed sealed and remained untouched for quite some years...but selected a bunch of seed stock to try and get going in Feb 2021....a time to bring back the corner store products. Try to get a bunch of the old potent Hash plant seeds working and will post photos of all the others we put in heating mat germinating tables....should bring back some memories for those old enough...and time to give a tribute to Nevil and his genetic work and seed collection obviously with a Shantibaba selection ...but it is the best we can offer for now!

Hope the new year brings good spirits and good health to you all....Sb

proof is in the seed you grow

Cannabis Seed companies will need to stop all this idle myth spreading and abide by a set series of regulatory tests to prove what they say. Cannabinoid tests of mother plants do not indicate what offspring will be like since only 50% of the genetic material is coming please educate yourselves by growing out seeds and being honest to whether it is a keeper for you or not...ultimately this is the test of a plant at present! P
Not sure what you mean by what nevil said was lying as shanti was present and told it as it really is. Mr nice have never has what was know as c1 aka nevils nl#5 cutting neither was shanti present when it was found. Shanti wasnt around when most of the early bases and stuff was made that the seed industry was built on, he came on the scene when it was almost mid 90s. The nice crew use nl5 selected from a nl#5 bx nevil made. All of nevils stuff containing nl#5 used his clone. The clone was a one off and he couldn't find similar in the other seeds, meaning without that clone those original strains using nl#5 as a parent cant be replicated.

Nevil lost his nl#5 clone in raids around 1999-2002 so it no longer exists.

As for sensi, nevil was head breader there for a good few years after he had to sell to them. It was nevil who buit most of their famous stock himself.
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Northern Lights is easily one of the most popular cannabis varieties in the world. Initially bred in and around Seattle by a small group of growers in the 70’s, it quickly turned into an international phenomenon. Northern Lights acquired its iconic name after the legendary “Seattle Greg” sent seeds from his personal collection to a new Amsterdam seed company named “The Seed Bank of Holland.” founded by Nevil Schoenmakers.

For a long time the true story about the origin of Northern Lights was never discussed within the growing community because we all knew that we were being hunted down mercilessly in the expanding "war on drugs". When I first got to Amsterdam and began asking around about NL, I could only find out that the guy who sent the seeds to Nevil was named Seattle Greg, but not much else.

Shortly after Nevil passed away I wrote the article; "Legacy of a Legend" for GROW magazine remembering Nevil's life and his revolutionary seed bank. Shortly afterwards I noticed a comment under that article from a guy named "Greg" who was giving personal credit to Nevil for spreading the Northern Lights genetics. I immediately messaged Greg and asked if this was the same Greg who first sent the Northern Lights seeds to Nevil in 1984 - and it was!

That's awesome. I grew up in the Seattle area and it was all Chronic. I was instantly hooked.
Not sure what you mean by what nevil said was lying as shanti was present and told it as it really is. Mr nice have never has what was know as c1 aka nevils nl#5 cutting neither was shanti present when it was found. Shanti wasnt around when most of the early bases and stuff was made that the seed industry was built on, he came on the scene when it was almost mid 90s. The nice crew use nl5 selected from a nl#5 bx nevil made. All of nevils stuff containing nl#5 used his clone. The clone was a one off and he couldn't find similar in the other seeds, meaning without that clone those original strains using nl#5 as a parent cant be replicated.

Nevil lost his nl#5 clone in raids around 1999-2002 so it no longer exists.
I'd like to think and hope that all of the above mentioned in this thread that are directly related to Northern Lights Origins (and it's immediate aftermath) have some idea or understanding on how to replicate a near identical strain.
Was that when they made the switch or after to the nl1 x nl2 x nl5 made by breeder steve for sensi if you know i know they used to sell nl5 till a certain point then swapped to that in the late 90s or early 00s i cant remember tbh
An Aussie mate bought NL from Sensi in the early 90s, and there was no number then. Are you saying it was NL#5?
An Aussie mate bought NL from Sensi in the early 90s, and there was no number then. Are you saying it was NL#5?

Do not listen to anything that Conor guy says. He is a classic know it all that knows nothing. The numbers for NL represent what the original Afghani was crossed with. The lower the number the more broad leaf dominant it was, the higher the number the more equatorial it was crossed with. At this point, this many years later I would doubt many people still have the old genetics but pretty much every modern strain has an ancestor that went through Nevil's hands at one point. RIP to the legend.
Do not listen to anything that Conor guy says. He is a classic know it all that knows nothing. The numbers for NL represent what the original Afghani was crossed with. The lower the number the more broad leaf dominant it was, the higher the number the more equatorial it was crossed with. At this point, this many years later I would doubt many people still have the old genetics but pretty much every modern strain has an ancestor that went through Nevil's hands at one point. RIP to the legend.
My mate got early 90s NL, and there was a post in page 2 of this thread by @Charles U Farley stating,
"In the Nineties, NL#1 was sold as the Sensi Northern Lights seed-strain.
It was changed to NL 5x2 before the end of the Nineties, and this, to the best of my knowledge and according to the people who actually work with it, is what it remains.
Gonna say that's what he has. He still has clones, so an S1 is possible.