The Monsanto Thread


Well-Known Member
After frequenting my LHS I learned that the dirtiest company known to humankind's existence is pushing for a hostile takeover of the MMJ industry. So far, they have acquired two huge companies (that I know of) and will be using those profits to shutdown all home growing, period. They want your money and they will stop at nothing to get it. Even worse, they are already using MMJ funds to seek out home growers in Colorado and imprison them since they are competition for the dispensaries.

As of now, Botanicare and General Hydroponics have been acquired by Monsanto while Roots Organics, Oregon based and family owned, told them to stuff it!

I'm continuing my research to find other products to avoid now and in the future, if anyone knows of anything else Monsanto has stuck it's grubby paws into post it here!

Oh, add Gavita to the list. Eventually we won't be able to buy anything that doesn't give Monsanto money to end our freedom.

i dont know how u guys grow but after spending time in the organicsnsection i can tell you guys a few things.1 thaynwill makemit illegal thing nowa our chance 2 make more money and keep ripping of the little guys but where i think theve fucked up big time is when its legal that means we can grow out side so thay can take thier double ended lights and go fuck each other in the ass. 2 and why thier fucking each other with there shitty double ened lights we will be fucking even more when where growing under the undisputed light source THE FUCKING SUN Well NOT BE USING THIERE SHITY however many hundred doller bottled nutrients well all be using methods like no till lo till and for some nerd till seriosly if u guys havent viseted the organic section seriosly u guys gotta check it out theres no other way to grow man no other way just think of it this is how we can win we by none of there products we stick to gether thay will blow all thiere money trying 2 beat us by this time there efferts will be futile thay will have no choice but to come to the dank side. but seriosly rael organics nothing bought but good homemade not the bottled stuff fuck monsanto fuck big farma FUCK EM ALL
Where they will get you with out door crops, just like they did with THE ENTIRE SOY BEAN INDUSTRY, is use their genetically modified seeds to hold rights to everything you own for using them.

If we don't learn from the past we will be doomed to repeat it.
Where they will get you with out door crops, just like they did with THE ENTIRE SOY BEAN INDUSTRY, is use their genetically modified seeds to hold rights to everything you own for using them.

If we don't learn from the past we will be doomed to repeat it.
all i know is if where untited seriosly tho if where united gunna try and google up sum numbers il bet my left nut we would outnumber them fuck it thay should all be the ones loked up hay maybe thats one of the ways we could do it one buy one little buy little we make sure the fuckers are the ones that are getting loked up for the crimes thay perpatrate against humanity and then what slowly well be the ones that have the polaticions in our poket idk man fuck theres gotta be a way where stoners if theres a way im posotive we can think of it what u thin man
I offer another perspective. The buyouts are inevitable. But the families that work for these companies continue to make a living at them.

You suggest putting regular hard working people on the street with a blanket boycott of a corporate parent company.

Ever buy any Japanese electronics or cars? Supporting the Triad of Japanese overseers then.

How bout Chinese stuff? Support child slavery? Horrible business practices and conditions?