The Impact of Light Intensity and Spectrum-Tuning on Cannabis Yields

Dude i have never but i do give the consideration its due rather than what leds would prefer and thats for me to trash it like its redundant and shite. This is the part leds miss when they read my obvious statements, you precieve what your light hype telks you to and the result is i look like an hps anarchist in your imaginary world.

Secondly you can just google the specs for hps, aint nobody here lying or hiding anything which is funny because you seem to have different speces to me on this obvious stuff, same for most leds but thats where youve had to add this stuff back in for five years, ir, uv, yellow green and far reds..... Back to whites in the last thread.

No you are wrong i never sqid hps is the grail but you are acting all Indy Jones on this site with your led nazi treasure.... like holy cow how many threads can you troll with "Led is the best" and "hps cant even touch it"....

Couldnt say fairer :-)
I'd like to see where I said HPS Is shit compared to LED's. Do you not understand I run both LED's and HID's and have for over a year with a harvest every Month. So otherwise I've been doing side by sides for a year.
Fuck dude try owning a hps and see how friendly it is, if i were lesser of a rabbit id order a cmh right now just to not get told my bud isnt as frosty or takes two weeks longer and twice the power and my terps arent as good and my plants must be burnt because my thermometer in the light says 110°f and so on....

I did use knowledge back against them not just abuse ya know :-)

lmao dude, some times your clueless. You replied to me with that.....

I've been growing with 1k hps lights since 2006, and had 2 closet cfl grows before that to start my learning. I know what it takes to run it :).
I really think the main reason that LED hasn't stood out as better is the lack of w/w grows. Very few LED growers actually run comparable wattage, they would rather save 30% on the electric bill then get 30% more yield. Thats how it works out guys. If you run w/w of light, you should be able to expect very similar results, but probably much better from LED because they out put more photons.

If you put 1000W of good LED, for example, in a 4x4, you'd burn the shit out of your plants.
lmao dude, some times your clueless. You replied to me with that.....

I've been growing with 1k hps lights since 2006, and had 2 closet cfl grows before that to start my learning. I know what it takes to run it :).

I thought it was a good reply but now im 'clueless'.... thanks nice words ironically!

If you put 1000W of good LED, for example, in a 4x4, you'd burn the shit out of your plants.

I don't believe that for a second, and I look forward to proving it. The sun puts an average of 1500 ppfd on a canopy, I would be glad to just shoot for 1k until I can get a CO2 system at which point why not shoot for the sun?

I currently keep my 1k hps 12-14 inches from my canopy, and don't burn the shit out of anything? I can't imagine nicely spreading 1k of LED over the whole canopy wouldn't be even more effective.
I thought it was a good reply but now im 'clueless'.... thanks nice words ironically!

you told me to try owning an hps so I would understand......

how is that a nice reply?

I do own an hps and have talked about it many times on this forum, which is what makes you "clueless" for telling me to try owning one...
I'd like to see where I said HPS Is shit compared to LED's. Do you not understand I run both LED's and HID's and have for over a year with a harvest every Month. So otherwise I've been doing side by sides for a year.

Dude the last two troll bait led threads where you even posted side by sides and the site had a good laugh at those multicoloured plants under your leds all wilty and looking kike they just wet a round with a beaver.

Thats where exactly, too many times it all led is better than hos i can prove it.

Sheezzzz give me some real retorts this is too easy and i get bored if your not going to be challenging.

So far ive made a lot of points but im just trolled on your technicalities.

Ya see the problem with leds, no reply but another claim :-)
I don't believe that for a second, and I look forward to proving it. The sun puts an average of 1500 ppfd on a canopy, I would be glad to just shoot for 1k until I can get a CO2 system at which point why not shoot for the sun?

I currently keep my 1k hps 12-14 inches from my canopy, and don't burn the shit out of anything? I can't imagine nicely spreading 1k of LED over the whole canopy wouldn't be even more effective.

Doing some rough calculations, 1000W of anything above 50% efficiency would be putting over 1650μmol/m2/s average ppfd in a 4x4 assuming a QER of 4.9.
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you told me to try owning an hps so I would understand......

how is that a nice reply?

I do own an hps and have talked about it many times on this forum, which is what makes you "clueless" for telling me to try owning one...

It was rhetorical (can spell that sorry)

My bad :-)
@old buzzard could grow more of his really great weed for less power used and less heat to deal with. I don't think anyone is an asshole for using HPS. That would be like saying “I used to be an asshole.”

And we all know that CMH growers are not near the assholes that HPS growers are.

People that use fluorescents are just nice folks, like people from Minnesota!
apparently you did not pay attention.I said the ones who said you have to use this product or you cant grow good weed and needed to man up were the assholes.I never said you were an asshole for using a certain type of light.Thats what others were saying who were using LEDs so first lets get that straight.Please do not try to twist what I said into what you wanted it to be for your benefit.secondly I never accused you personally of saying please do not defend those who hurt the point you are trying to make.and most importantly I am not from Minnesota,I am not a Vikings fan But a Lions fan.Now I realize that statement may make me look pathetic.But on the bright side we have never lost a Superbowl.And what thundercat just said ditto that.
Doing some rough calculations, anything above 50% efficiency would be putting over 1650μmol/m2/s ppfd in a 4x4 assuming a QER of 4.9.

What height did you make that calculation at? Height from canopy makes a drastic impact on ppfd. In all reality, though part of my plan for the 1k LED is to use part of it as side lighting, so I don't know how that works into the numbers honestly. Would that technically increase my canopy size? I have no problem with turning down lights that are overdoing it(if I actually reached 1600ppfd), I do have a problem with not providing as much as they plants might want and saying its good enough. From my research, once you try pushing LEDs closer to the max then they typically lose a bit of that efficiency that everyone is so stuck on.

If some people are happy with running 150w in their 3x3 tent and only spending $5 on electric that's fine. I would much rather maximize my lighting easily so I can focus on any other variables.
What height did you make that calculation at? Height from canopy makes a drastic impact on ppfd. In all reality, though part of my plan for the 1k LED is to use part of it as side lighting, so I don't know how that works into the numbers honestly. Would that technically increase my canopy size? I have no problem with turning down lights that are overdoing it(if I actually reached 1600ppfd), I do have a problem with not providing as much as they plants might want and saying its good enough. From my research, once you try pushing LEDs closer to the max then they typically lose a bit of that efficiency that everyone is so stuck on.

If some people are happy with running 150w in their 3x3 tent and only spending $5 on electric that's fine. I would much rather maximize my lighting easily so I can focus on any other variables.

I didn't make the calculation at a given height. Average ppfd is just ppf divided by area.

500W of PAR * 4.9 = 2450umol/s of ppf output by the lamp. Divide that by 1.48645m^2 and you get 1648umol/s/m^2
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Ill blanket a general response of where this sites at -

The info on drying and curing became monosyllabic and crap.

Anytalk on light quickly descends into led argument.

Hermies info is generally weak and quickly spirals into some bad genetic mutant dream world.

Heat - obviously few know where to place a thermometer let alone wtf cond, conv. and radiation are and arent.

Im not even going to mention the void on sexing a plant between some and all those eager to shout male at every lump bump and cunt.

Dont know what you expect from me and i owe nobody nothing, no respect for the site but for my life youll bleet on about leds and ppfd till we forget this aint your site :-)
What height did you make that calculation at? Height from canopy makes a drastic impact on ppfd. In all reality, though part of my plan for the 1k LED is to use part of it as side lighting, so I don't know how that works into the numbers honestly. Would that technically increase my canopy size? I have no problem with turning down lights that are overdoing it(if I actually reached 1600ppfd), I do have a problem with not providing as much as they plants might want and saying its good enough. From my research, once you try pushing LEDs closer to the max then they typically lose a bit of that efficiency that everyone is so stuck on.

If some people are happy with running 150w in their 3x3 tent and only spending $5 on electric that's fine. I would much rather maximize my lighting easily so I can focus on any other variables.

Using side lighting might make your 1k LED in a 4v4 project viable. I'm not an expert in side lighting ,but in general, a higher ppfd would support taller plants. Distributing the light from the sides would prevent the canopy from burning while allowing taller plants.
I didn't make the calculation at a given height. Average ppfd is just ppf divided by area.

Well, unfortunately, that's not an accurate measurement then. PPFD is a measurement of photons hitting an area, but that intensity drastically changes at different light heights. Its one of the most common complaints about companies using ppfd measurements on their fixtures. If you measure ppfd at 12 inches or at 24 inches you will get a number 1/4th the original, its called the inverse square law, and LED tech does not change that.
Well, unfortunately, that's not an accurate measurement then. PPFD is a measurement of photons hitting an area, but that intensity drastically changes at different light heights. Its one of the most common complaints about companies using ppfd measurements on their fixtures. If you measure ppfd at 12 inches or at 24 inches you will get a number 1/4th the original, its called the inverse square law, and LED tech does not change that.

You should never trust any lamp manufacturer that advertises PPFD as a key point. When buying a lamp, it's PPF that matters (total output). That PPF can be distributed any way the grower wants. Raising a lamp will lower intensity, but will also cover a larger area.

What you're saying about PPFD is true, but that's the difference between instantaneous PPFD and average PPFD, which is usually an adequate approximation when trying to evenly light a canopy.
You should never trust any lamp manufacturer that advertises PPFD as a key point. When buying a lamp, it's PPF that matters (total output). That PPF can be distributed any way the grower wants. Raising a lamp will lower intensity, but will also cover a larger area.

What you're saying about PPFD is true, but that's the difference between instantaneous PPFD and average PPFD, which is usually an adequate approximation when trying to evenly light a canopy.

Lol I don't trust any of these companies tring to cash in on new tech in general. I've watched all this since 2008, everyone one of them has a lot to say and new numbers to back up their claims. I try to absorb all the info, and make educated decissions based on the actual science. I was around when everyone stopped talking about lumens, and it had to be par numbers, then it was ppf, now ppfd.

PPFD was switched to because ppf is mostly irrelevant, just like lumens. PPF doesn't speak at all for what the plants are actually seeing. PPFD is ppfd, average ppfd is called DLI. 1500ppfd for 12/12 is roughly 64.8 DLI. That is roughly where the sun is at and what we should all be shooting for.
Dude the last two troll bait led threads where you even posted side by sides and the site had a good laugh at those multicoloured plants under your leds all wilty and looking kike they just wet a round with a beaver.

Thats where exactly, too many times it all led is better than hos i can prove it.

Sheezzzz give me some real retorts this is too easy and i get bored if your not going to be challenging.

So far ive made a lot of points but im just trolled on your technicalities.

Ya see the problem with leds, no reply but another claim :-)
Again you put words in peoples mouths, If you think your'e so knowledgeable, Prove my point, show where I said HPS are shit. That's all I asked. You twist everything people says to meet your need.
Lol I don't trust any of these companies tring to cash in on new tech in general. I've watched all this since 2008, everyone one of them has a lot to say and new numbers to back up their claims. I try to absorb all the info, and make educated decissions based on the actual science. I was around when everyone stopped talking about lumens, and it had to be par numbers, then it was ppf, now ppfd.

PPFD was switched to because ppf is mostly irrelevant, just like lumens. PPF doesn't speak at all for what the plants are actually seeing. PPFD is ppfd, average ppfd is called DLI. 1500ppfd for 12/12 is roughly 64.8 DLI. That is roughly where the sun is at and what we should all be shooting for.

PPFD is what matters to plants, but when you're talking about lamps, PPF is the number that matters. Like I said, PPF can be spread out in different ways to get different ppfd, but it's the total (ppf) that matters to the buyer of a lamp.