The Lucid Dream Thread (Post Your Techniques)
Syrian Rue has been used as an incense to drive away evil since Ancient Egypt first started using it as an offering to the God Bes, who protected people and drove off evil. I have been using Syrian Rue for the MAOI purposes but since I got Henna seeds I decided I will start using my Syrian Rue seeds for their traditional purpose, which is as a incense to keep evil away. I already have a few glass eye amulet that are meant to keep the evil eye away (pictured above).

Syrian Rue seeds are burned by being placed on a coal, or by being burned like in the picture below. I will start adding this ritual to my dream experiment soon because I have some Syrian Rue seeds.

Ok, so as of now there is only like 1 other place on all of the internet where you can read someone's full experiences with this plant. They did one post on a forum, and other than that there is just basic descriptions like "Induces Dreams". So I am going to be writing a few blog posts about it. This first post will just be a description of the smoked material in the middle of the day. The next blog post I do about it will be the effects of smoking it before bed, and I will write about it the morning after and will also report any dreams. I may do this a few times, then eventually I will use the Alepidea Amatymbica in an Ubulawu mixture and report that.

So here is the smoked Material report: (I have also smoked Medical Marijuana today, so Alepidea alone may be different)

It is not a terrible flavor of smoke, but it is not as good as Marijuana. It is harsher than Marijuana but not extremely harsh.

At first the effects are hard to distinguish from Placebo, but after about 20 minutes and 2 bowls I know for sure that it is at the very least adding to the effects of the Marijuana, in an uplifting way.

About 1 hour in I started a third bowl, and it crossed my mind that this may be a Cannabinoid based on the effects. I smoked the third bowl and now I can feel the feeling behind my eyes as if I had smoked a lot of Marijuana (The Glaucoma relieving effects), and while feeling an uplifted feeling in the mind, I feel a little extra stoney in my body than just the regular Marijuana effects. But I also feel like popping my knuckles and elbows and neck and back.

I can smell the smoke on my hands and it reminds me of when I lived in Texas and we would smoke joints of seedy bud, not the same smell, but it is a familiar smell. Maybe incense (Sandalwood?)

I am finishing the third bowl and I want to say that there is a "sharpness" to whatever Terpenes are in here. Kind of like how Lemonene has a lemon kick when extracted from Lemon Grass. This has some kind of Sharpness to it, I am not exactly sure what it is, but I think whatever it is it is what is giving the effects.

Closing my eyes even for a second is very relaxing.

Now I am going to smoke a few hits of Medical Marijuana with hash on it. The Marijuana definitely tastes much better. If I wanted to I could lay down and fall asleep right now, and for some reason I smell something sweet. I am not sure if it is something about the smoke I am catching or if I am imagining it, but there is a sweet smell. I just smelled the non-Marijuana Pipe (I have one for Ceremonial Herbs and one for Medical Marijuana) and the sweet smell is coming from the burnt root. I don't know exactly how to describe the smell, but it smells sweet.

I feel kind of lethargic but at the same time this mindset could probably be used for creativity. My eyes feel heavy, but not in my eye lids, it's in the back of my eyes like the anti-Glaucoma effects I was talking about before.

I think that is it for effects, I may smoke a few more bowls and if anything different happens I will report it. I don't think I am going to fall asleep, but I might, and I will report if there are any dreams also.

It has been about 10 or 20 minutes since I posted that

I don't feel tired anymore, and I actually feel refreshed as if I just woke up, and I didn't even go to sleep. Just shared that post a few places and checked some stuff. I can feel it in my body, it's not just stoney but almost what I want to label "Euphoric", but not in any major way, only slightly.

It is very easy to access my minds eye/imagination, I feel very floaty. That is not the best way to describe it, but it is the best word I can come up with. I basically feel like clouds inside my body. I really don't know how else to say it, but it is a very comfortably light feeling, if I wanted to I could just go do something else and ignore it.

Closing my eyes is still relaxing, but I am not tired at all anymore.
I was feeling tired so I smoked another bowl and went to sleep for about an hour. I do not remember any dreams, but I did not do any rituals to bring them. I will not start doing MILD or DILD until at least a week in to this dream experiment. And I might try WILD later. But right now I am going to smoke a joint of Alepidea Amatymbica Root.

I just lit it, If you do this I suggest using a Joint crutch to keep crumbs away from your mouth. It's not as harsh as I thought it would be, I am taking hits letting a little air in with the smoke, if I smoke directly it is kind of harsh and I feel like there is a liquid in this root, like how there is wood alcohol, I think there is some kind of Alcohol or Phenol Terpene, it could probably be retrieved through fractal distillation of the root. I am pretty sure no one has isolated the active compounds in this yet.

My computer froze the whole time I was writing/smoking that, so it was kind of hard to get anything written down. I definitely feel the effects, it's different than Marijuana but very similar, I have also been smoking Marijuana today though (I am a medical patient in Colorado). Because my computer froze the whole time I am going to roll another joint so I can try to smoke it without having to try to get my computer to unfreeze the whole time.

Ok, it's rolled. About to light it. I packed this one with about 2x as much root. It burns a lot slower when smoked directly this time, so not as harsh when I take direct hits without letting air in. I can definitely feel the effects in my body and behind my eyes from the first joint.

I just finished the second joint, I want to say that if you don't smoke it with Marijuana you will definitely feel effects. My goal is not to find Marijuana replacements though. I will report tomorrow if there are any Dreams and I will smoke at least 1 more bowl before I go to sleep. I do not expect any dreams because I have not done any rituals. Tomorrow I will try Alepidea and Imphepho together. I will make them into a tea and drink them before bed, as well as testing them earlier in the day mixed in a joint.

I did have a dream, but I don't remember what it was. I have a bad habit of laying in bed with my eyes closed after I wake up, and doing that and having thoughts (even if the thoughts are about dreams) makes me forget the dream. I do have a notebook next to my bed with a pencil, so I can write a dream as soon as I wake up if I remember it, but today it just slipped away too fast.

I mentioned while smoking the Alepidea Amatymbica last night that I did not expect to have dreams because I did not do a ritual, and I think I will continue to have a hard time remembering my dreams until I start doing the rituals. One of which is writing down my dreams, so this is a good start. For some reason I feel like the Galantamine will be the only thing that forces me to dream vivid, and maybe the Ubulawu and Hottentot tea, but I am not sure. Since literally no one online has written about trying Hottentot tea, and only a few people have written about Ubulawu.

Imphepho Kooigoed contains over 30 Terpenes/Terpenoids, and is the main ingredient in an African Visionary/Dream Brew known as "Hottentot Tea". Hottentot tea is known to contain Imphepho Kooigoed, Barosma betulina, Agathosma crenulata and other plants that grow wild in Africa. I am pretty sure Kanna is or was used in the mixture, and I will be trying it with Alepidea Amatybica, Imphepho and Kanna for today. I will split this in to 2 posts, one where I smoke Imphepho and Alepidea. Then in another post I will try them mixed into a Tea and I will drink it along side Kanna Capsules which will be eaten.

So here is the Smoked Material Report: (I also smoke Medical Marijuana because I am a patient in Colorado, so effects of Imphepho alone may be different.)

First I am loading a bowl of Imphepho, so I can try to describe the effects. The plant material is much like lent or cotton with a bunch of little sticks in it, and it smells very sweet, almost mixed with a spicyness or pepperyness, but definitely more sweet than anything.

First hit is pretty harsh. It is a harsh smoke, but not terrible. Better than an unfiltered Cigarette, but definitely not as good as a bowl of Marijuana.

I finished the first bowl and I am not sure if it is Placebo, but I do feel something. I have smoked this before and tried it in a tea once, so I know it does have its own effects but I am not sure if I am feeling them yet.

The Smell of the Smoke is definitely not as sweet as the smell of the plant material, but I can not pinpoint a smell. Probably because it is all over me though.

Just loaded the second bowl... And now it's finished. I can not pinpoint effects, but I can say that it is making the Marijuana high more clear headed. I am not as stoney in my body, but there is definitely a body feeling. And I don't feel lethargic or tired or heavy eyed, I am very awake/alert, but it's not like a Stimulant effect.

Now I am going to try Imphepho and Alepidea together in a joint. It has been about 10 minutes since I started the first bowl of Imphepho.

The joint is rolled and I am about to light it. It has probably been about another 5 minutes. They don't taste horrible together. I am about half way through and I am definitely feeling the "behind the eyes" effect from the Alepidea. I finished the joint and I definitely feel relaxed, but the Imphepho is keeping everything very clear headed. Also a very comfortable feeling in my body.

I am going to try a few hits of Marijuana now. These definitely go well with Marijuana. It is a very very comfortable and relaxing clear headed high. Definitely a good space for anyone who needs creative boosts. They definitely compliment the Marijuana. I will try Imphepho and Alepidea in a Hottentot tea later today and I will eat a Kanna capsule with it. Then I will see if that induces dreams also.
I did not weight it out, but I put about 3 grams of both Imphepho and Alepidea in to a sauce pan, and it is steeping on the stove right now, and I just ate a 500 mg capsule of Kanna (Sceletium Tortuosum) with some water.

Kanna is the crushed leaf of a plant that is a succulent, like Cacti and Aloe Vera are. The plant is smoked, snorted or eaten and is used to treat depression, or even in place of Cigarettes in some places. It is also used to make Hottentot tea.

It has been about 5 minutes and the tea is fully strained through a coffee filter. I tasted it and it is extremely bitter and leaves a horrible after taste in your mouth. I am going to try mixing it in to a cup of Orange juice. Mixed most of it in to a Red plastic cup of orange juice, and I can hardly taste it. The underlying bitter taste definitely reminds me of wood.

I just looked at the clock, and it is 12:10 AM here, just so there is a record. And that is 12:10 night time, not 12:10 right after noon.

There are some fringe effects happening. Just like a light tingle, possibly placebo.

I added the rest of the liquid to the cup, and added more orange juice.

12: 19 AM I want to say my skin is tingling lightly, but it could be placebo. I am also a Medical Marijuana Patient in Colorado, so I have smoked Marijuana in the past few hours. The effects from the drink should not be felt until 45 minutes, so that it has time to start digesting. I am just reporting on all feeling.

12:23 AM, finished the Cup. All the tea is drank. I feel really relaxed, and I definitely feel something comfortable happening in my body. I feel like stretching, this could definitely be used for Yoga. I think that feeling is the Alepidea, I remember the feeling of wanting to pop my knuckles and elbows and everything when I first tried it, this is that same kind of feeling. I am also popping everything now.

12:31 AM I don't know how to describe it, but as I look around I do feel different. I am very aware of my thoughts, more-so than usual. If thought was a 6th sense, then usually it would be 2nd most important to Eye sight, but right now I think thought it in front of Eye sight as far as what my brain is paying attention to. This definitely has potential for mediation and dreams. I do not expect to dream until I do a ritual or take the Galantamine, but I might dream tonight based on these effects in the brain.

12: 35 AM, I am going to load a bowl of Marijuana with Hash and take a few hits.

12:38 AM, Took the first hit, and I don't feel like the word "Rush" is right, but I felt the hit come on in a flow, slowly. These definitely compliment Marijuana.

12:40 It has probably been about 45 minutes since my first sip and ate the Kanna, so over the next 20 minutes the effects should start. I may be feeling them already though.

12:42 I just burped, so it is hitting my stomach.

12:46 I am not out of body, but I feel more attached to my thoughts than my body. I am listening to music on headphones and it is very "in my head" and not in my ears. My body also feels good, I want to say Euphoric, but I don't want to throw that word around and have anyone think it is something they couldn't ignore. I could go cook something and not feel this at all if I ignored it. The song just ended and it was very strange, I didn't expect it, I was focusing on my thoughts while I wrote the last sentence.

12:50, My palms are slightly sweaty, but not too much. I feel very much connected to my thoughts though and less to my body, typing this is a strange experience. Not Psychedelic, but weird. Thinking of my fingers moving as these words are written that I am reading to make sure they are correct, but at the same time I am moving to the next thought and typing it out. It's almost as if my hands are controlling themselves.. I just got goose bumps.

This is definitely something. Listening to music was a good decision.

12:54, When I close my eyes I am very aware of my breathing. I am going to take another hit of the Marijuana. Whatever I look at before I close my eyes is trapped on my eyelids. My hands or these words or whatever I happen to be looking at before I close my eyes, it is automatically imagined when I close my eyes.

12:56 I can still feel the tingle that was mentioned at the beginning and thought to possibly be placebo, I don't think it was placebo, I still feel it. It might also be what is making my hands sweat. I am not sure. It feels good though, not any stronger than like Coffee or Marijuana, but definitely a feeling. I can also feel the normal "behind the eye" effects of Alepidea, I am almost positive it works the same as Marijuana on the eyes and could be used for Glaucoma treatment. But that would have to be tested, I am just sharing the anecdote.

1:05 I feel really good and I think I am going to go to bed soon. I will report any dreams in the morning. I don't expect dreams until I start the rituals though, these are just tests to see if there are teas that can force dreams. I do feel really good right now, like a really good clear headed thoughtful stoned feeling.

I remember last night laying in bed with my eyes closed was a strange experience, I was very in my thoughts. For some reason "Galantamine" and the Snow Drop flower kept popping in my head, so I think tonight will be the night I try the Galantamine for the first time.
I do not remember exactly what my dream was last night but I know I had one. I woke up around 8:30 AM and laid in bed until about 9:00 and that made me forget. I really need to get in the habit of jumping up and writing down my dreams. I do remember that my dream had to do with Dream Herbs though, so maybe the dream was a continuation on my thoughts about Galantamine.
I did not expect dreams because I have not started any Rituals yet, apart from writing down my dreams which is only the tip of the ice burg for Dream ritual.
Tonight I will try Galantamine, it is said to increase your memory to help you remember your dreams, as well as induce them.
Galantamine comes from a flower known as "The Snow Drop Flower" (any Galanthus Species) and it is thought that this flower is the magical herb called "Moly" in Homer's Odyssey. Galantamine is an Anti-Cholinergic, meaning it has the same mode of action as Datura, Zyrtec or Benadryl. I will probably start growing some as soon as I can get a hold of some bulbs.

Acetylcholine is what regulates Dreaming in the brain, and Galantamine is a Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor. Meaning it stops the Enzymes from eating the extra Acetylcholine, so any Acetylcholine in your brain is forced to find a receptor to hit before it goes to be urinated out. This is not only good for Dreaming, but regular brain function. Acetylcholine helps brain function over all. It is used to increase memory and has even been FDA approved for use with Alzheimer's patients. It increases both the Memory of and Vividness of Dreams when used for that purpose.

Galantamine stays in the system for 48 hours, so I will be taking it around noon today, and it is a very effective molecule in the body. 80%-100% is absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach. I have capsules that contain 8 mg each, and I will just be taking 1.

The way other people do it is they sleep for 4-6 hours, then wake up and take the Galantamine then go back to sleep. But I want to try taking it in the middle of the day. I am not doing rituals yet, for now these are just tests to see if any herb forces dreams. I also have some Alpha-GPC somewhere, I won't be taking that now but I will try taking that with Galantamine at some point, because Alpha-GPC is a Choline supplement and helps the brain produce more Acetylcholine.

It is not 12 Noon yet so I will be keeping this page open until then, and I will finish this report then.

It is 10:48 AM and I decided I am just going to go head and take it now.

10:50 AM One Capsule taken with Water. 8 mg. I am a Medical Marijuana Patient in Colorado, and I also smoked some Marijuana this morning.

11:10 AM, I might feel something, but it might just be Placebo mixed with Marijuana.

11:28 AM, I might feel a slight feeling in my body. I don't notice anything notable though. People have reported that Zyrtec makes Alcohol and Marijuana stronger, so I may be feeling a stronger high because Galantamine has a similar mode of action to Zyrtec.

11:33 AM, I am going to smoke a bowl of Medical Marijuana with Hash to see if I can notice anything specific with the Galantamine.

11:47 AM, No effects that I can pin point. I am higher than usual, and maybe remembering the past better than usual. But I am watching Hash Church on Youtube and they have been talking about the past, so I can't tell if them talking about the past is doing that or if it is the Galantamine.

12:00 AM, I am definitely very high, but I am not impaired. I am a Medical Patient so I am used to the effects and they are not abnormal right now, just stronger. It is not like Kava mixed with Marijuana where it can make you giggly and stuff like some of the first times you get high. It is just stronger.

12:05 PM, Possibly enhanced focus, but not stimulating necessarily. I am not sure though. Acetylcholine does help with Cognitive stuff like Memory and focus. There might be a slight effect in the body, but I have also been smoking Marijuana.

12:15 PM, Thoughts are pretty racing. Not uncontrollable, but they are like popping up and making me want to write a lot on a new blog post about other things, but I am also thinking a lot about what I have already written and things I am going to do soon with Amino Acids and Terpenes and making new Smells and Vape stuff. Galantamine is possibly good for anyone with Writer's Block.

12:18 PM, Maybe there is a little "Off" feeling in the body, but not sickening or anything, just a little off balance maybe. I might also just be feeling extra Marijuana effects, but it is not a very strong feeling.

12:23 PM, I got up to go to make a sandwich and the feeling was in my arms and legs, they are a little sore, not very sore though, I just feel like I need to stretch my forearms and calves and stuff. This could be good for Yoga, just to get extra sensation in the body while stretching. I am going to finish this Sandwich and stretch and see how it feels. I just stretched my arms behind my back real quick and they feel really good now.

12:42 PM, I stretched and did some stuff in the little indoor garden I have where I am growing dream herbs and my medicine. I don't feel sore at all anymore, I think my body just wanted to get up and do something. So this might be good for people who like to go on walks, it will make it more enjoyable and maybe open up some thoughts while you look around. I feel good, maybe a little body effect but probably just an extra effect from the Marijuana.

I will report any dreams in the morning. I may take another Capsule tonight and report, because the bottle said 1-2 daily. But I am not going to do it daily, I will try something else for Dreaming tomorrow.

(This is the Snowdrop flower where Galantamine comes from)
I said in the last post that I was going to try the Galantamine without the Alpha-GPC, but I decided I am going to take a very small amount of Alpha-GPC. Galantamine is an Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, so if I take some Alpha-GPC my brain will turn it into Acetylcholine, and the Galantamine will help turn that in to dreams. So they will work together. But I only made a capsule with 184 mg of Alpha-GPC, so it is about 1/2 of a regular small dose. People usually only go as low as 300 mg when taking Alpha-GPC, but since I am taking a Reuptake Inhibitor I have decided to lower the dose. The Galantamine Capsule contains 8 mg. I will take the Galantamine first, then the Alpha-GPC about 30 minutes after.
It is 9:04 PM now, I am about to take the Galanatamine, then I will take the Alpha-GPC in about 30 minutes or so. Then based on if that makes my thoughts race I might take a Melatonin to help with falling asleep.
9:06 PM, 8 mg Galantamine Capsule taken with water.
9:18 PM, I just put some fries in the oven, I just feel like cooking something. I might make a blog showing everyone how to make bread and stuff (if you don't know how) soon, I make my own bread or biscuits when I have stuff to make gravy too.
9:26 PM, 184 mg Alpha-GPC Capsule taken with water.
9:28 PM, Loading a bowl of Marijuana with hash.

10:03 PM, I have definitely been focused. I made another blog post and started sharing it and had some ideas about where to share it. I took a few hits of the Marijuana and I can feel it but I could not say if it were stronger right now or not. I ate, and I think that counteracted the weird feeling that happened the first time, so I think this should be taken with food.

10:36 PM, I have been working on a bunch of stuff for the blog and I think I am going to take a Melatonin to try to make myself more tired. 3 mg Melatonin Capsule taken with Orange juice. I don't expect to get tired, I usually don't fall asleep until sometime in the AM and my thoughts are really going right now.

11:14 PM, I think I could go to sleep right now, but I am not tired. I will probably go to sleep soon though. My mind is not racing as much. I might take 1 more capsule of Alpha-GPC around 50 mg before I go to sleep.

11:18 PM, I made a Capsule and it weighed out to 69 mg. I did not do that on purpose as a sex joke or anything like that, lol. I took the capsule with Orange juice. So that is 253 mg total of Alpha-GPC and 8 mg Galantamine, then I also took 8 mg Galantamine around noon earlier today.

11:25 PM, I feel good right now and I think I am getting tired from the Melatonin, I have also closed my eyes a couple times just to try to stimulate some natural melatonin.

11:42 PM, I am going to try to close my eyes for about 10 minutes and basically meditate, I'll see how I feel then and maybe go to sleep.

11:55 PM, I just opened my eyes and I do feel more tired. I also just feel generally good. I am going to finish this bowl of Marijuana and probably go to sleep and I will write about any dreams in the morning. I am going to close my eyes again though.

12:05 AM, I just opened my eyes and while my eyes were closed I started feeling my bones around my eyes and nose and forehead, then with my eyes still closed I started feeling around my entire skull. It was very strange to be that aware of my skull inside my head, I don't think I have ever thought about it that deeply before. I'm going to go to sleep now and I will report any dreams in the morning.

Lol, I can't believe I did this, but I woke up this morning and thought in my head with my eyes closed, "I need to remember this dream" because I had a dream and I needed to remember it, then while I was in the process of locking it in my head I fell back to sleep. Then when I woke up I totally forgot the dream. Sorry. I have not started Rituals yet though, so it's ok because I was not even expecting dreams yet. But the Galantamine seemed to work, but I just didn't hold on to the dream long enough and passed out.

I will probably start rituals in about a week or two, I still have a few other things to try (the Oaxacan Dream Herbs), plus I have the ingredients for an Ubulawu coming in the mail.

I went to the Dentist today, so my face was numb most of the day and I didn't try any dream herbs. I might try some Calea tonight, which is a Dream herb that has been Historically used by Mexican Aboriginals in Oaxaca. Then I will report any dreams in the morning.
I had a lucid dream last night....doorbell rings and this hot woman looks like a young Rae Dawn Chong and offers me $293.00 to masturbate for her. I do and the orgasm was so strong I passed out. I woke up this morning with a henna pattern all over my dick

Calea contains a series of Terpenes that have been shown to effect sleep, and it has been used to create a Dream brew in Oaxaca Mexico for a long time. You can smoke it or make a Tea and it is very bitter, I have tried it before. Making Capsules is the best way to do it, even smoking it is terrible tasting. The bitter flavor lets you know it contains Alkaloids though, so that means it is definitely a strong dream herb. I am just going to smoke a joint before bed and then drink some Orange juice and Milk to kill the flavor. I have read that brewing it with Osmanthus flowers kills the bitter flavor, but I don't have any. If you decide to grow Calea, make sure you get "Bitter Calea" and not the other kind.

The region that used this was also the region that grew Salvia Divinorum, they were pretty good at finding plants that induced visions. Another plant they bred was Coleus Blumei, which I might try with Calea tomorrow. I have a few Coleus plants, so I could grab a few leaves and make a tea.

The way Natives traditionally use the Calea is smoke a joint, drink a tea, then put some of the herb under your pillow. I think the absolute best way to do it would be to smoke a joint and make some hash from it, then use the hash for capsules. I might do that eventually.

6:37 PM, I am taking a Zinc tablet. There are no effects from Zinc, it is just a building block for the brain and may help with Dream Recall.

It is possible that I have Galantamine active in my system also, not from today but I took 16 mg yesterday, 8 in the morning and 8 at night, and Galantamine is supposed to stay in the system for 48 hours.

9:16 PM, I just rolled a Calea joint and already I can taste it, just rolling it up the bitterness got on my tongue.

9:18 PM, It's such a bitter smoke.

9:21 PM, About half way through the joint and I think I feel something.

9:24 PM, I got over the taste of the joint by the end, but it's still not a pleasant taste. It's finished and I can definitely feel a light stoney effect, I know it is supposed to help you fall asleep. There is for sure an effect.

9:32 PM, I just yawned. I am not tired, but I could be feeling the beginnings of tiredness. I just yawned again.

9:33 PM, rolling another joint.

9:45 PM, Lighting the joint.

9:48 PM, About halfway through the joint, and I can feel more stoney effects.

9:51 PM, The joint is finished and I hardly tasted it that time. I can definitely feel the stoney effects, pretty much throughout my entire body, and it is definitely there, not Placebo.

9:53 PM, Taking a hit of Medical Marijuana. First hit, and I definitely noticed the two plants like each other.

10:06 PM, 2nd hit of Marijuana.

10:10 PM, I feel good. I think I am going to roll a 3rd joint.

10:18 PM, Joint lit.

10:22 PM, Over a little half way through and it's definitely stoney.

10:25 PM, Joint finished and I definitely feel a head high and a body high. It's almost indistiguishable from the Marijuana. I will probably try Alepidea with Calea soon since it also seems to feel like Marijuana and makes a bitter tea.

10:26 PM, 3rd hit of Marijuana. These plants definitely go well together. I don't think any extra effects are going to come on now. I may smoke one more joint before I go to sleep. I will probably stay up for like another 2 hours. I am pretty sure I will not need to take any Melatonin because if I am not tired I can just smoke the 4th joint.

Today I accidentally did the WILD technique/ritual. I woke up around 6 AM and all I could remember about my dream was that it had something to do with Language. Then I went back to sleep and woke up around 8:00 AM and I remember that dream being about Dream Herbs, and there were like Commercials and ads for Dream Herbs, but that is all I remember.

I have not really strarted rituals yet, and I have not taken any herbs at the right time. I keep taking the Herbs earlier on in the night just to see if they work like that, but you are supposed to use them right before you go to bed, or even when you wake up before you go back to sleep for 2 hours. So I will start trying that soon, but I am going to continue just taking things during the day for now until I try everything once.
Syrian Rue AKA Peganum Harmala contain a series of Alkaloids known as "MAOIs". The main one is Harmaline, then Harmine and Harmane and others. The first scientists to extract Harmaline from Syrian Rue thought he had discovered a new Molecule that was allowing them to read each others minds, so they called it Telepathine. But later they found out that they had actually just rediscovered Harmaline, they were just mistaken because they were the first ones to get it from a Syrian Rue plant.

If you EVER take an MAOI, do not take it with Cheese, Chocolate or Alcohol. MAOIs block some of your enzymes that aid in digestion, so Cheese, Chocolate and Alcohol do not digest properly and can cause a terrible headache or even death. This is sometimes called the "Cheese Syndrome".

MAOIs also make other things stronger because of this. If you take a good dose of MAOI, then take Mushrooms, the Mushrooms will be 2 times as strong, or you would only have to take half as much to achieve the same effects. It also works with Marijuana, which is what I will be using it with today. I will be using it together (individually) with most of the dream herbs too. So that is coming soon.

The seeds are used in Middle Eastern Countries to protect from the evil eye. A Charcoal is heated up (like the one on top of the Hookah) and they put the seeds on top where they pop like popcorn and release a smoke that is said to keep the evil eye away.

MAOIs were and sometimes are still used as Anti-Depressants, but have been replaced by SSRIs. Syrian Rue is usually drank in a tea, and gives anti-depressant effects as well as some possible VERY LIGHT Psychedelic effects but only at high doses.

10:09 AM, I have a capsule making machine thing (It's not as complex as it sounds) and 114 Grams of Syrian Rue. So I made some capsules, they are all about 1/2 Gram each.

10:19 AM, I got a bowl of Cereal because I am not sure if Yogurt is eligible for Cheese Syndrome, so I am going to eat this cereal to get something in my stomach and take the Syrian Rue after that.

10:37 AM, I am taking the first capsule with some Orange juice.

10:42 AM, 6 Capsules taken in total with Orange juice. So I took between 3 and 4 Grams, since each one had a little over 1/2 Gram.

10:48 AM, Taking a few hits of Medical Marijuana.

11:15 AM, Not sure if I am feeling anything yet except Marijuana, but I feel like there might be a slight effect. I don't expect effects until 45 minutes (digestion starts) after I ate the first Capsules.

11:31 AM, I might be feeling something, maybe a little extra Marijuana effects. Maybe Placebo.

11:39 AM, I think I am feeling something. I am usually feeling good, but maybe an extra bit of happiness added to the normal happiness. I am going to finish the bowl of Marijuana and then load another one. I could just be feeling the Marijuana.

11:46 AM, I do feel extra "in my thoughts". I kind of want to draw something, so I think I am going to start doing that when I start doing rituals. That will be one of the Rituals to bring dreams.

11:48 AM, I am not sure if it is extra Marijuana effects or the Syrian Rue, but I do feel something in my body. It feels good. I am going to close my eyes for a few minutes just to kind of Meditate.

11:52 AM, I just opened my eyes, and there is a definite feeling in the body, it feels good and I want to say it could be called "Warm".

11:53 AM, Actually loading the 2nd bowl of Marijuana now.

11:58 AM, I took the first hit a few minutes ago and did not notice anything right away, but I am feeling higher now.

12:01 PM, I just took another hit and it definitely goes well with Marijuana. I do not think the effects will build much from here for me, but if you are not a medical patient you might feel more effects than me.

Definite effects at 3-4 Grams, good potentiation of Marijuana.
Syrian Rue is not only an MAOI, but it also has some effects that can effect dreaming. Harmaline is the main active ingredient in Syrian Rue seeds and it forces the creation of Melatonin in the brain from Seratonin. So in a few days I will try taking 5-HTP during the day and Syrian Rue at night, to turn the 5-HTP in to Melatonin. Harmaline also works as an Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor, meaning it works through the same mode of action as Galantamine to keep Acetylcholine in the brain to promote dreams. So when I take the 5-HTP earlier in the day, I will also take some Alpha-GPC so that I will have Melatonin being made and Acetylcholine being made, and all of it will be up there in my head while I sleep. So I will have a bunch of the 2 main ingredients for dreams in my brain. I may also take Galantamine that morning with the 5-HTP to promote extra Acetylcholinesterase inhibition that night.

But tonight, I am going to try Syrian Rue with Imphepho. The Imphepho will be made into a tea, and the Syrian Rue will be taken in Capsules. The Syrian Rue should boost the effects of the Imphepho.

If you ever take an MAOI, do not take it with Chocolate, Cheese or Alcohol. MAOIs effect some enzymes that aid in digestion, so Chocolate, Cheese & Alcohol are not digested properly and cause a terrible headache or even death. This is sometimes called the "Cheese Syndrome".

MAOIs are also what is responsible for the effects of Ayahuasca. If you take the Chacruna plant all by itself in a Tea it actually contains DMT but it will have no effects unless you mix it with the Ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsos Caapi) which contains MAOIs. And when the MAOIs are inhibiting those digestive enzymes, it allows the DMT to bypass those Enzymes and become an effective Spiritual Medicine for Religious use.

I am calling this "Hottentotahuasca" because I am using Imphepho which is the main ingredient in Hottentot tea, and MAOIs which are the thing that makes Ayahuasca work. Eventually I will get some Buchu leaf so I can make a more complete Hottentot tea. Then I will make another Hottentotahuasca Tea and maybe do it a few times depending on if it helps with dreams.

I also took around 3.5 Grams of Syrian Rue about 12 hours ago.

10:20 PM, First Capsule of Syrian Rue seed taken. All Capsules are about 1/2 Gram, some are a little over 1/2 Gram.

10:21 PM, Six capsules taken. Totaling between 3 and 4 Grams.

10:42 PM, I made the Imphepho into a tea, I will mix it with Orange juice and drink it in a minute. The Syrian Rue will digest first, then since I am drinking the Imphepho second it will possibly be stronger than usual since the MAOI is effecting a few digestive enzymes.

10:45 PM, Drinking it now. I can't taste it at all with the Orange juice, without Orange juice it is bitter,

10:53 PM, I might feel something but it might be Placebo.

10:58 PM, I kind of feel tired. I am going to turn on some music.

11:09 PM, Rolling a joint of Imphepho.

11:12 PM, Lighting the joint now.

11:15 PM, I finished the joint and usually Imphepho makes me feel extra thought oriented, but this time I feel like it is having more of a Sedative effect. Maybe the Enzyme inhibition is causing it to break down differently. It feels more like it is mixing with the Marijuana.

11:19 PM, I am feeling the thought oriented effects now, but still more of a Sedative than usual.

11:24 PM, Just loaded a bowl of Marijuana and I am taking the first hit now.

11:28 PM, These definitely go well with Marijuana, a very comfortable feeling.

11:30 PM, Definitely very in my thoughts. That is the Imphepho coming on.

11:31 PM, I feel very stoney in my eyes. Maybe tired.

11:36 PM, Imphepho is always good for Stretching/Yoga, it is definitely a good feeling.

11:40 PM, The Imphepho tea has hit I think and it definitely has me in my thoughts. I have stuff to draw but I feel like I would need colored pencils if I really wanted to do something, so I am going to get some soon. But I think that will also help induce dreams.

11:44 PM. I don't think the effects are going to build from here. I might roll another joint before I go to sleep, and I will report any dreams in the morning.

This morning I remembered parts of my dream and remembered to write it down. All I remember is that there was Legal Marijuana and everyone was just learning about it and smoking for their first time.
I don't remember specifics, but a bunch of people were smoking for their first time when I woke up.
I do not expect dreams to become vivid or lucid until I start rituals, I am only testing different dream brews for now.
Yohimbe bark is often used as a Caffeine replacement, or to treat Erectile Dysfunction or just as an Aphrodisiac to add sensation to sex (for Men and Women). But many people do not realize that this plant can be used for Lucid Dreaming. I have been reading and from what I can see people have been taking a lowered dose of Yohimbe and what happens is the brain is stimulated for dreams but you aren't forced awake as if you drank caffeine.

I am going to be testing super low doses, just so that I and anyone reading can know what the usefulness end up being during the day and at night. I am using Yohimbe bark, if you get "Yohmbine' you are getting a more pure extract and should never take this much. I am using the Raw bark, so it is "Yohimbe" not the pure "Yohimbine" which is the molecule in the bark that gives it its effects.

So I weighed out 1/2 Gram (500 mg) of Yohimbe bark, and I do not expect to feel anything from it. I am going to put it in a Capsule and take it with water.

10:15 AM, I did not grind it up, so it won't all fit in one Capsule. It's not that mush stuff, but it is bark and not like leaves. First capsule taken.

10:20 AM, 2nd Capsule made and taken with water.

10:34 AM, Got a bowl of Yogurt and Oat cluster things.

10:35 AM, Taking a hit of Medical Marijuana (I am a patient in Colorado).

10:41 AM, I might be feeling a light stimulating effect like Caffeine but it might be Placebo.

10:47 AM, Again, it might be Placebo but I do feel something.

10:53 AM, Taking another hit of Marijuana.

10:58 AM, The Yohimbe should be getting digested right now, it has been about 45 minutes. So over the next 20 or so minutes will be the possible effects hitting.

11:08 AM, I don't drink coffee as much as everyone else (or much at all) so Marijuana is the only thing in my system besides the Yohimbe, and I do feel kind of like I drank a cup of coffee or something.

11:10 AM, Stretching feels good so I think Yohimbe would go good with Yoga and might also go good with Imphepho. I will try a Yohimbe/Imphepho mixture some day soon.

11:11 AM, Taking another hit of Marijuana.

11:15 AM, I don't think the effects are going to build from here. I will take the same amount again tonight and record dreams in the morning.

500 mg, Very like a small cup of coffee. Seems like it would go good with Imphepho.
Since I am taking Yohimbe for dreaming tonight I decided I am going to drink some Green Tea, that way I have Caffeine receptors (Xanthine receptors I think) worn out so I am more tired tonight, then I will take Yohimbe to stimulate Dreams. Green Tea also contains L-Theanine which is related to Serotonin and Green Tea also contains EGCG which is an Anti-Oxidant and blocks some Enzymes that aid in digestion, known as CYP Enzymes. So I will drink the Green tea in the form of Matcha Powder now, then tonight I will take the Yohimbe. I am taking super low doses of Yohimbe to stimulate Dreaming but not a wakeful state.

Green Tea is different than Coffee as a Caffeine source because of the extra L-Theanine it produces with the Caffeine. L-Theanine changes Caffeine and makes it work differently so that it has an effect that both helps you focus and relax at the same time.

2:26 PM, 2 Teaspoons of Matcha put in a sauce pan on the stove.

2:37 PM, Straining it with a Coffee filter and Mason jar.

2:42 PM, I usually make the Matcha in to Capsules or food when I use it, and that is probably the best idea. Straining it with a Coffee filter is taking forever. There is some Matcha liquid left in the Sauce pan though, so I am going to make some Green Tea Eggs. I know its like lunch time but the Yohimbe from this morning had me busy working and all I ate was a bowl of Yogurt and Oat stuff. I am waiting on the Tea to strain still.

3:06 PM, So I sprinkled some Green tea on the Eggs as it was cooking, and the Green Tea that was Straining never really strained. So I have maybe 50 ml of Green Tea liquid.

3:08 PM, Since the Green Tea Tea didn't work out, I am going to make some Green Tea Muffins. And I will add Lemon Zest for extra effects, since Lemon Zest contains Lemonene.

3:11 PM, I just drank the 50 ml of Green Tea.

3:20 PM, Here is the Recipe for Muffins I have written down.

3 Eggs
3/4 Cup Flower
1/2 Cup Butter
1/2 Cup water
Mix those
3 Table Spoons Lemon Peel
1 Table Spoon Matcha Powder

In another bowl:
2 Cups flower
1/2 Cup Powdered Yogurt
1 Teaspoon Baking soda
1 Teaspoon Salt

Then add the first bowl to the second bowl in 3rds, and cook at 400 Degrees F for 10 Minutes.

"Orbitals are for mathmeticians, chemistry is for people who like to cook"- Alexander Shulgin

3:49 PM, I didn't have enough regular butter, so I had to add Cannabutter. This will now be a Green Tea Cannabutter Report. The Lemonene will also add to the effects. If you want to make your own Cannabutter or Green Tea butter or Lemongrass butter or anything like that, you just mix the plant into the butter while it is hot in a sauce pan, then you filter out the plant material and put the butter in the fridge. The butter will have all the THC or Caffeine and the plant material will have very little left. In Perfuming this is known as an "Enfleurage" and you can also do this with Coconut oil to make a skin rub.

4:03 PM, They are done and they taste awesome. Green Tea Cannabis flavor with a lemon zest kick while it moves in your mouth.

4:08 PM, Almost through the 3rd muffin. So in about 45 minutes effects should be starting. I am get some stuff done, but I am definitely done eating (just finished the 3rd muffin).

4:20 PM, Maybe starting to feel something. Maybe placebo.

4:29 PM, I took a few hits of Marijuana and I think I am feeling more of the giggly & body high feeling than normal. I am a medical Patient so when I am high it is pretty normal, but edibles can change that and L-Theanine might also contribute to some different effects.

4:33 PM, I think I may be feeling something. I want to add that the Lemonene also effects the CYP Enzymes. I mentioned before that the EGCG in the Green Tea effects CYP Enzymes, but so does Lemonene. So that means the THC is being Metabolized differently and will probably get me higher.

4:49 PM, I am definitely feeling the Cannabis and the Green Tea. I feel super relaxed and pretty high. Not unfunctionally high, but if you are not a medical patient I feel like you might be higher from the edible Marijuana. I do feel really awesome though.

4:53 PM, Stretching feels good. I don't think effects will build from here, I will be taking 500 mg of Yohimbe bark later then I will report any dreams in the morning.