Scotts and Mon$atan are separate on paper only but locked in as business partners with hundreds of millions of dollars linking them in shady deals.
Now that Mon$atan is being acquired by Bayer we will now have the Nazis in charge of finishing the job Hitler couldn't. (Turning on Russia is what stopped him).
Bayer is a corporate criminal that makes a youngster like MonSatan look good but Mon$atan is has been working hard to catch up. As weeds have become frankenweeds on a diet of Roundup and have made millions of acres of good farmland unusable they are coming out with new combinations of herbicides, Agent Orange included, to continue their chemical warfare against the frankenweeds they created in the first place.
Companies like that are killing all of us. Slowly tho so Big Pharma can cash in too inventing more toxic treatments to keep us alive enough to drain our bank accounts before letting us croak leaving nothing for our kids.
I still see so many growing their pot with GH products that were crap to begin with and now they keep buying it and supporting companies like these. I try my best to avoid corporate a$$holes so never knowingly buy from lots of them but you have to dig to find out who owns what. No soda pop, no commercial cereals, no junk or fast foods and never shopping at stores like WalMart. I'll go without before buying anything from China or other countries that use children to make their fortunes. Hear that Apple! Fuck you and others like you!
I always try to buy Canadian first and American second unless they are companies that have moved their manufacturing facilities out of their countries of origin to cheat us out of jobs and taxes. Doesn't leave a lot to buy but can usually find what I need at garage sales or thrift shops. Might be old and a bit beat up but were built to last and work just fine.