It is good practice to rethink about dreams you have had before in order to get back into dreaming. So I guess this is the 2nd Ritual I am doing. First Ritual was when I started recording my dreams.
So the most important dream is of my brother. He died in 2013 at the age of 10 and I had a dream where he visited me. I did not realize I was dreaming and he was there and I was confused that he was alive and he was talking about things, then I asked him "How are you here?" because I realized that he shouldn't be there. And he said "I have to leave soon". Then I asked him "What is it like to be dead?" and he told me "You know like when you have to go poop REALLY bad? Then you get to a toilet. It's like that.". Then I woke up.
Then I had another dream where he was making board games, and I was just really sad that he was dead and I couldn't get past the idea that he was dead. Even though he was right in front of me.
Then there are a few other random dreams like one with an Ancient Temple and a bunch of Columns and everything and we were looking through drawers for some special paperclip. And a few other random ones.
I know people want to think "Oh, you are sad about your brother, that is why you aren't atheist" or "Oh, your brother died, that is why you are not Christian". My brother had nothing to do with my religion and I have not changed theology based on him. I have always been proud of the dead, not sorry for them. My heroes are all dead and I don't feel like we lost them. So please do not try to project any of your ideas about death on to me. I am not mad at God, in fact I have a great relationship with God, I smoke Marijuana every day for God. And I was an Atheists when I was like 14 and converted out of that when I was like 15, so my brother had nothing to do with Atheism in my life. If my brother effected anything in my theology, it is only my desire to remember my dreams and the feeling of togetherness I feel with people who are no longer alive. I can almost get into the head of historical figures if I read about them losing family members and stuff.
But the longest dream I can remember is this:
I was like 8 years old or something when I had this dream. But I remember it just as well as the dreams where I saw my brother.
I was in a dark city and in a place with a bunch of concrete buildings and graffiti, and I went inside one of the buildings. When I got inside there were pictures on the wall that were like movie posters with lights around the edges, those were on the left wall, then to my right there were Columns made of cement and between the Columns there were benches and trash cans. And all down the hallway there were Columns, Benches and Trashcans on the right with Pictures lit up like movie posters on a wall. And I was basically walking down the Hallway that was formed by those. At the end of the Hallway there was a door and in the door there were stairs, so I went up the stairs. And the next floor was the exact same as the floor before it. Then at the end of that Hallway there was a door with stairs, and it went on and on like this for a ton of floors. Then eventually I got to the top floor and there were a bunch of other kids there (I was like 8 ) and there was a kid that was older than all of us that was talking to all the kids like he was like in charge of them. And then suddenly he ran away from us and we all chased him because he was in charge of us. But when we followed him we got to a room where there were a bunch of tubes that were different colors that were like hallways. So all the kids paired up and went down tubes, but me and my friend (it was my friend from school in real life) noticed that all the tubes had someone checking them, so we looked around and found some Cafeteria tables (the kind that like 40 kids can sit at, but then they fold up to only take up like 7 square feet). We moved the tables and we found a tube that was Maroon colored. So we walked down the tube and got to a concrete room. The room had a concrete staircase, and the walls started wide, but then narrowed to the stairs, We started walking towards the stairs, then I looked up and there was a guy hanging from the ceiling like a bat, and he shrieked and jumped towards me when I saw him, and I woke up.